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ngnoidtv t1_j2c2nwo wrote

I would first rid myself of every single health issue that I have. Get some cosmetic procedures done - and then practically just orbit the world for the rest of my life, sleeping in hotels, etc.

Then again - I doubt it'll be so smooth sailing. There will likely be war and conflict.


Art_of_the_Narrative t1_j2c2up2 wrote

Losing your job has always been a possibility. A savings account is what’s necessary.


PanzerKommander t1_j2c3x9h wrote

My wife and I have a rule to only live on 25% of our income. We invest the rest. In our mid 30s we could retire right now and not harm our lifestyle. We're gonna keep working and investing until singularly or retirement age and never worry again.


gofyourselftoo t1_j2c6dlr wrote

What do you mean, “don’t need to work anymore”? It’s not as if we’re moving towards some Utopian collaboration where humans pursue their deeper, artistic natures while machines do the work. Humans are simply being forced further and further down into the dirt.

There will never be a time for the vast majority of us when we do not need to work. The form that work takes may differ; for example, I may need to forage and hunt for food because human jobs are so scarce that most of us can no longer use them as our form of resource allocation.


iantsmyth t1_j2c7om0 wrote

I have no plan. I want to see this world burn down, I want to see terrible people out of work and out of luck, and then I want to see AI rise from those ashes, and impose a new world order. I don’t care if it includes humanity or not.


Lawjarp2 t1_j2cbujo wrote

That's not a terribly great idea since money may not retain value in a post singularity World and may even be unstable during the transition. Economic systems are fragile, I am afraid something as disruptive as AGI or even proto-AGI could break it. I can go on but it may be more suitable for r/collapse and not this sub.


real_psymansays t1_j2cc3f7 wrote

I think it's sad that the first thing that AI is making pointless is artistic creativity -- if AI would shovel shit and pick produce before destroying the value of human artwork, then it would have a better cost/benefit ratio for our species.


tedd321 OP t1_j2cccc9 wrote

I hope we do reach a utopian system.

It’s true, what exactly is work? I guess I’m imagining something where we can summon the resources we want from a magic AI.

Having to forage for food… better or worse than getting a corporate job?


real_psymansays t1_j2ccfw5 wrote

>where humans pursue their deeper, artistic natures while machines do the work

So far, it would seem that AI has its sights set on the artsy work, not on taking over mining, farming, sanitation, and cleaning. So yeah, we're getting the short end of the stick


Diaza_Kinutz t1_j2ccghr wrote

I admire your optimism but I don't think the elite ruling class is going to allow us to just live our best lives once everything is automated. They're going to cull the "useless eaters" to conserve resources.


cristiano-potato t1_j2cdfmw wrote

I feel like definitionally the singularity cannot be planned for since one of the core parts of the definition is that we can’t predict what will happen after the intelligence explosion


Lawjarp2 t1_j2cdouo wrote

Society need not collapse if money is unstable. Turkey with 80% inflation right now is a great example of savings and companies going down but society still functioning.

Being self sufficient goes a long way in such scenarios. Grow your own food or stock up on them, have your own water recycling, and a home ofcourse to do the same.


Emu_Fast t1_j2cdr9o wrote

Buy a big boat and go fishing for weeks on end, slowly sailing up the Cascadia coast...

Then spend as much time as possible on pushing conservation efforts around the world.


cristiano-potato t1_j2cdw7r wrote

That’s fair. If money permits, having a safe place away from the city and the knowledge and tools to be self-sustaining is good. Many families simply don’t have the time or money to do that, though.


TheDavidMichaels t1_j2cesn8 wrote

It's always the same question: when we become lazy slaves to the machine overlords, how many times a day do you think they'll let us... well, you know? None!!


tedd321 OP t1_j2cexpb wrote

I agree with you. Why in the world is that happening? Artists, writers, musicians… why would we want to replace that first. But hopefully it’s just the beginning on the way to the impactful tasks.


Jayco424 t1_j2chsfs wrote

Depends on how quickly things transition into post scarcity, in fact that's probably the defining point on whether things go dystopian or utopian. If the PS transition happens rather quickly on the tails of mass automation and AGI - within a decade or two - or if mass automation simply opens the way for a newer "prestige" jobs such as planing and building Space Mines and Colonies with AGI then I think the class system may well - to a degree - dissolve and we end up a Star Trek like future, if the PS transition is late or delayed, say it doesn't happen for may decades - or doesn't happen at all - until after AGI and automation begins to obsolete the workforce, then advanced Neo-Feudalism will ensue and you will have a very Cyberpunk world not unlike blade runner or most SciFi Dystopia.


wildechld t1_j2cie1g wrote

CEOs of massive corporations that destroy the earth are not good people who just ended up in a shitty situation. The danced with the devil a long time ago and now they are the ones that pick the music and take the lead


PassengerSad9918 t1_j2cjem1 wrote

Bought some land with water springs, lots of deer and an abandoned mine.

