
jennbo t1_jaem1ae wrote

I'm on the Henrico side of Lakeside near Chamberlayne and I'm paying $1550 a month for a 4br2.5bath home with a huge backyard. Our landlord is through Mission Realty Property Management.

Rent is going up everywhere, but I think it can be priced more fairly if people organize and rise up. I will not be moving from my location until we finally have enough to buy.


jennbo t1_ja5dnu8 wrote

Yeah, I agree. Y’all haven’t lived in small small towns where kids have nothing to do so they end up in even worse situations than “going to the movies.”

I also don’t like the wholesale removal of certain age groups from general population areas. There’s something a bit dehumanizing about it that rubs me the wrong way. I definitely think that people are entitled to adult-only spaces in certain circumstances, but in general I think a big part of being a human is being in communal experiences and dealing with behavior some of us might find frustrating and figuring out how to most effectively deal with it. I have asked, politely, for kids and teens to stop xyz.

But yeah, 15-16 year olds seeing movies at 8:00 is harmless. There’s still Regal, but Bowtie is the theater most easily accessible by public transportation so it’s gonna be the most difficult for kids and families who live around there. Who aren’t always the wealthiest.


jennbo t1_j5wmbfy wrote

Obviously we're not. This is a horrific capitalist country that doesn't care about anyone. But all people deserve fundamental human rights, period, and if you don't believe that, you're headed toward eugenics. And again, people aren't born criminals or prisoners. By the way, prisoners are citizens too. Also, "people who break laws" is nearly everyone. If you've ever sped, smoked weed, jaywalked. If you're a mother stealing diapers and formula from a gas station. If you're addicted to drugs and have no way to seek treatment and can't control your behavior. I guess we're all disposable people to you, then?

The same argument is often used for immigrants, asylum seekers, people of various races, people of various classes... in the place of the word "criminals" here. At the end of the day, we're only going to spend money on wars, weapons, for our politicians to receive the sort of funding/healthcare/salaries that everyone should have, and of course, ensuring that the wealthiest people live in comfort while the poverty gap increases and our planet starts to melt and burn.

I'm just saying, philosophically, you're wrong.

You're right, nothing's going to change. Just remember that at the next mass shooting, the next dead preteen girl, the next homeless dead body on Richmond streets, the next unarmed Black person shot dead by a cop.

But hey, I'm sure throwing more and more people into jail will work. We've been trying the same thing since the beginning of the country. "Tough on crime!" but crime never goes anywhere. Racial imbalances in who gets arrested and charged. Overcrowded for-profit prisons. The only developed country that steal has the death penalty. Is America safe yet?


jennbo t1_j5udvra wrote

Be institutionalized by who? School, state? That stuff costs money, and often isn’t covered by insurance. Dead parents and abusive guardians living in poverty can’t/aren’t going to put you into a system and probably couldn’t pay for it even if they did.

You vastly underestimate how much poverty and violence goes into making a criminal (there are wide wide studies on this) and vastly overestimate how many resources are available in this country for abused and impoverished people.

The American prison system is one of the worst in the world. High recidivism rates. Extremely high incarceration rates. The most in the western world. Evil people and troubled people and people with money problems exist everywhere, but countries that have real reform programs in prisons and those that offer social services to people in poverty have fewer people in jail and much lower recidivism rates.

I suggest you study criminology and compare imprisoned people in the USA versus those in like, Japan or most European countries. It doesn’t have to be like this. The American criminal justice system fails victims and perpetrators and has not led to decreased rates of crime.

Crime does not exist in a vacuum. Relatively few people born into financially and emotionally healthy homes become criminals, and those that are have elements of psychopathy or sociopathy which are conditions that are still relatively hard to treat. American prisons may have more sociopaths and psychopaths behind bars, which is common in most countries, but the majority of people in American prisons aren’t sociopaths or psychopaths.

When it comes to crime, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And our tax dollars pay for exactly zero ounces of prevention.


jennbo t1_j5sowmq wrote

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but they don’t actually do any “appropriate mental healthcare” in most prisons. I worked in drug treatment court and it was bare bones treatment for addiction, and the program was only even offered for nonviolent people. They might give you meds if you have outward symptoms, but nobody is unpacking trauma or going through intensive psychological programs in the American criminal justice system. Maybe a volunteer therapy group comes once a week if you’re lucky, Not everyone is violent, but at age 13 your brain is nowhere near developed and if you’ve experienced trauma, your emotional quotient age is likely even younger than your actual age. Normal 13 year olds don’t shoot people at random. When one does, we can prevent more of this shit if we ask ourselves why it happened and what might prevent it from happening again instead of treating it as a one-off event that just happened at random. This kid is likely already lost to himself or the American prison complex or both.

