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t1_j118iup wrote

How dare you, I used the ol’ Alford plea in which I maintain my innocence but simultaneously admitted that the prosecution's evidence would have resulted in a guilty verdict if brought to trial.

So I’m basically innocent


t1_j11qahd wrote

Agree with her message, but as somebody who volunteered at the Dogtown polling place today, I'll admit that listening to her yelling all afternoon got a little old.

Still, I also admit that democracy is not supposed to be easy.

Carry on, annoying Morrissey hater!


t1_j11u3fk wrote

I also support her message, but she forgot the apostrophe in "don't" so her message is not only loud, but grammatically incorrect.

/s for those who need it


t1_j12b5nq wrote

I’d hate to point out some minutiae in your comment, but /s does not mean /pedantry.




t1_j12bheg wrote

No, it means sarcasm, which is a form of comedy.


t1_j12brxk wrote

Right, but just because your comment may have been funny, it does not automatically become sarcasm.




t1_j12ch30 wrote

This is the first I've seen /p, and that's not sarcastic.

My original comment was meant to be sarcastic, which is why I put the /s

nice ninja edit


t1_j13pzx5 wrote

/p isn’t actually a thing. I was just being pedantic about your incorrect use of the word “sarcasm”


t1_j120bk1 wrote

That place was insane. I went to vote, saw that line (and that lady) and noped out. Shame on this state for organizing such a shit primary.


t1_j121604 wrote

It wasn’t the state that conducted this caucus, the local party did. They are working with a limited timetable and limited budget.


t1_j122zp1 wrote

It’s not like a concert or something grow A back bone and get in there and vote! Oh no not you, the slightest annoyance and you “nope” out of your responsibility. I could happily go my entire life with out meeting anyone with a will not do attitude like yours.


t1_j125btd wrote

Some people already had plans on an unexpected primary Tuesday. Couldn't risk my night, good for you Rob, enjoy your upvotes. How about the party organizes more voting places instead of putting it on voters?


t1_j129kdz wrote

The party organized this in days due to the governors timeline


t1_j13jk4r wrote

Wow couldn’t that congressmen give more warning of when he was going to die so as to not inconvenience anyone?


t1_j15a32i wrote

Dude you admitted you were right there and turned around


t1_j17gsz0 wrote

Yeah, wasn't going to wait in a line without knowing how long it would take. I had a 30 minute window to vote and couldn't risk being late to another obligation. Wtf would you do?


t1_j125j8o wrote

Boohoo. They suck.


t1_j126yxl wrote

The governor intentionally gave little notice for this election to force a rushed primary before the holiday.

You are fine deciding not to vote but your comments are misplaced.


t1_j127cyx wrote

I've heard that theory. What could possibly be the motive? Republicans were under a similar constraint.


t1_j127msv wrote

It's a district heavily favored for Democrats, the Republicans ran 1 polling place for the same district because they knew it did not matter.

This was the governor wanting the Democrats to look disorganized which, evidenced by the complaints here, did happen. (IMO they did pretty darn well considering)


t1_j13t1bu wrote

Shame on you for not voting because you saw a line and a sign.


t1_j141bsl wrote

Especially since the line was exactly 6 mins from the end to voting. I did it twice because my husband showed up right as I hit the door so I left the line and went back through.


t1_j11cphg wrote

Big love to her, I hope the fire in her heart keeps her warm, cuz it's cold out there!


t1_j127zjg wrote

He used the kids at an RVA public school to get press photos of him reading to children for his campaign a few years ago. I was shocked and incensed that a child molester would be let into the building in the first place.

Alford plea deal or not, he was a man in his fifties who shared personal photos of his teenage office assistant and bragged to his (presumably) adult friend that he did her on the conference room table and the floor. I don’t get out much, but that’s just so creepy to know that a 50 yo would behave like that.

And there’s the courtroom fighting and about a trillion other gross things … ugh. That guy’s behavior


t1_j13ovy4 wrote

Wait, who are you referring to? This is the first I've heard of this.


t1_j11p3um wrote

When i went to vote today, I saw him and didn't know it was him. He was wearing a "Vote for Joe" shirt and I almost told him to my face i don't support kid diddlers. If it wasn't for my wife telling me that was him I would have but I think he saw the disgusted look on my face and went to the lady next to me to get her support.


t1_j12tzus wrote

His supporters at Tabernacle in Petersburg were crowing how he's loyally served the Tri-cities for 17 years (all while surrounded by blighted, derelict buildings)…without missing a beat, my husband shouts back that's the age he likes his women.

