[deleted] t1_je009pu wrote
Shadowtirs t1_je07zz1 wrote
So the beads were formed from the heat of the impact? They said they were found around craters.
[deleted] t1_je0bx62 wrote
k-laz t1_je0k9r2 wrote
So..... are we doing a good thing by locking up clean water in half-drunk water bottles buried in landfills around the world?
PuppetryOfThePenis t1_je0nb5f wrote
That way when our species is dead and gone for a millenia and then aliens come to visit they'll see there was water on our planet!
What if our species originated from Mars, and we flew to Earth because we wrecked our environment. Then we had a massive war with each other and practically all but died out, then we started to slowly build back up and now we're looking at Mars like maybe it's something we could explore. Like it's calling back to us. Maybe that's why we can't find the exact link between us and primates? lol that would be a trip.
k-laz t1_je0nqy6 wrote
Did we leave ourselves water on Mars? How many times did we perform this dance? We have been to Mars twice and this is our third time on Earth?
[deleted] t1_je0nz76 wrote
NotYetSoonEnough t1_je0rfoa wrote
I’ve thought about this. Has there ever been a realistic estimation on whether or not there’s water being held captive inside of plastic bottles in landfills?
dirtballmagnet t1_je0rp8r wrote
This is how I would tell it to myself:
After the impact, the vaporized surface material would begin to cool and condense, pretty much like raindrops form in clouds. And there would be a cloud of volatiles and other stuff that wasn't yet condensing.
We can imagine that just before the rock cooled off enough to start changing phase, the water was freely intermixed with it. Then as it crystallized it would push out the liquids and gases, but sometimes the lattice would form like a tent around that pocket of gas, and trap it. Some of the trapped stuff would be water.
It seems a no-brainer to set up a giant magnifying class and start sintering lunar regolith. Focus sunlight, melt the rock, open the lattice holes, cook off and capture the volatiles and water, now you have a little water, tons of oxygen, and a stupid amount of titanium-rich slag that you might be able to use as feedstock for a 3d printing system.
Now you don't have to monkey around with the poles and their finite-over-human timescale-water supply. Just sinter layer after layer of rock that you've already excavated for your construction.
... Is my relatively uninformed opinion.
VikingSlayer t1_je0rqid wrote
We are primates lol
And it's impossible to find the one "exact link" where we branched off from, say, chimpanzees, the odds that that individual was fossilised and we can extract DNA are just so incredibly tiny.
[deleted] t1_je0tkt9 wrote
russmbiz t1_je0vq9t wrote
We have all the links between us and our ancestors. You can't find a link between you and your cousin unless you count your grandparents.
k-laz t1_je0yesl wrote
I found this source suggesting 22 million gallons annually.
It's on the internet, so it must be true.
[deleted] t1_je0ys6p wrote
[deleted] t1_je10j94 wrote
[deleted] t1_je10yqi wrote
[deleted] t1_je11nv7 wrote
[deleted] t1_je17kna wrote
Slow_Saboteur t1_je18plk wrote
There are full theories about this.
[deleted] t1_je18sso wrote
[deleted] t1_je19irs wrote
CoffeeWithMoreBleach t1_je19yxm wrote
It’s a possibility if aliens looked like squirrels millions of years ago, but yeah bigger chance there’s Bigfoot out there then us not being true primates.
Dark_Seraphim_ t1_je1bm1m wrote
Venus* we came from Venus, Mars is next when we've depleted Earth/it can no longer sustain humans.
Speculative, and yet saddening
i-kno-nothing t1_je1dwjr wrote
- build a magnetic satellite network shield around the moon.
- strategically place massive nuclear bombs around the entire moon, evenly spaced.
- explode said nukes.
- wait 10 years for radiation to dissipate.
- terraforming complete.
Asraia t1_je1dwr3 wrote
That video was more about China's energy independence.
[deleted] t1_je1fec0 wrote
WarrenPuff_It t1_je1g5zt wrote
The moon is already radiated.
Solar winds will yeet any atmosphere away.
flovell3 t1_je1g6do wrote
This opinion seems pretty informed to me!
Funkyduck8 t1_je1g6ml wrote
Is it not worrisome that countries will be trying to mine and extract minerals from the moon? If something goes wrong and the moon cracks, or fractures, wouldn't that spell absolute disaster for Earth? I may be fearful but as humans are destroying Earth with mining, imagine what could happen on something smaller.
