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t1_j124bo7 wrote

This wasn't organized by the state, it was run by the democratic party.


t1_j124xsi wrote



t1_j1275a9 wrote

The governor gave them 2 weeks notice and set a deadline for Christmas, it's not the party's fault, they're doing the best they can for a district that starts in Richmond and goes to the NC border.

It was less than ideal but that was the point, be angry at the governor.


t1_j12d1gu wrote

Nothing about the governor's decision necessitated the BS pledge of party allegiance.


t1_j12o3vi wrote

Why does it matter and who cares? I don't even think they did require you to support the eventual candidate. They certainly didn't require you to swear party allegiance (no such thing in VA)


t1_j1574ez wrote

Out of all the things to be upset about with this primary that is surely the weirdest.


t1_j1592el wrote

Perhaps from your perspective, and I can respect that. However, as a fairly far left independent who is sick and tired of the Democratic establishment's incompetence, the last thing I want is to make some sort of loyalty pledge. I'm also not ok with even a tiny erosion of our state's open primary system, which I personally find important. I believe in free, independent and private voting, and am not interested in "party loyalty" (even if I've never not voted D). Call me a dreamer, but these sorts of things are important to me.


t1_j12buri wrote

It's amazing how much money doesn't materialize when flipping the legislature isn't at stake.


t1_j13k170 wrote

Yeah it’s a shame Donald McEachin didn’t give them more warning as to when he was going to die so they could put together a mail in election.


t1_j13rjh6 wrote

People dying in office is not a new thing. Having contingency plans in place is part of responsible governance.