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kfrenchie89 t1_j0c0ey9 wrote

New York Deli is still there but not what you remember. It was an actual NY style Jewish delicatessen then and very 70’s looking. It was bought, badly renovated/painted but in the same space. I think it was recently re renovated and hopefully better. You can see remnants and I’m told the roof patio is great.

It’s one of the oldest restaurants in town with the same name and the same space. There aren’t a ton left. Robin Inn and helen’s both are old too.

Joe’s inn has been around for that time! Looks the exact same. As was Millie’s but it’s only open for brunch now.

Much of Carytown looks/feels similar similarly. Cary court has been Cary court the whole time. It’s the oldest court in the country I believe.

Maymont and Byrd park (paddle boats) should feel familiar to you.

Many beautiful old schools remain the same. Notable mention to fox elementary.

Cappola’s is also the same! That’s the sand which shop. Same block as NY Deli.

Much of the river entrances have remained pretty much the the same. Pumphouse is often nostalgic for many esp being next to nickel bridge.

Walking through Oregon Hill still looks like Oregon Hill but with lost students. They’ve done a great job of keeping VCU encroachment out but we will see how long it lasts.

6th street should have never been built but uiy can go by and see the sign all covered in graffiti which is interesting. It’s just wasted space.


Johoku OP t1_j0c10rq wrote

Thank you, this was a wonderful review and it’s exactly the info I couldn’t really discern by googling.


Sailinger t1_j0c17lz wrote

Fox elementary burned down this spring. They’re currently rebuilding it, apparently trying to save the existing brick exterior.