nobodysshadow t1_j4yhzsv wrote
Haha I’m not clicking any link when Elon is the clickbait. This reads like Elon is the only human that’s interested in colonizing other planets, and if we don’t listen to him, nobody will talk about colonizing planets anymore.
[deleted] OP t1_j4yi23a wrote
LoFi-Enchilada t1_j4yidw1 wrote
This is just a longer version of the typical Reddit comment of "Why waste resources on that orange piece of rock, when there are kids in Africa that still don't have internet?!"
[deleted] OP t1_j4yigdt wrote
freylaverse t1_j4yim47 wrote
Very misleading article imo. There is every likelihood that we will one day have the capacity to set up cities on planets of similar size and temperature and live there without issue, as well as find better candidates than Mars. The thing is, we will never get to that point, ever, if we let our current planet die. That future is a long way away, but I certainly wouldn't say it will never happen. I can't stand Elon Musk, don't get me wrong, but not because he wants to move to Mars.
CremePuffBandit t1_j4yixmn wrote
It's not really an opinion, it's an engineering problem. Given enough resources and time to develop technology, we can live anywhere.
Thisguyhere1310 t1_j4yizvt wrote
Elon is making it billions cheaper for them to have internet. No need to run billions of miles of fiber..
7grims t1_j4yjkoy wrote
You people are the worse, you overly worshiped him before 2020, and now u overly hate him...
[deleted] OP t1_j4ykoe4 wrote
s0cks_nz t1_j4ykrri wrote
Yeah. It's basically science fiction and not worth worrying about that much. What we should be worrying about is all the problems we have put ourselves in on Earth. Climate change. Species die off. Habitat loss. Plastic and forever chemicals. Etc... Things that threaten our well-being right now.
SirLavish t1_j4yktz4 wrote
Ive never overly liked or disliked him. But Ive always realized hes a danger to our society.
SirLavish t1_j4yl33d wrote
AI robots are the solution imo. Even then an enormous amount of human resources would be needed for such a herculean effort.
[deleted] OP t1_j4yl8dh wrote
[deleted] OP t1_j4ylgys wrote
s0cks_nz t1_j4ylhkr wrote
I do wonder how interconnected to the planet we actually are, and won't really realise until people live off-Earth for long periods (i.e. years, maybe even decades).
Think of all the bacteria and tiny organisms we interact with on a daily basis. Like those in our soil, which end up in our food, which are crucial for plants to grow, the same plants that are proven to bring us well-being benefits.
Can we really live in a place that is essentially cut off from all the biodiversity that we evolved alongside? Sure, we can take soil and plants, and create little sanctuaries of Earth-nature, but it surely will always be nothing compared to a fully fledged ecosystem, let alone an entire planet.
JoyfullyBlistering t1_j4yn3sn wrote
I think those are two distinct groups and neither are the majority they think they are.
drdan82408a t1_j4yhw07 wrote
Regarding Elon Musk, just remember; prosecute wants prosecute’s pronouns to be prosecute and fauci. I say we keep calling fauci that until the day prosecute dies, I mean it’s what prosecute wants, who are we to deny fauci?