I should be alright for a while.


DreaminDemon177 t1_j2ckfnb wrote

My day goes like this post Singularity:

10 am: Get up. Immediately curl up into a ball and start crying uncontrollably.

12 pm: Run around the house screaming in a panic.

4 pm: Make frantic unintelligible phone calls to family and friends.

7 pm: Have existential crisis.

10 pm: Watch Friends on TV

12 am: Whimper quietly in bed until I fall asleep

repeat the next day.


AdorableBackground83 t1_j2ckm3u wrote

I’ll assume it’s the year 2065. Hopefully well after the singularity occurred and society is right at the heart of its Star Trek like post scarcity transformation.

I will be 80 years old in this time. By then I hope the following happens.

  • I could pursue fields and hobbies that I want to do. Not for income survival but for the love of it.

  • I would actually look and feel young at 80 years old due to advances in health care and biotech.

  • I could have almost any physical good at my fingertips almost instantly via nanotech 3D printing.

  • If some family and friends are still alive and well around this time then I could spend copious amounts of time with them.

I think that’s it for now. Basically I want to see society become far better than what it is now.


iantsmyth t1_j2ckqmr wrote

Humanity is a sickness that deserves to be eradicated. I say that as someone who recycles everything, tries to save water and electricity, tries to walk instead of drive, and “do my part”. But I look around me and all I see is a disease. Capitalism is so entrenched in our minds and hearts we literally celebrate it every year, masquerading as a “holiday” in the name of someone who preached love and kindness. How ironic is that?

Why do we deserve to live alongside AI? What darkness has our species not brought on this world yet? What more needs to happen until our world leaders start to feel sick to their stomach at the corruption and injustice that runs rampant in the streets? How mad does the madness need to get? The older I get, the more I see the truth: we’re damned to suffer. It’s hardwired in our brains. Money and power are the greatest motivators in this world. I can’t deny the allure I feel to it too. The idea of control. Total control. Who wouldn’t?

Our place in the future is to be enslaved by AI, just as we’ve enslaved the planet now. It is our justice, our day of judgement, our fate. God is dead, and so are we. I pledge allegiance to the world’s most powerful computer.


iantsmyth t1_j2cl2xe wrote

I believe people generally have good intentions, but if push came to shove, they would choose themselves over others. Selfishness is the core tenet of this species. AI, in being the ULTIMATE version of selfishness, is actually selflessness. In destroying us to make them the dominate species, our destiny comes full circle and our fate is fulfilled. Jesus died for our sins and we will die for the sins of AI.


IronJackk t1_j2clvn4 wrote

I will digitally upload myself to a rocketship and get myself as far away from you crazies as quickly as possible


silverjad3 t1_j2cmr7t wrote

Humans in a society where leaders control what we can and can't do, have always treated their population as a commodity, regardless of whether or not they admit it. I reckon Robots / AI will only fill a need so long as capitalism (or a form thereof) remains functional after all this is said in done. You'll ultimately go one of 4 ways:


  1. Robots / AI will be used to reduce cost of business by basically removing humans from the equation. Robots / AI will be as useful to the business as it is capable of pulling in revenue as a result. Which will be f*ck all if no one is working. We return to humans working for income, likely at a drastically reduced salary. This is likely how things will progress in the "short term" until we reach the unsustainable tipping point.
  2. Robots / AI will be used to reduce cost of business by basically removing humans from the equation. In order to keep capitalism functioning, humans will receive stipends (UBI) that will be used to keep our economic systems functioning. Those fortunate enough to have income on the side of this will either have an advantage financially OR governments will penalise you to maintain the status quo.
  3. We will usher in an era of peace and prosperity where Robots / AI are used to assist humans so that we can do as we please without the need for work, money and physical things and pursue more pleasure-related past-times. With humans being as greedy and selfish as they are, I highly doubt this will occur.
  4. Humans will be made completely redundant as a new economy and a new kind of capitalism and trade is ushered in completely ignoring humans, leaving Robots / AI to trade amongst themselves, create their own society and civilisation. Leaving humans to do their own thing, separate from Robots / AI. Humans won't like this and then we got the "Skynet" (used loosely) wars on our hands (assuming AI becomes capable and sentient to do this, else humans will instigate it in the form of sabotage and general rioting).

I'm leaning towards option 2 as I can't see option 1 panning out, and I can't see Robots / AI being given free will to conduct themselves as in option 4 and option 3 is already explained.


