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SannyP t1_j7f95sp wrote

I am shocked. Shocked I tell you.


rgiggs11 t1_j7gs9lq wrote

I'm shocked something is actually being done.


boricimo t1_j7h627d wrote

Who said anything will be done? Too soon for that hope.


ceevee5 t1_j7gd451 wrote

Looking forward to the slap on the wrist and 100 hours of community service that they get sentenced as punishment.


rgiggs11 t1_j7gsk47 wrote

It'll probably end up being a fine, which must be very concerning for a team with an unlimited budget.


boricimo t1_j7h6ac8 wrote

A real and not-obviously-PR statement apology about how this is against the highest standards they hold themselves to and promise to do better in the future.


Spironas t1_j7hqyff wrote

"We have investigated ourselves and while we found we had done nothing wrong, we realise this has caused our fans distress and in future we will be better.".


thekrone t1_j7i2u29 wrote

They might have to pay, like, 5 million pounds! That'll teach them to try to funnel their unlimited money into the league.


SgtPepe t1_j7jpfwg wrote

Premier League: ā‚¬100 fine and a slap on the wrist.

Serie A: Serie B it is.


HayesDNConfused t1_j7g55xt wrote



zeth07 t1_j7glyta wrote

Wouldn't relegation just indirectly fuck over whatever lower team is there with them?

Cause they are obviously a good team which means after they get relegated there is a massive chance they would just get promoted anyway and the other team in the lower league would miss out on their chance to get a promotion had they not been there.


DJ_DD t1_j7gn10v wrote

If Iā€™m not mistaken donā€™t most high level players have clauses in their contracts that allow them to leave if the team is relegated?


JSteigs t1_j7hh9gv wrote

They might have a change in their release clause. Most players have a clause (mandated in some countries) that they are able to buy their way out of their contracts, or that of an offer from a club is above a certain price the selling club must accept. I believe there are players who Rae release clauses change if a team is relegated, so suddenly Halaandmight only have a 10mil release clause, who the fuck wouldnā€™t pay that. The player would still have to accept terms of whichever club is buying the player.


PeterSagansLaundry t1_j7h9sjk wrote

Yes and no. It would get harder to promote in 2023-24, but easier in 2022-23.


thekrone t1_j7i4oev wrote

In the past when situations like this have happened in other leagues, they don't relegate four and promote four. They just take the team that got forced relegation and put them in last, and relegate the bottom three, and have the league below promote as normal.

If they do that here, it wouldn't make promotion any easier this season, just harder next season.


PeterSagansLaundry t1_j7ibpcw wrote

In that case it would make it easier for the newly promoted teams to stay up in 2023-24 as only 2 can be relegated. Any way you slice it, the endgame is 20 teams in the prem.


thekrone t1_j7ibuyn wrote

Right, so avoiding relegation this season would be easier, but it wouldn't change promotion this season. Just next season.


DesastreUrbano t1_j7hzj9v wrote

They would lose a lot of the sponsors or at best keep them for waaay less money, because they will not keep paying the club the same when they don't get the same level of exposition than being on the top league. Also can't charge the same for tickets or seasonal passes. Also the rewards for the league are way lower. Merch also would get cheaper. Much of the club income would get highly impacted, and will lead to lower contracts for players and general staff


JSteigs t1_j7ii30h wrote

Oh Iā€™m sure man city would find sponsor deals coming out of no where. Might not be anything youā€™ve ever heard of, or will actually have any sort of advertisements, but there will be looooots of money coming from ā€œlegitimate real businessesā€.


thekrone t1_j7i22ff wrote

It's extremely likely most, if not all, of their top players force a move if they are relegated.

One, City probably wouldn't be able to afford their current salary bill in the Championship with no Champions League, especially now that they're actually under FFP scrutiny and a lot of the remaining legitimate sponsors will try to distance themselves from this scandal. TV money is also a ton less in the second division. Tickets sell for less, and they will likely sell fewer of them. They will sell less merch. They would probably be deemed ineligible for parachute payments. We're talking a huge drop in revenue.

