
MrKahnberg t1_jd3fzc0 wrote

There's a hiking trail just south west of Montrose. If memory serves it's Spring Creek canyon. The trail goes so close to a puma den you can smell the scent they spray to mark their territory. I never saw one except very briefly crossing the main road in Beaver Creek. I know 3 people who poached pumas.


MrKahnberg t1_jaem1ym wrote

The physiological benefits take a while to be noticeable. I'd say around 6 months sober I definitely felt more comfortable with my depression and started to lose weight.
You can dm me if you want to talk.
Probably the most important thing is to be connected to other people.


MrKahnberg t1_jae2i87 wrote

You deserve to be sober. Are you able to talk about this a dr? I started with a conversation with my gp. Now sober for about 28 months.
I realize now that the fear of not getting drunk was why I drank so much for so long. I attend an informal video meeting once a week.


MrKahnberg t1_j7gyq6u wrote

Jeez. If someone like my uncle Don lived there , there's at least one victim. Once he got swept away by a small avalanche. A planned avalanche. The highway dept brought down a big cornice in Officers Gulch. Uncle Don thought he could drive past the traffic barrier and get by before the avalanche got to I 70. So I'm sure he would have ignored any warning or cracks and pops coming from the building.


MrKahnberg t1_j6fibmy wrote

Many have heard about the treasures to be found in the melting snow beneath chair lifts. Better yet, the melting berms and piles plowed to the edges of parking lots. Wealthy folk, tired, drinking, cold and dark. My best find was a signed hardbound first edition of "The Grapes of Wrath". The following summer it was stolen.


MrKahnberg t1_iw0gv4w wrote

Only 7? Analyze each. How much? How much embarrassment? I'm guessing you'll decide to fess up to a few and they'll be happy to pay again.
About '95 my neighbors asked me if I knew what happened to the cash and checks that disappeared from their garage. $2300 for cub scout popcorn sales. She tried not to imply that I might have stolen it. I understood her mindset though. My kid sold over half of the total. ( possibly the cutest cub scout since Linda Ronstadt) . So I split it with her. Somehow a rumor started that all the money had been stolen, so a very wealthy real estate developer donated $10k. It all worked out fine!


MrKahnberg t1_iu5g11r wrote

Compared to the "search engines " in the early 00's. The Google search engine was at least 1000 times better. My job at the time was to solve problems that users had using an ISP. GOOGLE was in all ways really so much better . Especially the first few results were almost always what you were hoping to find. I can remember my co workers teasing me about using Google. Then within days everyone was using Google.
A typical end user at the time had a web browser with "toolbars " The toolbars conflicted with the other toolbars, conflicted with the computers software ( operating system) and the security software. This resulted in a computer that took up to 20 minutes to turn on ( boot up) and very sluggish performance ( 100% cpu utilization for minutes).