Submitted by pumicepickle t3_zzi9a2 in rva

So after work, I got on the bus at the same stop I got off at, because it's directly in front of my job. It's towards the end of the route before it loops back to go east, but there's like ~5 stops before it starts going east.

I've done this a number of times without any issue whatsoever.

However, today, the bus driver said to me "I can't ride from this stop" (and I instead have to go to one where I have to cross a busy street that doesn't have a crosswalk) "but I'll let you get on this time"

...what does it matter if get on at the stop I did? I'm not taking a spot from someone ANYTIME I've done that, and I only end up on the bus an additional 10-15 minutes. Often times out of the cold or rain. Can she refuse to let me on the bus even though I'm not doing anything wrong? Or am I?

I've never consistently used the bus until I moved here so is there some unspoken code where you can't get on at a stop you got off at? Or was it because I got on a stop going westbound when I "should have" gotten on one of the eastbound stops? It's so close to the end of the route I can't even comprehend that mattering



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bmore_in_rva t1_j2bw6mh wrote

Some bus systems have bullshit anti-homeless policies against people riding to the end of the line and then staying on when the bus returns in the other direction. I wasn't aware that GRTC had that policy, but maybe they do? Either way, it's annoying and the driver should just let you get on the bus rather than endangering your life crossing a road without a crosswalk.

Also, it's awful that there's no crosswalk near your stop :(.


pumicepickle OP t1_j2bwonz wrote

Ahhh that might explain it. And it's a difficult spot with random sections of no sidewalks, which might be why there's no crosswalk, it is what it is sadly 🤷‍♀️


jacksonwarg t1_j2bstgm wrote

Is it possible that the driver knows that you are staying on from the end of one route to the beginning of another (when it loops around) and that they don't necessarily always loop around? Like say their shift ends or they have a break and another bus take over the route. I don't ride that much but it doesn't seem totally unreasonable that they would consider each direction a separate route, and have a reason or policy against letting people just stay on.


pumicepickle OP t1_j2bt65l wrote

This bus always loops around, which is why it was so weird to me! They only relieve the bus driver/change out busses at the start of the route near willow lawn.


FalloutRip t1_j2c41nz wrote

>Like say their shift ends or they have a break and another bus take over the route.

I've been on the bus at the end of a driver's shift and she just stopped at a bus stop, got off and the new driver got on. Probably not end of shift, otherwise they'd probably put the "not in service" message on.


Davidm241 t1_j2bsshc wrote

I have never ridden a bus, but I was under the impression that if you paid, you ride. It’s your responsibility to make sure you are on the right bus.


pumicepickle OP t1_j2bswjp wrote is the correct bus, otherwise I would not be home. And it's free.

Edit: I see what you're saying now, I thought you meant it was my fault I got on the wrong bus or something.


Davidm241 t1_j2bt5yk wrote

I was agreeing with you. Paid or not, I don’t think the driver dictates whether you can ride or not.


Davidm241 t1_j2fvz32 wrote

No worries! I didn’t articulate my thoughts very well. Happy New Year!


-B001- t1_j2dqkys wrote

Riding GRTC has been free for a while, so the OP wouldn't have paid.

I think the other responses are right about this being the end of the route. But unless the bus is going out of service or perhaps the driver's meal break is coming up at the end of the route, I don't know of a reason the driver would have said anything.


Davidm241 t1_j2dus37 wrote

I didn’t know it was free. I think that is awesome! Thanks for educating me.


-B001- t1_j2dv0w9 wrote

No problem. Since the bus runs right in front of my house and is free, you'd think I would use it -- but it's been a long time since I was on GRTC!


WattDoIKnow t1_j2fmvxz wrote

Good to know. I haven’t ridden the bus since before COVID. I was thinking about riding again and didn’t know if it was still free or not.


-B001- t1_j2fr8oq wrote

I think I read something about GRTC getting an additional grant or something to be able to continue it for free.


christmaszeev t1_j2c05hm wrote

Is this the 19 by any chance?


pumicepickle OP t1_j2c0f09 wrote

It's 78


christmaszeev t1_j2c0vkg wrote

Ah, ok. I can’t find it now, but I remember a policy a while back where you can’t ride GRTC routes past the “end.” The made an exception for the 19 because W Broad in short pump is so dangerous to cross, but that was the only one at the time. Things might’ve changed by now though


pumicepickle OP t1_j2c15tp wrote

Okay that makes sense. No other drivers had said anything to me about it, including her (and tbh the specific driver I'm talking about is perpetually angry and highstrung) so I wasn't sure if she was having a bad day or what.


Colt1911-45 t1_j2chv4o wrote

Since you are a regular on the bus maybe try getting the driver a cup of coffee or a soda maybe a snack. People are more likely to let you break silly rules if you are a person to them and not just another random stranger.


TripawdCorgi t1_j2c3p3n wrote

I was going to guess this because that route sometimes switches to route 87 downtown because I'll take the 87 and stay on when it switches to the 78 without getting off the bus.