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diener1 OP t1_ix82uoh wrote

I'm literally from Germany, you seriously don't know much about Europe if you think this is a US-specific problem. The idea that millions of people become unemployed with almost no chance to be hired anywhere because their skillset has basically become obsolete scares the shit out of me. Redistribution of income will do very little to alleviate this because people want to be productive. They want to be valued.


WhollyHolyWholeHole t1_ix86yh0 wrote

Apologies, I meant the progressive Scandinavian countries. Value has little to do with monetary wealth. Again, these are antiquated economic ideologies. When machines can handle the means of production, it should free people from unnecessary labor. There will be no work other than that which makes the individual feel fulfilled by it. Value becomes centered around intellectual, artistic, and social wealth instead of material wealth. What is scary about having free time to do the things you're passionate about?


Kaarssteun t1_ix8un7x wrote

Yes, people value being valued. However, saying we need to torture ourselves at work to achieve that is society's biggest flaw.


W1nt3rrav3n t1_ixa9hbb wrote

Well, just today I had a discussion on IT topics with a guy @ work whose is around 57. And our society isn't getting younger. The technophobia is just mind-blowing.