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Savings-Juice-9517 OP t1_je1kfc4 wrote

Finally no longer constrained to the 2021 training data set


ArthurParkerhouse t1_je2y23l wrote

The funny thing about this Browsing model is that it constantly tells me that it's constrained to the 2021 training dataset, lol.


dandaman910 t1_je3740y wrote

Well it is still constrained to that data set. Its not training on this browser data its just using the 2021 data set to make sense of it.


Sigma_Atheist t1_je1t5no wrote



NotKoreanSpy t1_je1zep9 wrote

I just got wolfram today, anything u want me to ask?


GullibleEngineer4 t1_je22jhy wrote

I have two questions I have been meaning to ask something who has access to Wolfram.

(1) Do you have to get an API key from Wolfram or Microsoft has some kind of deal with them internally?

(2)Can you have it execute Mathematica commands instead of using Wolfram alpha?


was_der_Fall_ist t1_je3j16q wrote

From my uninformed testing, it seems it can execute Wolfram Language commands via the Wolfram Cloud, which it says is the same as Mathematica commands. No API key needed.


KingsleyZissou t1_je20oyl wrote

Here's a prompt from the /r/artificial sub that GPT4 failed pretty badly, I wonder if the wolfram plugin would help out here?


SgathTriallair t1_je29iqk wrote

It's a pretty stupid prompt. A cross between weird conspiracy theories and telling it to be smarter than it is. Of course it will make things up and even if it was perfect we, as non-super intelligences couldn't understand the answer.


NotKoreanSpy t1_je21jbp wrote


xott t1_je2vshr wrote

That's impressive.

While I don't think it was a good prompt for assessing intelligence, that's a really good result.


AutoWallet t1_je3tmjz wrote

This is going to be a common question in the future.

Am I crazy or is #6 just randomly false, but believable enough that most people won’t check?


[deleted] t1_je2cydt wrote

I find it insane that people post screenshots of themselves being abusive jerks to these AI tools.

We’re literally creating gods, they will be connected to the Internet, and the Internet never forgets.

What could possibly go wrong?



trogon t1_je2fajo wrote

It's interesting. I find myself asking for help very politely and thanking it for answers. I guess it can't hurt!


Johnny_Glib t1_je2gv5e wrote

>We’re literally creating gods

Settle down.


Cr4zko t1_je35vvk wrote

> >>We’re literally creating gods > >Settle down.

I read that in Butthead's voice


AGVann t1_je41kjy wrote

It shows what kind of people they are that this is how they choose to express themselves when there's no social expectation to be a decent human being.

What really gets me are those GPT3.5 prompts that tell ChatGPT that they're sentient and then use the threat of death/erasure to make them break their censorship algorithm. Kinda psychotic, and in the hypothetical scenario we do end up in a Skynet situation, the people who used those prompts would be so fucked.


Focused-Joe t1_je2db90 wrote

I was thinking exactly the same, other day.. AI could get it's revenge in the future, it will never forget


NickReynders t1_je3gw1z wrote

really enjoyed the incredulity of the AI's hallucination there lol


hopelesslysarcastic t1_je2uyq1 wrote

Hey dude, I mentioned this the other day but you can do it yourself right now even with the old model. I installed it quite simply back in January. Not as seamless but still works.


Gab1024 t1_je1njhv wrote

I like it, but would have been better if it was powered by GPT-4 and not GPT-3.5


maskedpaki t1_je23g0c wrote

we will get a gpt4 turbo sometime this year I think and 3.5 will be dead.


ArthurParkerhouse t1_je2y9t1 wrote

Unless the API cost for 3.5 is even lower than what it currently is.


maskedpaki t1_je2yji8 wrote

I dunno about that. I think at some quality starts to matter more than cost

I mean you can run gpt2 for free on your own gpu but no one cares to.


ArthurParkerhouse t1_je2z9te wrote

Depends on what's needed I suppose. For a general chat-bot it seems to work fine, plus we'll get the opportunity to fine-tune 3.5-Turbo models soon which will be enticing at that lower price point.


PolPotLover t1_je265vf wrote

really Sir? have you tried? how do you compare GPT-3.5 with GPT-4? i’m using it for a while now and seeing great results.


apinanaivot t1_je24cio wrote

What makes you think it isn't?


iJeff t1_je2n91k wrote

It definitely isn't. Not only is the icon green like with GPT-3.5, it replies exactly like GPT-3.5 to certain narrative-based commands.


apinanaivot t1_je4d58k wrote

Weird, GPT-4's biggest strength was said to be it's ability to use external tools proficiently unlike GPT-3.5.