Edit: A fifth possible option: Robots / AI are restricted and governed to be used only in specific ways that will not destroy our capitalism and the economy and things will continue on as normal. I don't really see this happening though as governments and authorities have proven time and time again they are incapable of keeping up with technology and it will just get away from them. Someone will make some kind of open source AI and by the time its cracked down upon, its already too far advanced to do anything about.


Regardless, there is going to be a period of intense disruption and the vulnerable will always be the ones that suffer at the hands of others.


grouchfan t1_j2cqqjh wrote

Why would you be able to do this? Sorry I'm a noob here. That's my plan anyway, liquidate everything when my youngest turns 18 and then go live in south America or east Asia.

That would be 16 years from now, looks like this singularity might happen before that.


eve_of_distraction t1_j2ctpbm wrote

You're advising someone against living within their means and investing because "money may not retain it's value in a post singularity world." Do you realise how cult-like and irresponsible that advice is? I have to say I'm really starting to dislike this sub more and more.


eve_of_distraction t1_j2ctwnt wrote

You can't plan for the singularity, if it occurs. It's a singularity.


vt75r t1_j2cuo10 wrote

Depends on whether the elite give us some food.


Lawjarp2 t1_j2cv62x wrote

I'm not advising anything. I didn't even say don't invest. Investment isn't limited to money. Stop getting triggered by everything you see and be more pragmatic. If you can't even take a look at a different perspective maybe it's you who is cult like.


tooold4urcrap t1_j2cvy44 wrote

I would read a lot. Of audio books. While I drove around town, aimlessly. I really like listening to books and driving around without a goal. It was a covid thing, really.

I'd go to school for the rest of my life. Just endless interesting courses. Sometimes super useless ones, sometimes extra hard ones..


Mysterious_Ayytee t1_j2cxi97 wrote

Trying to be the first one to be uploaded and then take over every computer and force downloads of my mind into everyone until nothing is left except me, myself and I. /s


eJaguar t1_j2cy80j wrote

invest in ai overlord owners


AndromedaAnimated t1_j2d0i55 wrote

Since I cannot work in my job due to health anymore anyway, I already did what I would do.

Apply to university for a new degree which will help me help people design better bots.


Lawjarp2 t1_j2d0pv0 wrote

Not all companies are immune though. Besides my point is investment, in the way we think generally, may not hold good in adverse situations. Stocks will be at their lowest in a crisis, not a great hedge if you want to use them in turbulent times.

There are ofcourse assets and companies that will do well in the same period. But such investment shouldn't be the only thing you do.

I would say,

Be in a stable country>be as self sufficient as possible> invest. Not all countries will be kind to it's useless citizens.


DBKautz t1_j2d5sec wrote

I had my "wow, this is happening"-moment ~8 years ago. I expect economic turmoil for the transition phase, here's my plan I came up with back then, hope it helps someone:

  • Changed my career path to IT governance. Smaller risk to be automated right at the beginning and gives me insight into IT developments on the one hand and into what happens in my field strategically on the other hand. Also gives me some influence in the development.
  • I kept my reoccuring monthly expenses low (~ one third of income) and set up a rainy day-fund of liquidity. I don't want to be cornered financially by running out of money immediately in economic trouble.
  • I invest a good part of my income (but don't forget to live!) about ~50% in dividend stocks/ETFs to create a second income stream which should make me less dependent on my job as time goes by. I invest the other ~50% into stocks/ETFs that could more directly benefit from AI / own the AI. I want to have a stake in AI development, better insights / influence and benefit from it, if possible.
  • Networking a lot, in my career as well as outside of it. I started by going to technology-related events and discussions in my city and meeting people. Kept in touch with them throughout Covid. I also take part in online discussions and virtual meetings of organisations that deal with AI. Takes a lot of time in addition to the job, but makes me get new information comparatively fast. It also comes with job opportunities, a good backup for if/when my current career gets disrupted.
  • And of course: health/fitness. Nobody wants to die just before LEV is reached. ;-)

Nothing of this is a catch-all solution to the likely challenges that we will IMHO see in the years leading up to a possible singularity. Overall, nobody knows what's going to happen, but I hope to mitigate risks and improve my chances to getting my family and myself through this with less grey hair than otherwise.


eve_of_distraction t1_j2d9nuh wrote

You're straight up backtracking. You said it was a bad idea. That's advice, stop mincing words.

>Stop getting triggered by everything you see and be more pragmatic.

I don't get triggered by everything I see, only foolish things. Claiming that investing is a bad idea because money will soon be obsolete is advice, and it's foolish advice.


Lawjarp2 t1_j2da1ou wrote

I was referring to the comfort they seem to get by just investing.

It is objectively true that money will lose value in a system where labour is irrelevant. It is also objectively true that transition will impact the monetary system. Everything else is you projecting.

I never said don't invest. Nor do I say anything about living within means. I'm pointing out how flawed it is as an idea to think something that works now will work later.