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Spoonmanners2 t1_j8pot1h wrote

They haven’t found anything. It’s just an untested theory among many that could be true. It doesn’t explain the hereditary nature of early onset and would suggest diet it’s just diet — but then overweight people should get Alzheimer’s and thin people shouldn’t.


SackFlapJack t1_j8rgn72 wrote

i didnt take that article as meaning you have to be overweight to be at risk.


Fappinonabiscuit t1_j8qmwyx wrote

Is there any studies on bipolar disorder and Alzheimer’s? The way they describe how this mechanism works, it really sounds like what I do when I’m not on keto. I have always felt I have more impulse control when in ketosis.

If this study has some merit I wonder if there’s some correlation between bipolar and Alzheimer’s which could explain the hereditary nature as bipolar is universally accepted as genetic. Also crazy to think all of these could be metabolic disorders.


onyerbikedude t1_j8w9log wrote

There could be a correlation between bipolar and alzheimers although my gut feel is that am sceptical of this. I have bipolar, had it for 26 years (developed it at 25 yrs old). I have always had a somewhat poor short term memory but I considered this was because I am usually thinking about several 'higher' topics rather than concentrating on the minutae of day to day functions. There has been demonstrated an association between abdentmindedness and high intelligence. And bipolar people are often highly intelligent. ..


AnonyJustAName t1_j939njo wrote

Check out the work of Dr. Chris Palmer. He has been doing a lot of interviews re: his new book Brain Energy.

Both bipolar and Alzheimer's have been linked to insulin resistance, along with diabetes, NAFLD, PCOS or ED in men, mood disorders, heart disease, some cancers and Alzheimer's. Dr. Ben Bikman's book Why We Get Sick is excellent at laying out the common underpinnings.


Fappinonabiscuit t1_j93nlwv wrote

I’ve not heard of him thanks for the suggestion I’ll pick that up tonight!