Two, players don't like "wasting" a season in a lower division than where they should be playing. Not to mention there's no "guarantee" it will only be one year... if one key player jumps ship the rest will soon follow and promotion might prove to be harder than expected when you're trying to integrate a bunch of new players. Especially since if they are relegated, it means a minimum of two seasons without Champions League. They'd likely have to have a fire sale to offload their highest earners and guys who simply don't want to play in the Championship and miss Champion's League.

If they could manage to hang on to their important players for that season, then yes it kinda fucks over the teams that are in the Championship as it's basically a guaranteed promotion spot gone, leaving the rest of them to fight over the remaining two.


medoy t1_j7i2rjy wrote

Good point. Better to just turn off their hot water.


F1grid t1_j7fivfk wrote

If you see a turtle on a fence post itā€™s because someone put it there.


Rowdy_Roddy96 t1_j7fns6e wrote

I wonder if they deduct Pts from Man City to put the title out of reach for them this season like how Serie A did with Juve?


pumperthruster t1_j7ikk03 wrote

Juve was relegated in 2006 as a punishment for match fixing.


SgtPepe t1_j7jpj7j wrote

Juve did the same thing other teams did (Napoli, Milan, Lazio, etc) but where the only ones relegated, while the other teams got point deductions.


Hip_Hop_Hippos t1_j7glg11 wrote

So I know they donā€™t have a salary cap in the PL the way they do with some American sports, but is the amount youā€™re allowed to spend on players capped to your actual clubā€™s revenue? And the City was funneling in the sovereign money under the guise of club profits to circumvent that and build a better team?

Is that the gist?


PMMeMunicipalPolicy t1_j7gmaiz wrote

Yes, basically your spending is limited by your revenue (there's a formula that I don't understand, but that's the gist of it)

What city have been doing is making up fake corporations to sponsor the team, making it look like their revenue is much higher than it actually is.


hugh_madson t1_j7gslwk wrote

Omg thank you, i tried reading the official premiere league release and wanted to blow my brains out.

Clarified and easy to understand 10/10 comment thread.


Hip_Hop_Hippos t1_j7gmf4g wrote

Gotcha, thanks for the explanation.


rgiggs11 t1_j7gsthn wrote

They are also accused of lying about expenditure, paying a manager and maybe some players part of their wages under the table.


thekrone t1_j7htuwz wrote

Also allegedly kept some salaries off the books by having outside companies pay staff and/or players as "consultants" or "advisors", when they didn't really do anything outside of their normal duties for the club.

So not only did they fake revenue, they also hid expenditures.

Gee, I wonder how they consistently showed record profits year after year...


DisneyDreams7 t1_j7k7lcf wrote

I love how Guardiola gaslight people about the 100 million Grealish signing. Saying that Man City has a wage structure and wonā€™t break it by spending too much


educated-emu t1_j7iazam wrote

Lets have some fake names for thr corporations...

Not the man group ltd

Real citibank

Mc dowells

Burger prince





LennyDeG t1_j7g131q wrote

Can't Compete, Cheat. Official Moto of City. A club who have funnelled money in and out their club, changed finances of loses to miraculous profits and did so without a care in the world. If the PL had the balls and they should a relegation from the PL would hit hard.


DisneyDreams7 t1_j7k7nx4 wrote

Nah, they need Champions League ban. Thatā€™s the only way to punish them


DarthSmiff t1_j7fsj82 wrote

Cheating. Thatā€™s how you get a bench as deep as City.


RTwhyNot t1_j7ggmhr wrote

Iā€™m terribly shocked! /s


marklondon66 t1_j7gonus wrote

This is going to be so delicious.
Every football fan has known that City have been cooking the books for years. That the Prem is doing something about it is....slightly astounding.

Even if the punishment is light or nonexistent, its going to be a fun ride hearing the details!


PqqMo t1_j7gudgy wrote

And what will happen? A fine of 100Ā£ and that's it


AU_Cav t1_j7ho2hu wrote

A strongly worded email will be sent


MasterWaffleZ t1_j7gmfi0 wrote

As nice as it is to finally happen, 4 of the last 5 seasons if they even got a 2 point deduction, Liverpool would have more titles...


tycho_uk t1_j7h0vo9 wrote

They have to punish retrospectively otherwise clubs will just take a small fine (Ā£200m is nothing to these guys) as a cost of business.


thekrone t1_j7i3ymu wrote

200 million is nothing, but retroactive punishments feel hollow. They hand back a few trophies and then keep going? Let them represent England in the Champions League next season? Swear they're following the rules this time?

