glichez t1_iszip4w wrote
its been a real hoot listening to all the idiots whine about "soy boys" while they all go out and drink....
Darwins_Dog t1_iszth3v wrote
I expect this level of nonsense in the vegan vs. omnivore diet threads, but this is just saying that soy is a good source of protein. It's like even the slightest acknowledgement that plant based diets are fine is somehow a threat.
No-Contribution-7871 t1_it032lg wrote
that is because it is a threat to their identity.
[deleted] t1_it34teh wrote
selltheworld t1_it19rm0 wrote
Some people try to validate their own position by attacking another position.
Like trying to prove that god is real by attacking evolution.
Problem is that its possible that both a meat diet and a plant diet is suitable for humans. Or that evolution and god is true.
Fabulous_Archer4999 t1_it1x8p5 wrote
Alcohol in diet is suitable for humans but that doesn't mean we shouldn't mention how unhealthy and harmful alcohol is. Same applies to meat. There are significant downsides to meat consumption.
selltheworld t1_it1zvv2 wrote
Thats not the point Im making. Im saying that you cant validate your own diet by attacking another.
Fabulous_Archer4999 t1_it21hto wrote
You make no sense and you're incorrect. Unhealthy diets exist.
Darwins_Dog t1_it26ort wrote
And if you eat an unhealthy diet, attacking a different diet won't make it better. That's the point they were making.
Fabulous_Archer4999 t1_it29w99 wrote
That's a completely illogical statement. Literally nobody has implied otherwise.
selltheworld t1_it21r2m wrote
The reason I make no sense to you is because you are trying to force your nonsense on me.
I didnt say unhealthy diets dont exist.
[deleted] t1_it2ajkj wrote
LyLyV t1_it3b89d wrote
There really is nothing "suitable" about ingesting alcohol. It's a literal poison. No judgement to be people who choose to put it in their bodies, but let's at least be clear about what it is.
Fabulous_Archer4999 t1_it3enua wrote
Alcohol and meat are healthier than cigarettes, therefore alcohol and meat are healthy.
They're all proven to be unhealthy, therefore they do not belong to a healthy diet.
misandristkimwexler t1_it2629m wrote
And there's downsides to a vegan diet. Many people can't adopt one for a variety of reasons.
Meat isn't bad, it can be part of a healthy diet.
Fabulous_Archer4999 t1_it2ac0p wrote
>And there's downsides to a vegan diet.
>Many people can't adopt one for a variety of reasons.
False. Less than 1% of people would have long term difficulties, and vast majority of cases can be fixed. So we're looking at a ridiculously low % of people. There hasn't been a documented person who is completely unable to handle any vegan foods.
>Meat isn't bad,
> it can be part of a healthy diet.
So can tobacco, alcohol and cocaine.
nulliusansverba t1_it2jw3c wrote
You must be fun at parties.
[deleted] t1_it2dig8 wrote
[deleted] t1_it2p3tf wrote
[deleted] t1_it37lay wrote
bigtimephonk t1_it2k5rj wrote
fiber makes my tummy hurt :(:(:(
gotta kill animals
[deleted] t1_it37o7i wrote
[deleted] t1_it36xe8 wrote
nulliusansverba t1_it2jn6n wrote
4 out of 5 blue zones drink booze basically daily.
18Apollo18 t1_it43nj8 wrote
That doesn't mean it's the alcohol causing the longevity.
nulliusansverba t1_it4apms wrote
Actually, studies show that moderate consumption of alcohol is beneficial. Inverted U-curve.
18Apollo18 t1_it4m3dj wrote
The U shaped curve, ie reduction of mortality in light to moderate drinkers, is only found in study's which lump livelong abstainers, ex drinkers, ex binge drinkers, elderly ex drinkers and sick ex drinkers all into one category.
But when you control for these factors the curve disappears.
Many studies have same thing with smoking. For example, one study found that quiting smoking at 30 was associated with higher rates of early mortality than quitting at 50.
Does that mean smoking longer is beneficial? Of course not. The most probable justification for these results is simply that those quiting at age 30 were much more likely to be previous chainsmokers and/or have had some heath problem causing them to quit so much early
nulliusansverba t1_itcg6p3 wrote
I think you've been reading too many studies without practicing discernment.
You realize like half of studies have fundamental errors and that makes the conclusions meaningless, right?
Look at some higher quality studies.
[deleted] t1_it1sajl wrote
MarvinLazer t1_it1a6ov wrote
Alcohol also increases cortisol levels over time, though, and anyone stupid enough to unironically use the term "soy boy" is probably also stupid enough to conflate anger, stress, and premature aging with masculinity.
[deleted] t1_it37u6n wrote
reyntime t1_it2a3qv wrote
Not to mention that cow's milk contains literal estrogens. Yet people are worried about phytoestrogens in soy, go figure.
QTheStrongestAvenger t1_it0m5fc wrote
I've tried sharing this study. They don't care.
[deleted] t1_it2ci54 wrote
[deleted] t1_it36eh0 wrote
TheRightening t1_it2ktjb wrote
As someone that does strong man lifting, I have to be conscious of my testosterone levels and soy threatens that. Soy is a great source of protein for women.
Disastrous-Cow-7197 t1_it38yom wrote
Soy lowering testosterone has been debunked over and over again.
[deleted] t1_it5ehw8 wrote
18Apollo18 t1_it48my9 wrote
Data shows that vegan men have just as high if not higher testosterone levels while simultaneously having a low risk for prostate cancer
TheRightening t1_it5nxjp wrote
Vegan men, carnivorous men, pescatarian men that eat soy have higher levels of serum estrogen than those that avoid it altogether.
18Apollo18 t1_it6bk86 wrote
The study referenced literally found reduced estrogen levels in the soy milk group.
Estrone concentration tended to decrease in the soymilk-supplemented group [regression parameter β (SE) = −0.003352 (0.00226)] and increase in the control group [β (SE) = 0.003228 (0.00223)] over the study period. None of the other hormones measured showed any statistical difference in changing patterns between the two groups.
Nagata, , Takatsuka, N., Shimizu, H. The effect of soymilk consumption on serum estrogen and androgen concentrations in Japanese men. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers. March 1, 2001 10(3) 179-184.
TheRightening t1_it7t9lk wrote
Estrone and Serum Estrogen are not the same thing. The confirmation bias is cute though.
18Apollo18 t1_it8489j wrote
>Estrone and Serum Estrogen are not the same thing
Are you missing the part where they said no difference was found in any other hormones measured??
Also estrone is one of the 3 types of estrogen commonly tested in the blood
There are many types of estrogen, but only three types are commonly tested: Estrone, Estradiol, and Estriol
>The confirmation bias is cute though.
How the hell is it conformation bias? That's literally the study cited by the source you sent to me
sdomtihstae t1_it3j08t wrote
> Soy is a great source of protein for women.
I enjoy how you lay out for all to ponder in an open reasoned scientific dialogue. Nice!
TheRightening t1_it5mvw3 wrote
I'm not trying to have a debate with people to lazy to do their own research.
[deleted] t1_it2pdx1 wrote
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