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RamboGoesMeow t1_jae67zi wrote

Yes, I went through medical detox, and am on a 6 week course through my health insurance provider. I have about 2 hours of video meetings Mon-Fri, and attend 3 outside meetings a week. So far so good, I’m 14 days sober today, and I’m doing my best to stay sober.


MrKahnberg t1_jaem1ym wrote

The physiological benefits take a while to be noticeable. I'd say around 6 months sober I definitely felt more comfortable with my depression and started to lose weight.
You can dm me if you want to talk.
Probably the most important thing is to be connected to other people.


GnomaPhobic t1_jaeb980 wrote

Just do today what you did yesterday, and you'll stay sober today. And if you can stay sober today, you can do it again tomorrow. I found that mantra was helpful to me when I was struggling to quit drinking, thought I'd offer it in case it helps you too. It does get easier with time, I promise.


RamboGoesMeow t1_jaebmtd wrote

Thank you, I like that mantra and will certainly use it. I take it one day at a time, and it’s working for me so far.