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Prayers4Wuhan t1_iru8kpu wrote

Homeschooling or private schools will produce more teachers and less laborers. Nanny’s, personal cooks, yard workers, painters, home builders. Those sorts of jobs will increase because more people will live a lifestyle that demands a higher cost of living and so they hire out more hands to do their bidding.

There will never be a shortage of human desire and so there will never be a shortage of jobs


biglybiglytremendous t1_irvw7k2 wrote

Perhaps in countries that value education this may be true. But in Western cultures, particularly the US and a large portion of Europe, I don’t see this happening. If anything, I see AI taking over education: churn out more educated folk at lower cost. Problem is, in a country like the US that hinged itself to education as workforce preparation, what does that education do for those who are educated? I see fewer and fewer people taking up education for education sake. I think the vocational school will once again reign supreme, but vocation will now be whatever jobs are available to do that brings prestige to the person rather than capital… something like operating machines that build or maintain robots under the tutelage of well-known AI, at least until the robots that build robots are all built and deployed. From there, no idea. It seems like we would be caretakers to AI, robots, cybernetic beings, when once the human used their services, the human is used to service the AI until we are no longer useful. Then we are pets used for whatever sense of entertainment and love we can bring.