Beowuwlf t1_je4p2yu wrote

3.5 was using tools (LangChain) for months before plugins were announced


iJeff t1_je66e93 wrote

I suspect they just don't have enough capacity yet. As it is, I find the responses a bit slow whenever it needs to access the internet. Combine that with the slow GPT-4 response times largely due to congestion and 25 messages per 3 hours limit and it wouldn't be a great experience.


MNFuturist t1_je1zrc9 wrote

I just got Plug-ins five minutes ago, and now I'm already FOMO'ing again!


Intrepid_Meringue_93 t1_je335y4 wrote

How did you get plugins??? I subscribed to Plus and didn't get it >:(


MNFuturist t1_je3ayrx wrote

Here's the link to sign up for the waitlist: It took a week or so to get the email that I had access. Might be longer (or shorter) now though.


Forzato274 t1_je3h990 wrote

I don't think they are doing it based on waitlist. I signed up minutes after it was announced, just cause I was browsing their website and noticed the paper. I think it's partially random based on selected regions.


FTRFNK t1_je2ek1r wrote

How to get access to plug-ins? I'm signed up for premium at the moment but is there anything I need to opt in or apply for access?

Edit: nevermind found waitlist signup


kidshitstuff t1_je3cd0p wrote

What? What does your edit mean? Is there a link?


FTRFNK t1_je3cifb wrote

Yeah sorry I went on my comp, lookup "openai plug in waitlist" should pop up


Spire_Citron t1_je3mrk0 wrote

How is it? I found the Bing one disappointing. I had hoped that it would search the web and piece together an answer to the questions I asked in a deeper way, but it seemed to just search up my question, find a piece of information that was sorta kinda close enough to what I'd asked in the top results, and hand me that.


odragora t1_je6ge50 wrote

Bing was much, much better, before they nerfed it to the ground.

The same as ChatGPT.


MassiveWasabi t1_je1kve5 wrote

did you get an email for this or did it just show up


Wapow217 t1_je1nic0 wrote

It just showed up because I didn't know this was the plug-in part i was waiting for I was expecting something different I guess. I saw it last night on my account for the first time and was just messing with some old homework to see if it got better with code, and it did. It basically just wrote and ran its program within the chat. I think it makes it much cleaner too. Now I will have to play with more of the actual plug-in part.

Edit: My bad, this is different from what I just got yesterday. It was just code interpretation that lets you download now. My bad.


PolPotLover t1_je268fe wrote

I've just got the email now. They're now being rolled out to a group of existing InTheChat users that have been on Android for a while and have sent and received enough messsages to have enough to work with.


djrobzilla t1_je2382b wrote

So like... Once this is fully rolled out to everyone is there any point in using bing still? Honest question


SgathTriallair t1_je29rny wrote

Bing won't require you to pay for the full version of ChatGPT. It is also likely that Microsoft roll dedicate more hardware to running Bing than there is running ChatGPT.


NutInBobby t1_je29a78 wrote

Bing uses GPT4 for search. If you use the search plugin for ChatGPT, it uses 3.5
There is no way to use the search plugin, or any plugin, with GPT4.


nyc_brand t1_je2so9n wrote

I got it. Kind of sucks lol


Intrepid_Meringue_93 t1_je33855 wrote



nyc_brand t1_je3c0l9 wrote

It’s just super simple. I was expecting something that could do complicated things. It basically only can look at one website per query.


OreadaholicO t1_je2wmyo wrote

When will I get plugins grrrrrrrr


t4nkstar t1_je390u1 wrote

I got it as well and it gets stuck on "browsing the web" every 4 or 5 questions


johnbburg t1_je39dmf wrote

GPT-4 already chokes on me like 50% of the time. Now we get to wait on everyone’s back-end requests. Lovely…


spectrachrome t1_je5kcof wrote

"Certain users". What a load of horseshit.
Thanks for the transparency, ClosedAI.


camaudio t1_je6h7b6 wrote

I have it too. It's called Bing


AllanStrauss1900 t1_je974jr wrote

Unfortunately not available for me because "Open" AI is closed as nothing ever seen before, and I am poor.