nancyapple t1_j1e0e3e wrote
The food plays the biggest part, can’t say American diet improved in last 30 years.
Vanman04 t1_j1eagz1 wrote
Seems cost is playing the biggest part.
"Several factors may have contributed to the lack of improvement in glycemic control. First, the rising cost of insulin is likely leading to medication nonadherence.17 Approximately one-third of US adults using insulin report either rationing, dose skipping, or delaying prescription refills to save money.18 Second, only a small proportion of practitioners may be starting or intensifying insulin therapy in a timely manner.19 Third, acceptability of insulin remains low among patients, leading to reluctance to begin or continue using insulin therapy as recommended.20"
It also explains that Mexican Americans are driving a large part of the bad results which again likely points to access to newer tech.
Last but not least this report seems to end right at the beginning of when closed loop systems started to come online. The new tech in insulin pumps is pretty amazing but the cost to use them is pretty insane.
My son is type one. He uses an insulin pump that is connected to a continuous glucose monitor. His pump has the ability to monitor his glucose level and deliver or stop insulin as needed. The results are nothing short of amazing. That said it is expensive as hell.
The pump itself cost 6k with insurance our cost was closer to $300 but then you need supplies for it which run somewhere in the neighborhood of $90 per month. On top of that you need the supplies for the continuous glucose monitor that adds another $90 -160 per months after insurance. Add insulin for another $30 per month after insurance. This is with pretty decent insurance.
Without insurance it becomes completely unworkable unless you are high income. There are a ton of people still using shots and pricking their fingers which causes all kinds of issues with control.
I feel like the title sort of obscures the reality. It's not that the tech is not good enough to improve outcomes it is much more that the barrier to to getting that tech in peoples hands is too high.
muinamir t1_j1ef60n wrote
Anecdotally I know of so many people who have struggled to afford their insulin and meds. I wish we'd stop trying to pin this solely on diet and realize we're shutting people out from the treatment they need.
TheConboy22 t1_j1fu6ze wrote
I am one of those somebodies. Type 1. This condition has made me a slave of the corporations. Without their life giving insurance premiums I’d have moved away from them a long time ago. My meds are stupid expensive…
Reep1611 t1_j1h3gaq wrote
If you are a somewhat capable worker, especially if you learned a craft, you might want to learn German and think about moving here. Our current Gouvernement is updated and codifying new laws regarding immigration, so it will be mich easier to live and work here and enjoy all the benefits like our very good healthcare.
[deleted] t1_j1elw9z wrote
nowlistenhereboy t1_j1fzxkm wrote
> I wish we'd stop trying to pin this solely on diet
You can perfectly manage your glucose levels by meticulously testing and administering yourself extra insulin to cover but all of that extra insulin is not without its own cost to your body. Having all of that extra exogenous insulin creates its own set of side effects because insulin does a lot more in your body than just allow glucose into cells. Insulin facilitates growth of adipose tissue and can lead to hypertension, atherosclerosis/heart disease among other things.
Getting exercise and reducing your caloric intake to more closely match your caloric expenditure is the MAIN thing EVERYONE should be doing.
RigilNebula t1_j1gbn9f wrote
>Having all of that extra exogenous insulin
For type 1 diabetics, all insulin is exogenous. It's not "extra", it's simply insulin.
nowlistenhereboy t1_j1gkn7d wrote
That totally depends on how much they eat. If they eat enough to the point they are administering more insulin than their body would normally produce if they did not have diabetes, then it's absolutely excess insulin.
drugihparrukava t1_j1gmvj6 wrote
We (type 1's) don't take insulin just for food. We can fast and need insulin because we don't produce it. Several hours if you're pumping, or a days/a few days if you're MDI, of no basal,(background insulin) and we're in DKA. Nothing to do with food.
It's a never ending balance of working out levels, as we have over 42 known factors that we do calculations for. Getting it exactly right isn't even possible with existing closed loop pumps.
nowlistenhereboy t1_j1gnd4n wrote
Yea, not getting it absolutely perfect is not what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is that you can potentially eat a very large amount of calories, cover it with a bunch of insulin, and your sugar will appear to be fine. But all the negative effects of that over consumption and excessive insulin will manifest in the same way it would affect a type 2 or even someone who doesn't have diabetes.