This isn’t about an individual case, it’s about a complete systemic failure.

I feel awful for the parents that nothing can be done.


jennbo t1_j5slpqw wrote

His parents were dead. His father was murdered, his mom died of an asthma attack in front of him. He was in the custody of a relative where he experienced forms of abuse, likely including sexual, and had free access to guns. They charged the person with the gun but the case was thrown out thanks to our country’s interpretation of the second amendment. It’s all in the article. My husband worked at one of those specialty schools and got his wrist broken. Those are critically underfunded too, and can’t hold all the students who need to be there. The teachers don’t have to be certified.

Retribution is never going to fix what’s wrong with people like this. We have no free healthcare (and many countries with free healthcare don’t include mental health anyway.) Reducing violence involves rehabilitation and reform this country doesn’t offer.


jennbo t1_iued2t9 wrote

Oh, I see! You only value caring about marginalized people when it comes to “owning the libs” as an abstract concept to argue with people on Reddit, but don’t support any actual policies or beliefs that would legitimately help them in the ways OP and his huge cock have described here. A conservative having sincere concern for his fellow man? Lo, I have been so naive. What a shock!


jennbo t1_iudbs7v wrote

Why honor Confederate history over that of say, Mary Bowser and Elizabeth Van Lew? I bet dollars to donuts you have no idea who those people are. Richmonders! Wonder why you care so much about people who believed in the ethics of chattel slavery but most people don’t even know those names? gee, it’s almost like people publicly supporting racism and a wrong view of “history” have an agenda when they chose who gets statues in the middle of city vs. who gets relegated to one sentence (if that) in history books, the ones you’re trying so hard to change to avoid learning actual American history. Like how about the people who lived here thousands of years before we colonized, stole their land? Where are their statues? Where’s their presence at all? Oh that’s right — annihilated.

Sorry the celebration of slavery is something you’ll have to do in private now instead of watching the city do it.

They don’t have Nazi statues in Germany.


jennbo t1_iudaydm wrote

So since you’re so concerned about education, I assume you’re in full support of student loan forgiveness and would advocate taxing the rich to be able to send historically underserved people to college? Btw, community college is already free in Virginia if you make under a certain amount. Unless Youngkin does away with the program.


jennbo t1_iudall7 wrote

I think so. We have glorified and deified people to the extent that we are unable to learn actual history about them. No historical figure should be off-limits to criticism, and I find it strange that so people are offended by criticism of people who aren’t alive, who they never met. So offended by reality and education.

Regardless, there’s a difference between people who owned slaves (kind of, anyway) and people who were willing to die themselves and leave the country over their right to continue a practice that was being made illegal worldwide, that was being heavily debated. By time the Civil War rolled around, abolitionism was a mainstream ethical movement and frankly, only really unethical people (or really rich people) were still promoting it and rounding up support for their cause by saying “the north wants to take away your rights.”


jennbo t1_iud9yx4 wrote

I think it’s problematic that so many people frame this as something only for the Black community rather than just simply being about the fact that we don’t need to honor people who fought to leave the USA over the right to own other human beings. The confederacy were not the good guys. Too many Americans— white Americans, even — glorify them because we’ve tried to honor “both sides.” Nobody in Europe felt a need to honor Nazis after WWII, or make history seem fairer to the concept of antisemitism. America never should have felt the need to memorialize these people in the first place, and they only did so at the beginning of the 20th century as a way to encourage segregation.

Stop making this a black vs. white thing. All people have been done a great disservice by acting we should memorialize any aspect of the Confederacy, and act like there’s some sort of “alternate history” here. People are now being spooked just learning about the realities of American chattel slavery and colonization among Native Americans and call learning that accurate history “critical race theory” even though it’s… not.


jennbo t1_isxlg0b wrote

Man I know folks (usually without MDs) like to do armchair diagnoses online but saying that someone has schizophrenia because they say bigoted shit is a big stretch imo. There are plenty of people who have mental illnesses who aren’t assholes. A “break” for 6+ years if you read the google reviews. And supposedly he IS the main manager there.