McClellan's peeps definitely looked pleased. Dude ain't serving anyone down here. Get rekt


t1_j11u3ii wrote

I don’t live in that district but I would have 100% said it


t1_j11ubeo wrote

I'm just mad that I had to vote twice within a month in my district. And that the Republicans get to join in it again even though they lost. I don't get it


t1_j11vd7b wrote

If someone dies in office, it should be the voice of the people that decides who replaces them. That's democracy.

I think Republicans should have a chance just like Democrats should have a chance if a Republican dies in office. I don't like Republicans, but that's only fair. Everyone gets their shot in a democracy.

As for the accelerated schedule, it gives us a representative in Congress again as quickly as possible. I much prefer that to this being dragged out and being unrepresented in the House.


t1_j11wuzu wrote

I get that but in a race of dems v Republicans, democrats won and within a month of his death. If the politician was republican and it happened to them I would want the same thing. Which is a special election for that party only


t1_j11xqr8 wrote

You're looking at it through the distorted lens of our highly divided two-party system.

On Election Day, the constituents of VA-04 didn't vote for the Democratic Party. They voted for Donald McEachin.

Installing a Democrat by default because McEachin passed would disenfranchise anyone who voted for McEachin that would now vote for a Republican or independent candidate.


t1_j11xyyh wrote

I would argue true but they had primaries to pick each individual to be the representative for the election of this district. To me, it just put all people in the district without a rep until Feb when the next election is held


t1_j11y6vu wrote

I don't know what else to tell you but that your view is over-simplified and that your solution is unethical.


t1_j11ycwd wrote

It's not really a solution, it's just an opinion. I'm not in power, I have no pull, all I have are my opinions that can't do anything anyways.


t1_j11yq0n wrote

Ideas are powerful and spreading the wrong ones can spell trouble down the line.

If there's anything a Donald Trump presidency should have taught us, it's this.


t1_j11yxsr wrote

Dude I'm just a normal guy. I was just stating my opinion and you've taken it to this. I'm probably wrong but I was trying to have a discussion and not have my opinions called "simple".


t1_j12yoe6 wrote

The fact that your more upset about your views being pointed out as simple minded then being pointed out as unethical shows where your priorities lie. But that’s cool, keep playing hardline partisan politics. It’s only fucked us all over the past 40+ years, who cares fuck [insert other political party]


t1_j13gq6a wrote

I'm trying to be civil and have a conversation is all. When you start just straight up dismissing ideas, it shows the lack of character in the individual talking. I don't even consider myself apart of any political party, if anything I'm independent because both parties have directly done things to impact my friends and family negatively and truth be told we need more than a two party system.


t1_j13l2rx wrote

> When you start just straight up dismissing ideas, it shows the lack of character in the individual talking.


But then perhaps the ideas that are being dismissed are simple minded and unethical?


t1_j13lbji wrote

Not necessarily. The venn diagrams may overlap but they don't completely envelop each other


t1_j13lmwl wrote

> The venn diagrams may overlap but they don't completely envelop each other (Emphasis mine)

Once you get to a majority overlap like we have here....


t1_j13lpvk wrote



t1_j13mhki wrote

I don't know about it being just my opinion bro.

From the evidence through the thread it seems from the down votes you gathered that it LOOKS a lot like it is the opinion of multiple (Like almost everyone that commented) people in this thread.


t1_j13n28h wrote

And if you read, I was saying what I thought then within two comments got my ideas called simple and accused of playing into partisan politics when I was trying to just exchange ideas.

Which goes to show me that discussions have gone from exchange of ideas to attacking the character of the argument and individual. If we just want to pat each other on the back and call each other right so we feel good about ourselves fine but dang, I've gotten more out of conversations where I exchange ideas and sources from Facebook conversions which is sad that reddit is going this way.


t1_j13q8up wrote

You stated:

> .... that the Republicans get to join in it again even though they lost. I don't get it (Emphasis mine).

To which a commenter explained:

> If someone dies in office, it should be the voice of the people that decides who replaces them. That's democracy.

> I think Republicans should have a chance just like Democrats should have a chance if a Republican dies in office. I don't like Republicans, but that's only fair. Everyone gets their shot in a democracy. ....

Right there in the very first reply to your complaint that you "don't get it" is the explanation. If a publicly elected official dies before they take office then a new election is held. Because it is a different election than the previous one every voter gets to express their opinion. It is not a difficult concept but you seem to have trouble accepting it.

Democrats did not win the election. Donald McEachin, a Democrat, won the election and died before he could take office. It is entirely plausible that some Republicans voted for him in the first election. It is also entirely plausible that any who did might decide in the run off that neither Democratic candidate is a suitable replacement for McEachin and want to vote for someone else in the new election.

You can't disenfranchise people like that, it is unfair. The rest of the thread goes downhill from there....


t1_j13qkkl wrote

See other than your last paragraph, your whole reply was the conversation I was looking for. Then we would go back and forth and exchange ideas and I would realize I was wrong or I would realize maybe a few ideas of mine are misguided are something.