This issue is way more pertinent to type 2 diabetics. But even a type 1 could develop insulin resistance in this way as well as the negative side effects of hyperinsulinemia.
drugihparrukava t1_j1gof55 wrote
Hyperinsulinemia is when the pancreas releases large amounts of insulin so that doesn't happen in a T1 body. Insulin resistance can occur in T1 for several reasons, but it's not the same as hyperinsulinemia which is one of the possible causes of T2. So we generally use the term IR which can happen temporarily in a type 1 (due to one's period, ovulation, or many other hormonal changes, illness, scarring causing bad sites etc) or from having T1 for decades on its own can cause some resistance.
If a T1 does choose to eat large amounts of calories, of course that's not healthy for anyone, diabetes or not. But no the glucose (or "sugar will appear to be fine") isn't necessarily the case. It's a struggle to work out boluses and we dose differently for carbs, proteins and for many other reasons.
TLDR: yes no one should be eating excessive quantities anyway with that I agree. T1, however, and insulin dosing is very complicated and not caused by diet.
Just an FYi if anyone's interested; it's understandable if you don't live with T1D to know just how much of a mental load this disease is. We have an additional 180 decisions to be made per day while acting as our own pancreas 24 hours per day. This is a rather simple chart of the 42 factors that affect blood glucose, and not all are listed here either:
mamallama2020 t1_j1htgpz wrote
That’s…not how it works.
RigilNebula t1_j1j0v05 wrote
The things that you're saying are just the consequences of overeating in general though. If a non diabetic eats too much food, they'll see a growth of adipose tissue, and this can lead to hypertension and heart disease.
Unlike non-diabetics, if a type 1 diabetic overeats without taking 'exogenous' insulin, they will not gain weight, and there's no risk of a growth of adipose tissue. (There are, however, significant other risks, including death.) However, if they take insulin for the food they ate, they'll see the risk of weight gain and excess fat that non diabetics would see from overeating.
So you may be arguing that there are health risks to overeating. And this is true, but it's not specific to type 1 diabetics.
[deleted] t1_j1h119h wrote
Dolphintorpedo t1_j1eobvn wrote
Well tons of people are dieting themselves into type 2 diabetes so maybe it's fair to talk about dieting out of it as well. Why talk about a cure of the symptoms and not the source cause?
meeseek_and_destroy t1_j1eqmyp wrote
The people I know rationing their insulin are type one. So no diet can fix it as they were born that way.
justsomeplainmeadows t1_j1fhqz0 wrote
Bc we still need to be able to treat those people while they recover?
cashibonite t1_j1f2y1v wrote
I have a can of tomato today it has 16 grams of sugar in it
fitandhealthyguy t1_j1fucap wrote
If it comes in a can, I don’t eat it.
2alpha4betacells t1_j1i1aik wrote
I still use shots just because I hate wearing the pump (falls off, reinserting sucks, I’ve accidentally had in torn out many times)
Hate inserting CGMs too, but now I have one that is implanted under my skin and only needs to be reinserted (by a doctor) every 6 months
[deleted] t1_j1fnl5y wrote
yoortyyo t1_j1e1ga7 wrote
Industrial food chemistry is amazing stuff. They cut, bleach or leach things into pure starch, fat, protein & zazzy flavors from ( you really dont want to ask about some).
Lacking fiber in your diet from real green leafy things, fruit or whole grains exacerbates things.
Balance in diet greens - starchs - fats - proteins in the least processed way helps.
Isenrath t1_j1es4mc wrote
Reduction of sugar and increase in fiber is by far the most important. How the food is processed has minimum to do compared to the content of what is being eaten.
Now there can be an entirely different debate of costs of healthier foods vs ease of access but reduction of all types of sugars and increased intake of fiber will better help to control the issue.
