austinrose7 t1_iy85aim wrote
I’m too lazy to articulate why but this is really bleak to me.
Moont1de t1_iy86a2j wrote
This is just a symptom, the disease is the atomized, individualistic, completely neurotic society that makes you wary of your own neighbors
Uberschrift t1_iy8qlsq wrote
Addictive social media and internet in every ones pocket doesn’t help. And especially thanks to Covid isolating millions.
microm3gas t1_iyb1mq9 wrote
I’ve been working and traveling from my for the past couple of months.
When not working I’ve been meeting and having conversations with people. It’s been kinda nice.
TheeSweeney t1_iy92iqb wrote
That's a lot of words to say "the disease is capitalism."
[deleted] t1_iy92k5g wrote
DTFH_ t1_iyaegg2 wrote
> That's a lot of words to say "the disease is capitalism."
Because its not just Capitalism, this disease could happen in any economic or political system. The issue is people have figured out economic exploits leading to our system glitching and routinely collapsing of the economic game.
Accujack t1_iy9g7cf wrote
Chinese stream fans have the same issues with parasocial relationships as people in the US do. Quite possibly North Koreans, too.
Just because you dislike the capitalist system doesn't mean it's the root of all evil. Unrestricted capitalism is a problem, but so is unrestricted socialism.
WhenIDecide t1_iyaip3h wrote
China is also a capitalist nation
Accujack t1_iyak3sl wrote
The are neither fully capitalist or communist, they're a unique economic experiment with special economic zones, a command economy, lots of poverty and lots of corruption, and major industries owned by the military.
[deleted] t1_iya1vcq wrote
DTFH_ t1_iyae5sx wrote
> completely neurotic society that makes you wary of your own neighbors
That's a big lie most people are not afraid of their neighbor, they are driven to see OTHERS through financial repression. This is about our financial game breaking under too many players exploiting known legal "glitches" leading to 'Us/Them' mentalities used to control 'us' from actually seeing the problem is the pool we're swimming in, not whose in the pool. There are very few OTHERs when everyone's basic needs can be met and financial stress isn't redlined.
bernieOrbernie t1_iyb4pcl wrote
Well, calling us out like that won’t help!
klosnj11 t1_iy86zcx wrote
Agreed. The replacement of genuine human interaction with cold digital replacements is absolutely bleak. We now live on a world with eight billion humans; more mass in human than mass in all other animals combined. Yet we can not find people to spend time with?
People seem to find in person interaction more and more difficult. Is it because of our reliance on these media surrogates? Will our willingness to look another human in the eyes, to feel anothers embrace, to laugh and dine with another with ease, will these all be things of the past at some point?
cultureicon t1_iy8bmgz wrote
I was wondering about the human mass thing- it looks like humans are a fraction of the mass of all other animals.
CALsHero09 t1_iy8c9pm wrote
>Will our willingness to look another human in the eyes, to feel anothers embrace, to laugh and dine with another with ease, will these all be things of the past at some point?
I dont believe so. Things like podcasts are only one facet that is being addressed. There is no interaction. No physical connection. Nothing but a screen to look at and a speaker to listen to. I think eventually, people who are heavily into this type of thing, will eventually look past the podcast or whatever it is and decide they want social interactions just like these podcast people had since they seem to be enjoying it. Or start a podcast of their own and that in itself is a form of human interaction.
Cadmium_Aloy t1_iy8b3ir wrote
If it helps, I'm going to use this as an impetus to try to use podcasts more mindfully to body double and stop being stuck in executive dysfunction loops. Something about body doubling really helps me get going when I need to clean or do a task (a part of me assumes having that connection there is less uncomfortable than being alone, so it's one less anxiety in the way).
I can't rely on my friends to help me all the time, because then I'll never do the dishes. I'll look to podcasts as a supplement.
It's just the task of finding the right podcast that I often get stuck on....
memetunis t1_iyblj05 wrote
This is exactly how I use podcasts. I need to clean the kitchen, for example, put on a podcast. To avoid getting hung up on choosing one just search top podcasts of 2022 or November and pick from the top five. Go from there.
Cadmium_Aloy t1_iycuvfk wrote
That's so smart. I appreciate the suggestion.
[deleted] t1_iybxi6c wrote
[deleted] t1_iy94yj6 wrote
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