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Perturabo_Iron_Lord t1_j8cj8wy wrote

The Fox broadcast was awful all night, rarely showing good angles of important plays or calls. Olsen poring gasoline on the situation by constantly saying that it shouldn’t have been called even after seeing the better angle didn’t help either.


spanctimony t1_j8d1q1e wrote

People keep saying Olsen is so great and has surpassed Romo etc.

I don’t get it. He’s awful to me.


creightonduke84 t1_j8dirqh wrote

Romo went downhill and lowered his bar hard


spanctimony t1_j8dmubn wrote

I just want more of that year one Tony where he calls the plays ahead of time.


creightonduke84 t1_j8dncw4 wrote

It makes me wonder, The longer your away from the game, the more homework and film study your most likely need to pull that off. Maybe we just need to resolve announcers to the recently retired, or just accept it’s a cool party trick with an expiration date.


spanctimony t1_j8dnzud wrote

I flip back and forth from thinking it’s that to thinking it’s the NFL telling him to stop doing the play prediction.

The thing is, concepts don’t change that fast in the NFL.

The most successful offense in the league is the Shanahan offense. Not Kyle, but his Dad Mike. Yes, it has changed some and continues to evolve, but there are only so many approaches and strategies. It’s not so much that the game evolves, it’s more like rock paper scissors where scissors might fall out of popularity because everybody is doing rock, but then some people start doing paper to defeat rock, and all of a sudden scissors is viable again.

That’s obviously absurdly simplified and just to illustrate a point, but the NFL is more cyclical than evolutionary.


R011_5af3_yeah t1_j8etjsi wrote

When the cte kicks in. It'll hit Olsen harder i think. Not wishing or nothing. Bradshaw has a steel plate for a skull, no idea how he's still coherent so mmv.


Laschoni t1_j8d89qe wrote

Romo is probably worse at this point. But not because of any great ability on Olsen's part - Romo just cratered over the last 2 seasons.


FerdaCoach t1_j8cz9zy wrote

True.. but way better then having Joe Buck.


mkhopper t1_j8d1di8 wrote

Barely. There were times when I would say, "you know, I almost miss.... no, no I don't."


FlipTheFalcon t1_j8dplhr wrote

After the first fumble recovery into the touchdown, I don't think they ever showed another replay of it. Not even ONCE.

Not even during the halftime recap!!!


EoTN t1_j8d1gm0 wrote

Fox throwing fuel on a dumpster fire? Noooooooooo, couldn't be


Entrefut t1_j8dpm5f wrote

Sounds pretty standard for the Fox brand.


midas282000 t1_j8f49yt wrote

You are correct. If also says it is a clear hold, people aren’t complaining. Whether they think it or not they were influenced by his words.


idungiveboutnothing t1_j8f6qul wrote

Olsen had zero clue what he was talking about with every single penalty and review throughout the night. Every single one of those booth reviews was blatantly obvious how it was going to go if you know anything about the catch rules or watched any game in the past 5 years and Olsen acted like it was some travesty they were overturning calls.


ME5SENGER_24 t1_j8d5571 wrote

That’s cause Olsen is an absolute fucking retard in the booth. Every time I hear his voice, I ask myself which athlete asked for more money and didn’t take the role, giving way for Olsen to be on air? The entire time this was being replayed he wouldn’t let Kevin Burkhardt speak, even though Kevin was clearly correct in saying when the hold occurred and not looking at the final 3 seconds of the play. Literally anyone would be better to replace him…or nobody! Kevin could’ve called the Super Bowl by himself last night and nobody would’ve cared Olsen wasn’t there