Edit: downvoted for not wanting the moon to become another polluted, capitalistic cash grab. Lol
[deleted] t1_je1gas9 wrote
[deleted] t1_je1gmuo wrote
funk-it-all t1_je1gqkg wrote
I would like to attend this magnifying class! Sounds interesting
[deleted] t1_je1gw8x wrote
[deleted] t1_je1h6zd wrote
i-kno-nothing t1_je1hce7 wrote
That's what the artificial magnetic field is for
deathputt4birdie t1_je1heiu wrote
Don't forget to capture the Helium-3 for aneutronic fusion. These guys will probably be interested in buying some
[deleted] t1_je1hjp9 wrote
[deleted] t1_je1id3p wrote
[deleted] t1_je1ivnd wrote
[deleted] t1_je1iyyf wrote
PatFluke t1_je1j12h wrote
Or! Hollow it out and spin it really fast! Now we can walk on the inside and keep the oxygen inside!
Not the just a hat rack my friends.
AreYouUpsetFriend t1_je1jcyj wrote
Hey this is NASA. Are you interested in a position?
[deleted] t1_je1ksy1 wrote
[deleted] t1_je1kthh wrote
EightballTV t1_je1lcm6 wrote
"Very real problem"
I mean, it's real, it's not a problem though, lmao.
"Oh no, this water doesn't go back into the water cycle"
As if we don't have a planet with 90% oceans and issues with global warming and rising sea levels, soon it will be 95% lol. Maybe we should be putting MORE in bottles, fuck me, what a non issue.
Infact, the more I read that article, the more I realise how much bullshit it actually is. They seem to think water in bottles is no longer in our atmosphere. No, it's still in our atmosphere. Plastic doesn't last forever. We aren't launching it into the sun ffs.
"While nearly 70% of the world is covered by water, only 2.5% of it is fresh. The rest is saline and ocean-based. Even then, just 1% of our freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields."
They do know how rain works, yeah? That the 2.5% fresh water is taken from the oceans, then dropped onto the mountains as rain, where the mountains filter it? Have they even heard of clouds before? I mean, I was taught that at like 8 years old or less.
And if you wanna talk about droughts, and the effect of droughts, then I can guarantee you the droughts were not caused by some water being in a bottle, lmao. Maybe they should take up a new cause that actually matters, like global warming.
arshesney t1_je1ln5g wrote
Mars was too cold and atmosphere didn't really stuck. Venus was much better, but look at how that turned out and that's just for a bit of much needed AC.
Good thing that in the mentime that hellish third planet turned out pretty nice, they say third time the charm, no..?
Fit-Capital1526 t1_je1m567 wrote
Maybe not melt, but heat and force the release of water rich volatiles. Then it is time for fractional distillation to separate the volatiles. Water might not be the only thing we would want
MonkeyTigerCrazy t1_je1majt wrote
No, it’s not because even if we cut the moon in half nothing would really happen other than it just reshaping into another sphere, and there’s no incredibly valuable environment to destroy there so it doesn’t really matter
CroiDubh t1_je1n109 wrote
Well with all that pulling and dragging of the tides it had to happen at some stage
[deleted] t1_je1n4rd wrote
flamenode t1_je1nb6j wrote
Thanks for the link, I applied for a graphic designer role.
arshesney t1_je1nfsn wrote
Crack or fracture? Have you seen how many craters there are on the Moon? Do you think anything man-made can get close to that scale?
No, you can throw the global nuclear arsenal to the Moon and it won't budge, and it'll still be there long after we are gone.
Fit-Capital1526 t1_je1nhfm wrote
An awful lot of water is locked in the ground anyway. This has very little affect overall. It barely touches what is entering the short term water cycle from the melting of Greenland (which was declared doomed a few years ago)
alematt t1_je1o534 wrote
Can't wait to crush me some beads on the moon for full hydration. I can see the commercials now
[deleted] t1_je1ojhh wrote
IAMA_Printer_AMA t1_je1oxw4 wrote
Lunar polar ice is finite on human timescales? How quickly could we burn through it?
cjameshuff t1_je1p9n6 wrote
Helion doesn't need He-3, their reactors are supposed to produce their own by D-D fusion. And at any rate, the glassy beads of the regolith apparently contain up to about 2 parts per thousand of water. The He-3 content is more like 15 parts per billion.
[deleted] t1_je1pwi1 wrote
[deleted] t1_je1r6gi wrote
[deleted] t1_je1rokf wrote
maulinrouge t1_je1tcyf wrote
What the f*** did I just walk in to. This seems incredible but I understand nothing towards the end. Do you have a tldr?
