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h20ohno t1_it1shfg wrote

Probably the Elder Scrolls or something else with magic, I'd just become a wandering wizard that learns magic on my travels

But I think people will be developing better FDVR worlds as it comes to fruition, so I'd probably play whatever's popular


-ZeroRelevance- t1_it1xbu0 wrote

You’re making me wonder what a lore-accurate-scale Elder Scrolls game would look like, I bet it would be pretty incredible. Hopefully advancements in AI can accelerate such a vision.


HumanSeeing t1_it33ren wrote

In truth the vast majority of fantasy and sci fi worlds would fall apart because they are deeply logically inconsistent on very many levels. However you could ignore that and still set the world to be what it is... and somehow make people ignore or forget about obvious things. Like if healing magic exists why are people ever sick, why has technology not developed way further, if transmutation magic exists what is the value of gold if i can make it out of iron etc. Just pointing this out, i am as excited as anyone to explore these worlds! Makes me wonder what such a logically consistent world would look like and how they would operate.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_it2tinl wrote

I think it would be a swell time to play through some D&D or Pathfinder adventure paths with my closest buddies. Actually live the scenario in VR.

I think some sort of time dilation would be required, though. Or just fast forward sleeping every night and uneventful travel between locations.