But no, that didn't happen. That's how new ideas are formed. You take different people with different view points and experiences and put them together to come up with solutions to satisfy everyone or that area ethically correct... or both.


t1_j13r96u wrote

> See other than your last paragraph, your whole reply was the conversation I was looking for.

If this was the case then why did you not say so when the first commenter to your complaint noted it? You proceeded to go into lala land. And received appropriate replies.

As to my last paragraph, I do not understand your complaint. Would you care to elaborate? Do you disagree that it is unfair to disenfranchise people? Do you disagree that the thread went down hill for you after this comment of yours and the reply to it that you totally ignored?


t1_j13smkw wrote

I didn't think I'd have to explain myself. I thought we were having a friendly conversation.

I agree, we should not have to disenfranchise folks but just not how it was said. You made it seem like that was my intention but it was not. My point I was trying to Make was that both parties held primaries allow voters to pick their people. They voted then they put one person from each of the 2 big parties and the independents on the ballot for people to vote for. The Democrat got over 60% of the vote, won then passed away. I was trying to say ok well since a majority voted for the Democrat candidate, shouldn't we just hold a Democrat election? We don't even do that when the president passes, it goes to the VP but if the VP passes too, it goes to the speaker of the house who the vast majority of Americans did not even vote for (since it's a Rep from a state chosen by other Reps). So why don't we do that when a representative passes? Why don't we have a deputy representative or something to take over in case the worst happens?

On the earlier earlier point about people voting for the people and not the party that's not entirely true. 2020 showed us that people didn't JUST vote for Biden because he was Biden. I saw a lot of reasons from "he's not Trump" to "he's not republican ".

Also, the current people running for the Democrat seats are all very similar with all similar views (other than the topic of the main post) that it just felt like I was voting for the same person but with different names.


t1_j13u7mo wrote

> I was trying to say ok well since a majority voted for the Democrat candidate, shouldn't we just hold a Democrat election?

I understood what you were saying. What you don't seem to get here is that another commenter pointed out the same thing and you refused to accept that, continuing to dig your hole deeper.

> So why don't we do that when a representative passes? Why don't we have a deputy representative or something to take over in case the worst happens?

Why would we elect alternative representatives to takee over in the event of the death of an elected representative before they take office when it is VASTLY simpler and cheaper to hold a new election in those very rare circumstances?

> the current people running for the Democrat seats are all very similar with all similar views (other than the topic of the main post) that it just felt like I was voting for the same person but with different names.

I don't think that you have visited either candidates web sites or looked at their positions because if you had then you would not say this.


t1_j13xzfs wrote

I was trying to explore it more and talk about it more. I was getting ready to concede because it was looking like I was going to be 100% wrong

You wouldn't be calling it easier if you saw the lines to park and get to the voting stations, vote and get out of there. It took me more than an hour to get that all done and that's not even taking into account my commute there and I went outside peak hours. Plus i was lucky and had a car, could you imagine those who had to take the bus, or request off work, or those who couldn't get off work and had to go during peak times and wait in those lines, or those with kids?

I read up on every candidate before I go vote. Most read very very similarly.


t1_j140wdt wrote

> You wouldn't be calling it easier if you saw the lines to park and get to the voting stations, vote and get out of there.

Yes I would.

A normal election involves closing schools and government offices to serve as polling places. While it may make it easier for an individual to vote if all those spots are open, it makes it vastly harder on the general public. With schools closed parents now have to cover child care or miss work to watch the kids that can't go to school during the election.

> I read up on every candidate before I go vote. Most read very very similarly.

And yet you seemed to have missed the differences between McClellan and Morrissey on the topic of abortion for instance.....


t1_j143ocn wrote

Which is why I think a deputy representative or vice representative would alleviate those issues. Or online voting but sadly that won't happen in my time on earth

I did say everyone but the person this main post was about. So I'm not counting Morrissey. He's the reason I went to vote, I wanted anyone but him to be the nominee.


t1_j157558 wrote

> Which is why I think a deputy representative or vice representative would alleviate those issues.

It has that potential, but it is intensely more complex, thus more expensive and confusing. It also does not address the issue of if both the elected representative are incapacitated simultaneously, leaving us in the same position we are in currently.

As far as online voting.. nah, folks freak out too much over mail in ballots, online would cause them to clutch their pearls so hard they would choke themselves.


t1_j157hx2 wrote

Maybe a succession thing like the president has. At least until an election can be planned at a minimum. I mean does district 4 even have a representative come January?

Yeah i know they'll freak out but a guy can dream. We were able to do the 2020 census over the internet so I hope one day we can do this the same. It's crazy this is still a pen and paper operation.


t1_j15akhn wrote

> Maybe a succession thing like the president has.