[deleted] t1_je1u458 wrote
[deleted] t1_je1v694 wrote
[deleted] t1_je1wt2y wrote
[deleted] t1_je1xfsw wrote
lolwutpear t1_je1xgkp wrote
>22 million gallons annually
Or about 67 acre-feet. For comparison, California's reservoirs have a capacity of slightly over 40 million acre-feet.
Obviously we should try to conserve fresh water everywhere, but I think we've got bigger fish to fry.
thaisin t1_je1y2h9 wrote
I can see the signage clearly in my mind "Break glass to drink"
Regolith_Prospektor t1_je1yf8x wrote
In other news, r/HydroHomies try to take over the moon
[deleted] t1_je1yi15 wrote
run_out_of_cake t1_je1yp99 wrote
it won't help her see it any easier
[deleted] t1_je1z35e wrote
[deleted] t1_je1zc8w wrote
run_out_of_cake t1_je1zd91 wrote
>Maybe that's why we can't find the exact link between us and primates?
[deleted] t1_je1zn8s wrote
PuppetryOfThePenis t1_je2027a wrote
So... you know where I got my source material.. 🤣🤣🤣
Volerra t1_je2048i wrote
If I could just hitch a ride to the moon, I'd make a killing on Etsy
[deleted] t1_je20nz6 wrote
[deleted] t1_je217bx wrote
stewartm0205 t1_je21jmb wrote
There is also the possibility of water underground. We should drill and see.
[deleted] t1_je22d6s wrote
SasquatchWookie t1_je22m4a wrote
Moon not become new circle after split?
[deleted] t1_je22ubz wrote
MonkeyTigerCrazy t1_je22wbe wrote
How would anything happen if the moon gets holes drilled in it? It’s not losing any noticeable energy like the mass that gets sent back to earth so nothing would happen
[deleted] t1_je23kbi wrote
SpoilsOfTour t1_je23vse wrote
When I was a kid I had a physics teacher who tried to get us excited with this theory. His argument was that the moon is
Perfectly spherical
Locked with one side that always faces Earth
Placed at such a distance that it appears exactly the same size as our sun in the sky.
I doubt that he truly believed it, I think he just wanted to make the subject more interesting for kids, but I've always been fascinated by astronomy, and the idea that things aren't what they seem is always cool.
_themaninacan_ t1_je241xu wrote
What's it feel like to chew 5 gum?
bites down on moon orbiez and crushes teeth into talc
_themaninacan_ t1_je24drp wrote
Why are boobs great? The world may never know.
[deleted] t1_je25g80 wrote
[deleted] t1_je25whr wrote
No-Inspector9085 t1_je264m5 wrote
I thought this was an insult and was surprised when I clicked the link it wasn’t a page stuck in the early 90s
Joeva8me t1_je278gm wrote
Is this the shit that’s supposed to help me lose weight?
[deleted] t1_je28847 wrote
greatstarguy t1_je28kfp wrote
Imagine crushing a Snickers bar in your hand. Your body heat makes it softer, and when you squeeze it, the filling comes out.
That’s basically what they’re proposing. Heat and compress moon rocks to get the water and oxygen out of them, and you can use those for life support and the leftover slag for building things. If it’s all solar-powered, it’s a lot more convenient than other methods.
The sticking point here is how much we’ll be able to get out of these rocks, and how useful the leftover slag is.
OizAfreeELF t1_je2a9z0 wrote
Like Mandalore?
farmdve t1_je2axx4 wrote
Are you all subscribed to WSJ? I saw no one mentioning the cut off article and the big sign saying I need to pay.
FaintDeftone t1_je2cf9t wrote
Those aren’t beads, that’s reptilian overlord food.
Orffen t1_je2doz3 wrote
This is the first time I’ve heard of acre-feet. Why can’t we just use OSI measurements like football fields?!
Neonvaporeon t1_je2g4lv wrote
Acre-feet is an agricultural term so that's probably why you haven't heard of it. Feet of water is generally used to describe how much water a plant needs, acre-feet are how much water a crop needs (almonds need 4 acre-feet of water annually in California.)
FragrantExcitement t1_je2g7dv wrote
I want to eat the juicy, water beads.
thinkpadius t1_je2ghtp wrote
So, build a giant moon laser, got it.
nirurin t1_je2gldt wrote
I walked too many football fields, and now I have acre feet.
