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gracetw22 t1_ixs5lho wrote

You can’t even report when you have it and test positive on a home test. Or I couldn’t when I had it


Jaded_Apple_8935 t1_ixsf74i wrote

This is the biggest reason. Numbers are artificially low because the data is only based on PCR testing done in a lab. Since alot of people use rapid home tests now, positives don't get counted. Is this a stupid public health policy? Yes. But our gov probably loves it this way since his fan base includes covid minimizers.


raindeerpie t1_ixsfjuj wrote

but that's the way it is in every state. this is not some conspiracy theory.


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_ixst6o0 wrote

Let's be honest, there's not one party of COVID minimizers anymore.