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ravelfish t1_itc0ifh wrote

Reply to comment by Rebatu in 3D meat printing is coming by Shelfrock77

"relating to or concerned with the relation of living organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings."

but no animals die. how is that insignificant, ecologically? :(


Rebatu t1_itcycev wrote

Thats a lie. Animals die for making the medium used to culture the cells. Animals die even in plant farming, just not pigs or cattle. But insects, rats, mice, snakes, bees, small animals and everything else that gets caught in the fence. And it's not a small number.

And if you think that it's better for a rat to die than a pig then you are admitting not all life is equal. If you think all life is equal than plant farming kills more.

Its all bullshit. It's a farce to sell ideas that sound futuristic or ideologies that sound philanthropic.

If you have ten times the energy and resource expenditure then animals die, just further down the line. Where that power is made from building new power plants.

You're not reducing cruelty, you are distancing it from yourself to not feel it as much.


ravelfish t1_itcz50v wrote

That's interesting. By what way do the animals used for culturing cells die? That isn't the case for the rooster whose cells they harvested on the Netflix program about cultured meat. Same with the cows.

You speak from what sounds like the lofty confines of somebody who is frustrated with a system they are stuck in.

Ramble on all you want about the value of life, but let me ask you this: a rat, a pig and a human child are present. You can only save one. Do you feel superior in the argument that it doesn't matter which life you save, as they are all the same?

Moral relativism. Everyone needs to eat. Rats eat their own young when it is necessary. This is called nature, and it doesn't care one bit about how you feel.


Rebatu t1_itfkuev wrote

They die in the worst possible way. Of all the animal practices we do, extracting BSA - bovine serum albumin is the most gruesome. A needle is stuck into the heart of a living, freshly born calf. We do it because there is no way to avoid it and it's absolutely necessary for growing cells.

Netflix is not a good source of information. You are looking at propaganda videos made by the cell culturing industry. I actually grew them.

All life is not equal. That was the point. You save a human child. Period. All across the spectrum of animals each species puts a premium on protecting their own over others, only in humans we have idiots that think saving a cow is better than saving children from starvation.

Maybe you should re-read what I wrote.


ravelfish t1_itgf6d7 wrote

Maybe you should lose the condescension and then we can have a nice conversation like nice people. :) :) :)

I understand the issue is an emotionally deep one, but i'm not the one sticking needles into baby cow hearts. You are. Right? Perhaps some of this hostility is internal, turned out.

Netflix is great! I disagree. And while it's rough to have a needle stuck into one's heart, my husband and I have both had the unfortunate experience. It sucks, but we both lived.

And that's that. Unless you all euthanized the baby cow after the procedure?

I'd say maybe you should consider a career that is more sustainable for your positive mental health. This one is doing a number on your soul.


Rebatu t1_itghbd3 wrote

Look at this armchair psychologist.

The only thing making me angry here is the amount of people on this thread that gulp up corporate propaganda on Netflix and that never took the time to actually learn something new, like how difficult it is to grow cells.

There is almost nothing smart on Netflix. 90% of the documentaries there are in the very least inaccurate. At worst, straight up lies.


ravelfish t1_itgq1k1 wrote

Look at you, raging about the very industry you participate in. 🤔 Yet for all your rebuttals, you're very reluctant for a redditor to provide any tangible citations yourself.

Just out here being loud, rude, and in a delusion of moral superiority while sticking needles into baby cows and rambling on about how you are the only one who gets it.

Yeah, that's not indictative of a stable mind.