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trendli t1_ir0hle7 wrote

Time to get the lawsuit money


CptSpudge t1_ir0icsx wrote

Shame he couldn't do that in the actual match.


Seahawk715 t1_ir0wjtu wrote

Rams. Just Rams. Fan is lucky Wags didn’t decapitate him 🤣


ryclarky t1_ir1gos4 wrote

Serious question: Couldn't he be criminally charged or civilly sued over this? Obviously anyone can sue anyone over anything, but this just seems like a dumb way to throw away money as a pro athlete. Let security handle it.

Cool to watch though lol


yanbu t1_ir1hsc9 wrote

It would almost be worth it to get tackled by Bobby Wagner. One of my all time favorites, one of the best to ever play the position.


GrecoRomanGuy t1_ir1tgve wrote

I'm pretty sure Wagner only put like 20% strength into that hit at best and he still absolutely trucked the dude.

A sobering reminder of how powerful these guys are and how stupid it is to rush the field like that.


ryclarky t1_ir589z4 wrote

Really? Any sources on that? I've heard numerous stories of store employees accosting shoplifters getting summarily fired by their employers. Shoplifting seems like a worse offense than running onto a football field. And stopping a shoplifter seems a lot more tame than a pro athlete in peak physical condition and full pads tackling someone in shorts and a tshirt.


ryclarky t1_ir7saa5 wrote

And how was he "protecting himself" from some rando just running around on the field? Was the dude going after him in particular? Was he somehow a threat?

Answers to all of that are no. Bobby is going to get sued and lose a decent chunk of money. It was a stupid thing to do and he deserves what he gets.


ChessTiger t1_irawk0p wrote

Since the guy was breaking the law...Wagner was doing what any good citizen would do to help stop a criminal.


pezdeath t1_ird5d5z wrote

Player would be protected by the team. So in theory the fan could sue in civil court but good luck.

This is baseball but I'd imagine it's the same for any professional sport. and with examples:

It's straight up illegal to run on a field. I don't see why it would be any different for a player to tackle them vs a security guard doing it.