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curiousauruses t1_j6isdwg wrote

Does this mean the scify art where spaceships emit little rings from their exhaust isn't that far off?


a10t2 t1_j6jvqt1 wrote

The "blue glow" type of propulsion is probably an ion engine, which is essentially just propellant + electricity. From a sci-fi perspective you'd want to generate that electricity with a fusion reactor.


Hampamatta t1_j6lthgq wrote

Theoretically ion engines are the pinnacle of propulsion. Far more efficient than normal combustion engines. And doesn't satellites already use small ion engines for realignment?


Earthfall10 t1_j6lv6wv wrote

Eh, there are other electric engine options that are better than ion engines, such as plasma engines or mass drivers. And if power isn't a limiting factor the ultimate in propellent efficiency is a photon rocket, aka a light bulb. No need to carry propellent, though you need 300 megawatts of photons to get a pathetic newton of thrust, so whatever reactor is powering it will need a shit ton of fuel. Though if you're using a laser array to push a mirrored sail that power plant can remain on the ground.


FrozenChocoProduce t1_j6mb7oo wrote

I remember reading about a fusion reactor variant, that, while not ouputting a net gain, might be used (while using up porpellant) to accelerate particles in a rocket engine (usable only in the vacuum of space)...and some well-funded startup already developing this?