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ipatimo t1_j646v5a wrote

Are you sure? More I understand how Neural Networks work, more similarities I see.


[deleted] OP t1_j6474im wrote

Googling “brains are not computers article” will give a few well articulated opposing perspectives, also the brain can’t really be taken as a separate entity from the body, unlike software which can be completely disembodied


ipatimo t1_j64a76y wrote

Found only antiscientific nonsenses.


[deleted] OP t1_j64aq6e wrote

Scientific American and articles by PhD neuroscientists are anti scientific nonsense? Okay, reflexively close your mind to anything you don’t want to believe


TinyBurbz t1_j64k77k wrote

> More I understand how Neural Networks work, more similarities I see.

Dunning Kruger effect.