
idungiveboutnothing t1_j9ko77n wrote

It's entirely comparable and it's literally what's happening under the hood of the algorithms. There are correlations built between what you engage with and what others who engaged with that also engaged with so it would be exactly the same as asking for gang related materials and the librarian said "oh you might also want to check out books on trafficking, people who look up stuff on gangs look at that too". Are they speaking on behalf of the entire library because you engaged with them and they answered your question? It really sounds to me like you don't understand how software, servers, algorithms, etc. work.


idungiveboutnothing t1_j8f6qul wrote

Olsen had zero clue what he was talking about with every single penalty and review throughout the night. Every single one of those booth reviews was blatantly obvious how it was going to go if you know anything about the catch rules or watched any game in the past 5 years and Olsen acted like it was some travesty they were overturning calls.