Submitted by t3_yvl16o in rva

I know it's a hell of a request but it's either this or...idk what I might do😔... I mentally no longer can take it as I know I will not be able to handle this weather, physically with nothing to keep warm. I don't even know how to do these so I'm sorry if I don't come off right but I am a 27 year old male whos going through a rough patch in life(Homeless due to lost job) while I have nobody to fall on at this time.(no parents, adopted as a child in my life by grandparents, whom both passed away) I know all is my fault due to mistakes and wrong choices but if I deserve to die, depressed, alone, miserably mentally and physically, in this cold, then just tell me, so I won't embarrass myself asking for help, like I feel like Im doing, everytime I do it. Never did a hard drug in my life so not homeless due to a drug addiction. Hygiene kept top tier. Not very keen to asking for help due to that I have very high social anxiety (to the point of social panic attacks) but it's just today,I lost everything so I know I won't be able to survive out there with nothing(no blankets, nothing). Could someone please be willing to open their door for me? Will just lay down, wont even say a word to you if that's how you like it. Or just some cushion and blankets?? Something?? It's embarrassing but Im begging anybody please...thank you😔🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿



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t1_iwf3lwk wrote

Where are you currently? I can get you some stuff for the night and we can talk about getting you out of this rut.


t1_iweyjri wrote

Here’s a helpful link. There’s a shelter just for this situation.

Cold weather shelter info, for anyone who needs it


OP t1_iwezhg2 wrote

Said it closed this morning and I can't find any updates if it's staying open but I'll try to call someone. Thank you for the info though 🙌🏿


t1_iwfrfka wrote

Also the fastest way to get homeless services in Richmond is through the Homeless Point of Entry. You can call them or show up there with your ID.

“Homeless Point of Entry is the starting point for anyone who is homeless and in need of shelter, case management, and related services. This free program helps clients achieve self-sufficiency and gain permanent housing. Staff works directly with area emergency shelters to fill available beds in greater Richmond.

When you come to Homeless Point of Entry, please bring:

  1. ID.
  2. Documentation regarding your homelessness.”

t1_iwg0e44 wrote



t1_iwg7bzt wrote

It just means anything you have about yourself that will help them provide services, like disabilities, etc. it’s meant to help and not to disqualify the individual. All homeless services run through the point of entry. Instead of the individual having to figure out where to get help it’s one central number or location they can contact to access everything.


t1_iwg44gb wrote

Yea wtf... who tf has documents that proves your homeless. That just sounds ridiculous


t1_iwgorey wrote

Some homeless people have food stamps and some immigrants have work authorization so just maybe the homeless people know what is what and you are wearing your privilege on your sleeve?


t1_iwgzky4 wrote

Or maybe I figured if you were homeless and in need of help you should get it? But go ahead and act like a pretentious jackass behind your monitor.Thanks for being so helpful with your pertinent information


t1_iwh2tia wrote

Tell me you have never been hands on with homeless people without telling me you have never been hands on with homeless people.


t1_iwfqwo6 wrote

It’s open any night the weather is below 40.

There is also an overnight shelter at 700 Dinwiddie that is open warm or cold. I think you have to line up around 2:30 pm or 3 pm. They even give you dinner and have showers.


t1_iwgb76b wrote

This guy has been making these requests for years on this subreddit


t1_iwgjy4i wrote

Have to agree. This isn't the first time. Never responds to comments offering material aid either


t1_iwh5jve wrote

Well this just sent me down a rabbit hole of like 6 pages of this guys history. My sense is that he's probably legit. Seems like he bounces around between a car, maybe a cheap hotel, other unknown. Occasionally does ask for help like a meal but doesn't look like anything outlandish. And also appears to spend free time watching sports and surfing Reddit so must have access to a TV and computer - probably public. Occasionally seems to fall for money scams. I honestly don't think this dude is a grifter but I still wouldn't trust someone I hadn't met with space in my home.


t1_iwgy70f wrote

The last one he was asking for money for some reason so he could file something like a $25,000 tax return. This dude is a grifter trying to scam RVA users and should be banned.


t1_iwf32b9 wrote

OP, you don’t deserve to die and I pray that this setback is temporary.

I don’t live in the area, but if nothing comes through go to the ER. I know this isn’t ideal, but it might get you through the night until you can find a better arrangement tomorrow

Edit: Access to ER shelter


t1_iwf62se wrote

What size jacket do you wear? Do you need one? I'd be happy to get you one. I've got lots of wool socks too, happy to give you some of those too


t1_iwfd8dj wrote

OP, I know it’s late. Hoping you found somewhere safe and warm for the night. Here’s a link to the Greater Richmond Street Sheet, which lists some good resources for shelter, care and meals.


t1_iwfgi9v wrote

Hey are you still out in the cold DM me if so


t1_iwghioi wrote

The VA gone wild post from 2 years ago makes this sketchy IMO


t1_iwgigbh wrote

People are allowed to want to fuck and still be poor. Things might have been different 2 years ago.


t1_iwgip9j wrote

So much this. If I’ve learned anything, we’re all pretty much 2 major fuckups/catastrophes away from homelessness or couch surfing.


t1_iwglhf5 wrote


Speak for yourself!

I'm only at 1/2 major fuckup/catastrophe away.


t1_iwgltwr wrote

Oy. Good luck. I think it took me one. I was lucky enough to be able to move back in with my parents after a catastrophe.


t1_iwgni3g wrote

Feel like I'm stuck in a rut.

Need to take a break/vacation and visit my best friend this season.


t1_iwgvas9 wrote

I believe in you. You’ve got this. I hope you’re able to see your best friend soon!!


t1_iwg9ig5 wrote

OP can you please share your clothing size? Shoe size? I am not able to offer a place to stay, but I can find some things to help make life a little easier while you get back on your feet.


t1_iwf4077 wrote

OP, tough times don’t last, remember the sun will always rise tomorrow. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I know some churches in RVA hand out blankets and warm clothing. May be worth googling


t1_iwf8lm6 wrote

You don’t deserve to die! Your situation is not a reflection of you as a person. While I am not in a position to help you, I hope the resources shared on this post make a difference for your situation! Sending you prayers and good intentions.