Isenrath t1_j1jt5yp wrote
Yep, sugars cause a number of inflammatory responses as well as the promotion of less than desirable gut microbiome. A high dietary fiber diet will also slow absorption of sugars through the intestinal walls, so it's a stacked response when you do that. Lower intake and less sugar being available for your body to use.
kslusherplantman t1_j1eg7v9 wrote
30 years ago we were being told Fat was bad for your diet, ignoring all the sugar and processed carbs.
Now we know the opposite is true essentially.
Yes avoid bad fats, but fats are highly important to our diet. And they don’t do as much damage to the body as the sugars and processed carbs
Dolphintorpedo t1_j1eni09 wrote
Hahahaha, ok. The amount of fat you must ingest from your diet is laughably small compared to the amount the average american eats. A perfect example of this is saturated fat. The leader for research and social programs on heart health in the US (The American Heart Association) sets saturated fat intake at no more then 10% of your caloric intake. Also according to them >90% of Americans consume more then that recommended amount.
terrymr t1_j1fhd4d wrote
And according to my heart surgeon cholesterol and fats seem to be irrelevant. The people getting blockages have poor glycemic control.
nancyapple t1_j1fu631 wrote
Yes, it’s a far more obvious risk factor than saturated fat
kslusherplantman t1_j1eqw34 wrote
Did you miss where I say “yes, avoid bad fats”
nancyapple t1_j1eqtss wrote
There might be some controversy. My personal opinion is without the amount of sugar people consume, fat(natural saturated fat/unsaturated fat with a good Omega 3: Omega 6 ratio) is healthy. At least the most obvious problem of American diet is hyper-processed food/additive sugar, and in general too much fast calories to me. The equation has too many variables and you can't just blame American people don't follow the saturated fat part of the guidelines.
strizzl t1_j1e2zl5 wrote
Diet is definitely worse. Every corner is laden with carbohydrate fueled artificial garbage we call food. If we want to see health improve we need to shift our incentive structure to favor vegetables and lean meats or other natural protein sources institutionally.
VergesOfSin t1_j1efi86 wrote
saturated fat does not make you fat
JackHoffenstein t1_j1grl6r wrote
Uh it sure will if you consume enough.
VergesOfSin t1_j1h43mv wrote
that goes for food in general
JackHoffenstein t1_j1h5cbb wrote
Yeah but saying saturated fat won't make you fat is wrong. The only thing that determines whether or not you get fat is whether or not you're in a caloric surplus.
strizzl t1_j1hkad8 wrote
I remember asking a bariatric surgeon one time “how often do you see metabolic problems being the sole reason for someone to be morbidly obese?” He paused a moment then said “I have never met a patient that eats less than me [in 30 years of experience].”
VergesOfSin t1_j1iitkj wrote
nope, the calories in calories out argument is archaic and false. we are not simple machines, we are very complex. 3000 calories of fat vs 3000 calories of carbs will have VAST differences on how much, and what type, of fat is made and stored.
[deleted] t1_j1ik364 wrote
Dolphintorpedo t1_j1emw22 wrote
No it just kills you faster
VergesOfSin t1_j1fe7cr wrote
No, it doesn't, that's a lie. 50 or so years ago, heart disease and heart attacks were almost unheard of. When Eisenhower had a heart attack in office, they blamed fat. Not the 3 packs of cigarettes he was smoking a day.
Look up ancel keyes, and see how he was paid by the sugar industry to fake results, and shift blame to animal fats.
We evolved to eat fat. Animal fat is the only reason we were able to evolve bigger, more complex brains. Well, cooking had a big role in it too.
Delet3r t1_j1gbzkw wrote
This subreddit baffles me. People are meat for thousands of years, now suddenly meat is bad.
AtheismTooStronk t1_j1gh4es wrote
In the quantities that people eat it, yes. Compare it to the days of being a hunter and actually having to work for your food and needing to make it last. You can’t eat meat all day every day and have the activity level of the average American and come out okay.
Reep1611 t1_j1h32sn wrote
Which in part comes down to the American way of selling fresh, healthy food as a premium „luxury“ product.
lol_alex t1_j1hj4we wrote
In particular, the highly processed junk with loads of high fructose corn syrup. It’s cheap and it adds volume.
Secondly, the junk food and takeout / ordering food trend.
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