[deleted] t1_je2h0ro wrote
aba-i t1_je2hdu1 wrote
Do our ocean tides not completely depend on the moons gravity?
Orffen t1_je2hoak wrote
But a foot is a measurement of length isn’t it? Why would you describe a volume of water using feet?
DreamWithinAMatrix t1_je2ht6g wrote
What is sinter?
[deleted] t1_je2i89j wrote
_Jam_Solo_ t1_je2i8wc wrote
What's weird about the moon, is there is no atmosphere, so, it's like having no water for things to float in. Things that might normally float here, like water vapour, would just fall to the ground on the moon, and only float over whatever else happens to be down there from the explosion.
I'm not sure how useful your system would be though. I feel like the amount of time and energy you'd need to spend melting the regolith and collecting the gasses and whatnot, might be excessive in comparison to the amount of water you'd get. Also, I'd imagine you'd get different results from different impacts. Some impacts might be quite water rich, and others no water at all. But even the water rich ones, might not be rich enough for this to be a viable method of collecting enough water for anything.
[deleted] t1_je2igxq wrote
Neonvaporeon t1_je2ivgw wrote
Plants generally capture water through their roots which typically spread evenly in all directions, water travels down through the soil until it hits a ledge then travels along its path (called percolation.) That means a rough measure of the amount of water is plenty to guage requirements for shallow rooted plants, like most food crops. An acre is a measure of area and a foot is a measure of length, combined those give the 3 dimensions to make volume. Water is sold by volume, and for agricultural purposes that is the measure it is sold by to farms (typically.)
CaptainKink t1_je2j8ac wrote
One acre of land covered with water one foot deep. One step short of just calculating total volume. Much simpler to work with for the farmers.
[deleted] t1_je2kpuz wrote
mooimafish33 t1_je2lw6j wrote
I too have read the expanse
[deleted] t1_je2mx0u wrote
PatFluke t1_je2nfqi wrote
Really? I haven’t read it but have been told I should. They spin the moon?
[deleted] t1_je2oddm wrote
mooimafish33 t1_je2oev3 wrote
They spin Ceres actually, but it's pretty much exactly your idea. Millions of people live in tunnels they have dug all throughout it, and it was spun up enough for the people to experience like .7G
MonkeyTigerCrazy t1_je2oq7b wrote
Would be a problem if the moon got closer because tides would be more extreme but not if the moon shattered, that would just get rid of tides if it eventually turned into a ring
[deleted] t1_je2otwj wrote
i-kno-nothing t1_je2p2t5 wrote
how do you spin a planet? O_O
PatFluke t1_je2qlm4 wrote
Smash a big rock into it? Massive engines pointing 45 degrees up from the surface with fusion reactors powering them throwing particles out of orbit circling the equator? Magic? I dunno I was being dumb when I wrote my comment lol. Sounds like a cool ideaz
Edit: I’m not cool enough for ideaz.
[deleted] t1_je2qrt5 wrote
Gruuler t1_je2tk0e wrote
Wow that was pretty cool! Never heard of that show before.
[deleted] t1_je2ts4i wrote
[deleted] t1_je2tx6x wrote
warthog0869 t1_je2u2px wrote
Plus, if you don't build it within the acreage confines of the well-watered cornfields, Ray Liotta and them won't come.
i-kno-nothing t1_je2un6f wrote
this is all sci-fi. no such thing as a stupid idea! only limit is current technology. but from a physics p.o.v. all could work xD
ErikGoesBoomski t1_je2v4x1 wrote
I mean, look how quickly we burned through the earth's bountiful resources.
Kantrh t1_je2vz90 wrote
We couldn't mine the moon fast enough to affect the tides in any appreciable timescale
MintChucclatechip t1_je2w1vh wrote
Or reptilian overlord droppings
Kantrh t1_je2w6r5 wrote
The moon isn't perfectly spherical
Singular_Crowbar t1_je2x944 wrote
Thank you for humbling me.
I have no idea what over half of the terms you used mean, and I used to think I was smart.
Appreciate the lesson lol
willun t1_je2xhs2 wrote
600 billion litres. By the time we use that we will be able to reposition a comet for resupply.
