
yanbu t1_j6e8lxj wrote

Instead of saying to yourself: “I don’t have time for this” start saying “I am not making this a priority right now.” Reframing things that way makes it easier to see that it’s you that’s the problem. And for things you’re ok with not being a priority, well that’s probably fine.


yanbu t1_j5l17ov wrote

My dude, if you had any idea how many people from India do exactly that it would blow your mind. Super possible, but yeah, need a sponsor and getting tougher right now as tech companies lay people off. My advice: put out a portfolio of work on Github, contribute to open source, and apply to low level jobs to get your foot in the door.


yanbu t1_j5b993x wrote

I really liked Ad Astra as well, not sure why it gets so much hate? It’s definitely a slow burn, but overall thought it was fascinating. And it’s set in that middle ground in sci fi that’s rarely explored: the between time near future where we barely have the capability of reaching out into the far reaches of the solar system, but before the Star Trek limitless magic tech phase.


yanbu t1_j26i6pq wrote

The issue, which we’re already seeing happen elsewhere is they just start pulling BS like posting a ridiculous salary range like 60k-300k (I just saw as posting like this not long ago lol)

I’d suggest doing some research and getting a feel for what the actual market range is as well and not rely entirely on asking the range.


yanbu t1_j1iqx1c wrote

Here’s a quote from the Australian Institute of Suicide Research and Prevention, can’t find the study without putting some actual looking in but draw your own conclusions. “almost half of male suicides are linked with relationship issues”. There’s a pretty solid picture of a relationship between male suicide, dv, and other family related issues.

So, once again, I ask you to actually confront your prejudices rather than just perpetuating the problem.

I’d like to note that nothing I’ve said detracts from the issues women have with DV. It’s a serious concern. But we won’t have a healthy society unless we address the entire problem.


yanbu t1_j1impcr wrote

If you extrapolate from the extremely low reporting rate and the official stats on female on male domestic that number isn’t that far off. Male on female domestic violence is more likely to lead to injury but women are 2x as likely to use a lethal weapon and is much more likely to lead to the male committing suicide (probably plays a large role in the disparity between suicide rates between the genders). Please consider evaluating your prejudices rather than just calling people evil and closing your mind whenever you run into an idea that runs counter to your beliefs, it will help make the world a better place.


yanbu t1_j1ih6tg wrote

While I can appreciate her passion for the subject, I think the main points against her are that turning environmentalism into a religion isn’t a good idea. Telling everyone to repent and suffer to appease the climate isn’t really a great way to actually accomplish change.

We need technological solutions that are economically viable and don’t require reducing consumption to actually make reducing climate change sustainable. We’re getting there rapidly between the rise of the electric car, renewable energy becoming cheaper than fossil fuels, and fusion power breakthroughs. Her fire and brimstone approach is counterproductive IMO.


yanbu t1_j1i21qz wrote

So many misandrists out there saying it’s just a case of a victim of DV protecting her abuser. This is what it’s so frustrating about the current state of affairs of family law for men. Even an just an accusation, even in this case where there was significant physical evidence to refute her claim, has a massive negative effect on men’s lives. (I say men here because there isn’t really any for women. In fact female on male domestic violence is 10x the rate of the other way around, albeit with less serious consequences much of the time, and if you call the police as a guy in many jurisdictions YOU will be the one arrested.) False accusations are actually quite common, and it’s not even hard to understand why. You put someone in a high stress situation, she punches the guy hard enough to break his glasses, the police show up and she’s worried about catching charges and not being able to see her kids but she’s got an easy button, an instant way to make the stress, the police, and her husband she’s pissed at go away: say he hit me. We shouldn’t be surprised that this happens and we definitely shouldn’t take accusations lightly, but we need to give people a little grace and not start destroying their lives before having a chance to uncover the truth.


yanbu t1_iwzypc4 wrote

My first job out of college was at Boeing. While I was there a guy I worked with someone accidentally plugged a cable from a switch back into itself and took down the entire building’s network. Thousands of people, including the AOG engineering team were suddenly not able to work. The networking team couldn’t figure out what had happened, so they eventually just told everyone who worked in the building to go home and work from there if you could. It’s funny how fragile we allow critical infrastructure to be sometimes.