I feel like future punishment is a more firm deterrent. Relegate them. Preferably down a few divisions. Make them prove they can make their way back to the Premier League by operating the club within the rules (and with a much smaller budget) for a few years.

It would certainly be a huge deterrent for other clubs to think about doing the same.


thekrone t1_j7i3l81 wrote

I don't know, as a fan I don't know if I'd want my club to be awarded a "retroactive title". Feels just kind of hollow. Like if Leicester had their 2015-16 title stripped, would I really want Arsenal to claim that title? Meh.

There are so many ripple effects that would have occurred had City not been cheating this whole time. It's hard to say that second place just gets the title and that's that.


MC_ScattCatt t1_j7gzhfd wrote

Youā€™re saying all that revenue wasnā€™t legit!? With all that history and large fan base that fills the Emptihad I mean Etihad every game youā€™d think it was legit.


JackalTheJackler t1_j7hj4vr wrote

And they can't go crying to CAS this time I hear...


slidingjimmy t1_j7h6cuc wrote

Wow. Would never have imagined /s


mackattackfc t1_j7hf9hv wrote

Kick them out of the football league


Juuiken t1_j7hg3gw wrote

No shit, only now they figure? Bunch of goddamn Sherlocks.


ResoluteClover t1_j7hnyem wrote

Is Chelsea in trouble after this year? Seriously, I have no idea other than they have spent a ton of money.


Krakshotz t1_j7hz78m wrote

Chelsea have been exploiting loopholes to bend the rules that are now being closed

City meanwhile have been straight-up breaking them


H0vis t1_j7ickyu wrote

It's not the spending too much money, it's finding illicit ways to spend money and refusing to cooperate with investigators.

It's a different sport but refusal to cooperate is why Saracens rugby team got relegated from the top division, rather than the other wrongdoing.

It's in the league's interest to bring heavy consequences for the non-cooperation. Teams need to make their accounts available to the league.


Mr_Cam86 t1_j7i6d8k wrote

Imagine is Gerrard gets a premier league out this ordeal. The ā€œslipā€ would be on City at that point lol.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j7i721c wrote

Meanwhile their oil rich owners are like I can't spend as much as I want to win?


ungawa t1_j7i7n87 wrote

My only hope is that theyā€™re being charged by the league and not the FIFA mafia. And allegedly, Parliament has been threatening to regulate the league for its practices. A points deduction or relegation wouldnā€™t surprise me


H0vis t1_j7ic9tx wrote

I mean, it literally says 'charged by Premier League' you didn't even have to read the entire headline to know they are being charged by the league.

It's pretty serious.


ungawa t1_j7ikc2g wrote

You mustā€™ve been the smartest one in your class, Einstein. I meant ā€œhopeā€ for a better result this time cause itā€™s the league going after them. If you recallā€¦Fifa went after City for ffp violations and they got off scott freeā€¦cause you knowā€¦fifa is like the mafia


H0vis t1_j7iokm5 wrote

That was UEFA. And it went to a different court of arbitration that won't be in play this time. Also City essentially threatened to bankrupt UEFA with legal red tape. Not sure that'll work in the Premier League because the primary power in the Premier League are the other clubs.


t0m999 t1_j7ii68p wrote

While it doesnā€™t surprise me, I was waiting to hear this story but about Chelsea lol


Frankly_Frank_ t1_j7isnkq wrote

Lol this is such a joke they will fine them and that's it. Do you really think they care for a fine when they have endless money.


klyphw t1_j7iuirq wrote

The Premiere League has financial rules?


PerryNeeum t1_j7ggnp3 wrote

Again? No fucks given by the Qataris.

Edit: UAE. Does it matter? Different country in the same geographic area that also would do exactly the same.


PickledCumSock t1_j7gjjgt wrote

qataris don't own man city


Hip_Hop_Hippos t1_j7gmjh4 wrote

In fairness though, they probably donā€™t give a fuck about this lol


PerryNeeum t1_j7h174l wrote

Itā€™s all the same. The Qataris would absolutely do the same. As much as I hate to say it, I much prefer United.