Kapitan_eXtreme t1_je2z3se wrote
The hell is an acre-foot?
cratermoon t1_je31dgs wrote
The volume of water it would take to cover an area of acre to a depth of 1 foot. That's 43560 cubic feet, 325,851 gallons, or 1,233,481.8 liters
[deleted] t1_je32c8f wrote
[deleted] t1_je330c9 wrote
ThatLeetGuy t1_je3467a wrote
I actually think about this every time I throw away a water bottle, because I do use them often. I always dump liquid contents from bottles before I throw them out. I don't do a lot for environment conservation, but not littering and not throwing water into landfills are the two mounds I'll die on.
[deleted] t1_je34h2t wrote
Eye-tactics t1_je357jb wrote
The moon is a fragment of an ancient planet named Theia. It collided with earth and the molten remnants formed into a sphere by gravity. I'm pretty sure there isn't anything weird about the moon being circular like that. There are literally remnants of the planet sticking out of our crust and core of the planet recently mapped. The animation in this article show what I'm talking about.
[deleted] t1_je35mfz wrote
NotYetSoonEnough t1_je36cdd wrote
I know this doesn’t sound like much but I appreciate that you do these things.
[deleted] t1_je3935z wrote
[deleted] t1_je398jl wrote
Jokonaught t1_je3fpdw wrote
Eli5 is putting powdered metal into a mold and then compressing and heating it until it's all stuck together.
Politirotica t1_je3fu6x wrote
We started on Mars and somehow stripped away most of the atmosphere. Then we went to Venus and caused runaway global warming. Then we came here and, well, you know. /s
[deleted] t1_je3hn5e wrote
[deleted] t1_je3ihek wrote
Wolventec t1_je3mo3d wrote
their are a few work arounds the easiest is to just google search the article followed by wsj, they dont block the article from google search for some reason
[deleted] t1_je3p30d wrote
thezenfisherman t1_je41bcn wrote
According to NASA "Between 1969 and 1972 six Apollo missions brought back 382 kilograms (842 pounds) of lunar rocks, core samples, pebbles, sand and dust from the lunar surface."
Why didn't we know this since these landings?
Heavyoak t1_je4jpav wrote
IE, H.G. Wells, the time machine.
afraid_of_zombies t1_je4oht0 wrote
Pretty sure they are still there
IowaContact2 t1_je4rfx4 wrote
>titanium-rich slag
Please don't call my mother that.
johnsilverfox t1_je5e0nq wrote
I read this the other day this is sooo cool, I think the Chinese discovered this finding?
ErikGoesBoomski t1_je6cxt2 wrote
Just in forms that cannot be used.
[deleted] t1_je6nsii wrote
afraid_of_zombies t1_je6y3fd wrote
Well I do industrial waste processing. Can you tell me what resource we can't yet recover so I can tell marketing?
ErikGoesBoomski t1_je76vyl wrote
Can industrial waste processing bring back the flora and fauna that have been removed by humans? How about removing the mercury from our air and waterways? Or all the radioactive particles we have been pumping into the world for the past few decades? I guess it isn't so much about squandering the natural resources of the planet, more along the lines of rapidly making it into an inhospitable wasteland.
NoYouAreABot t1_je7brol wrote
Someone call Douglas Voght of the Diehold Institute. Sounds like a micronova to me.
afraid_of_zombies t1_je7h86n wrote
I cant see the goalposts you have moved them so far.
Continue to scream on the internet, tomorrow I will go to work and make the world that much cleaner.
Oh, and air scrubbers as well as ground water remediation. To answer your flippant question.
ErikGoesBoomski t1_je7piju wrote
Seriously guy? Go ahead and deploy them. Prove me wrong.
afraid_of_zombies t1_jea1z2n wrote
Deploy what? Maybe spend more than 3 seconds formulating a response.
ErikGoesBoomski t1_jea29m5 wrote
Deploy your magic scrubbers that are going to undo all the damage done to the planet. Go ahead and tackle pfas while you're at it.
afraid_of_zombies t1_jea2l43 wrote
Tell me what a wet-dry scrubber is, the purpose of blowoff and a recirculation line right now and I will answer your question.
Since you clearly know about this stuff you should be able to answer.
[deleted] t1_jeaf9xs wrote
[deleted] t1_jeaxydb wrote
firewoodenginefist t1_jefhm5v wrote
If there's no air drag/low density you could hook 1 or 2 fusion engines to it to create the spin
i-kno-nothing t1_jefuwkj wrote
the fusion engines will power ion thrusters?
[deleted] t1_jeg9utc wrote
firewoodenginefist t1_jegkkfu wrote
I imagine. Rockets work way better in space because no resistance/gravity
[deleted] t1_jdzwv0a wrote