How would you decide who is to succeed when necessary? The only process that makes sense to make that decision is the same one we previously discussed... elect multiple people in priority order.

> I mean does district 4 even have a representative come January?

It does not have representation beyond the two statewide senators until McEachin is replaced.


t1_j15b0jy wrote

Maybe have their lead aid run the ship until elections Happen or people in charge of various departments in the state like we do with the presidency. I dunno, I'm not a policy maker

Yeah no representation for a month-ish kinda sucks. I wonder if we should be taxed for that time period on a state level because of the whole taxation without representation (that last sentence was a joke and should not be taken seriously).


t1_j15eflo wrote

This still ignores the fundamental fact that the people elected a particular person. The didn't elect an aid. They didn't elect the representative's wife or child or parent.

A line of succession scheme can work well when there is a hierarchy to hang it on, as with the US Presidency, or with state governorships. A representative to Congress or to a state legislature is a single power point, not a hierarchy.

The most effective, fair way to replace a lost one is with a special election rapidly conducted.

I slightly misstated things earlier in this thread when I said the fourth district is unrepresented until the seat is filled. It is more accurate to note that if an important enough issue were to arise then it very probably would be picked up by other members of the Virginia delegation.


t1_j15jcxx wrote

Eh you're probably right there. Still, I do think we need an interim rep until the election. Someone to bring our local concerns to the federal level.

I just hope what you say is true that an important enough issue will be picked up. Heck a nice rule would be any other Virginia rep can help you out until you have a rep again. I think most do out of kindness but still something on paper would be nice


t1_j12yg4x wrote

Representative Democracy is supposed to be about the individual, not the party. Congrats on being part of the problem. That mentality is what put him in office to begin with.


t1_j140tja wrote

Exactly. The parties are there for the candidates to organize themselves for the voters, not for the voters to organize themselves for the candidates.


t1_j11l0lw wrote

….and remember, he was pardoned by the previous governor - which is worse than his response to his old yea…. never mind


t1_j11duc6 wrote

I drive by that chimo’s weird office/shack thingie on German School Rd every day and I always flip it off.


t1_j11vusx wrote

She must've been there all day bless her... It was 6PM and dark by the time I encountered her!


t1_j11y6fl wrote

Ii just found out about this guy after going through the tuesdaily. Shame of a nation


t1_j126s46 wrote

I saw her when we went to vote around 6:30, she must have been out there for hours—good for her, I’m regretting not grabbing her a hot coco or something, it was freezing tonight!


t1_j14zt5o wrote

She is a very good friend of mine she really is an amazing person


t1_j15a3ei wrote

What a boss. The only place convicted child molesters should be is in jail for life getting it up the butt all the time. I have no remorse for pedos.


t1_j123ukg wrote

I'm registered for absentee ballots, with the new "every election" option checked, and I don't know whether to be more angry that I didn't know this election was happening until this morning, or that I wasn't mailed a ballot.


t1_j124bo7 wrote

This wasn't organized by the state, it was run by the democratic party.


t1_j124xsi wrote



t1_j1275a9 wrote

The governor gave them 2 weeks notice and set a deadline for Christmas, it's not the party's fault, they're doing the best they can for a district that starts in Richmond and goes to the NC border.

It was less than ideal but that was the point, be angry at the governor.


t1_j12d1gu wrote

Nothing about the governor's decision necessitated the BS pledge of party allegiance.


t1_j12o3vi wrote

Why does it matter and who cares? I don't even think they did require you to support the eventual candidate. They certainly didn't require you to swear party allegiance (no such thing in VA)


t1_j1574ez wrote

Out of all the things to be upset about with this primary that is surely the weirdest.


t1_j1592el wrote

Perhaps from your perspective, and I can respect that. However, as a fairly far left independent who is sick and tired of the Democratic establishment's incompetence, the last thing I want is to make some sort of loyalty pledge. I'm also not ok with even a tiny erosion of our state's open primary system, which I personally find important. I believe in free, independent and private voting, and am not interested in "party loyalty" (even if I've never not voted D). Call me a dreamer, but these sorts of things are important to me.


t1_j12buri wrote

It's amazing how much money doesn't materialize when flipping the legislature isn't at stake.


t1_j13k170 wrote

Yeah it’s a shame Donald McEachin didn’t give them more warning as to when he was going to die so they could put together a mail in election.


t1_j13rjh6 wrote

People dying in office is not a new thing. Having contingency plans in place is part of responsible governance.


t1_j11wbvl wrote

While I think Joe is a POS... You can't really deny that he wants to be a politician for his community.


I didn't vote for him, but if he wins... I don't think I'm in bad hands.
