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sctt_dot t1_ix3c57u wrote

The article about why you should pirate online media... it's behind a pay wall. Brilliant!


stretcherjockey411 t1_ix3clnr wrote

Jokes on them. I wouldn’t watch it no matter where it was being played!


dogjollpez t1_ix3gllc wrote

Are people still using the site soccer streams for pirating or what? So many of those sites are filled with malware and other garbage.

Is there a better option?


SFPsycho t1_ix3r0xx wrote

No one is trying to shame anybody. FIFA has proved they're corrupt and only care about money and Qatar... well, it's Qatar. All people are saying is that if you stream it illegally, you won't be giving them any money while you can still enjoy the whole tournament. If you just want to ignore all that and watch it normally, that's perfectly fine. Some of us don't want to give money to a corrupt country/organization but still want to watch and support our national team so there are other ways to watch it. Simple as that.


TryMyBacon t1_ix3xopj wrote

That's what I'm doing. I want to watch cause I love the world cup but will not support them financially in any way.


TryMyBacon t1_ix3xuwx wrote

Use uBlock origin and use trusted sites. I've been pirating my whole life never had malware. Malwarebytes and windows defender scan after viewing if you are really worried and you will be fine.


fortoxals OP t1_ix3xv81 wrote

It's not about shaming, it's about not giving FIFA and quatar the return they expected to show that you cannot bend morals as far as you want without consequences


Weird-Engineer t1_ix4161a wrote

It’s not ethical to watch this AT ALL. FIFA has now essentially banned all Jews from the World Cup. FIFA has banned Jewish prayer or Jewish food at the game.


i_have_chosen_a_name t1_ix45huy wrote

No, it's not. Just don't watch it. Every time somebody tries to talk about this world cup start talking about how corrupt FIFA is and how Qatar had slaves to build all the shit for it.


cambuulo t1_ix4htbz wrote

Western imperialism is ok but I draw the line at Muslim countries enforcing their religious and cultural values in their own country. Such heroes


Scazzz t1_ix4kmwr wrote

I did my part.


quest-to-know t1_ix4y9kh wrote

Arguably? It’s absolutely ethical and the way it needs to be viewed. Eat into as much profit as possible


iihacksx t1_ix4z0mz wrote

Any good sites to stream it in English?


big_ugly_builder t1_ix50viq wrote

The money has changed hands. If noone watches it, it's the sponsors that lose out. Fifa sells the rights years ago, they have their money. Qatar doesn't get any of that now either. Pirating isn't going to hurt the people you think it is.


schpanckie t1_ix519aq wrote

Best to watch from home with a beer….lol


NagoyaR t1_ix52llr wrote

I think this is the first world cup im not even the slightest bit of interested in watching. Teams should have boycotted Qatar being host and just not gone there.


Brodman_area11 t1_ix53wnw wrote

From an admittedly non-sportsfan perspective, I genuinely don’t understand watching soccer in the first place. Aside from the fake injury melodrama (Which I concede is pretty fun): soccer, hockey and basketball are the exact same sport with different shaped balls. It’s all like watching paint dry.


DrQuailMan t1_ix54mta wrote

Only if the feed you use censors the commercials. And if it blurs out the on-field advertisements. And if it mutes the audio when the the commentators shout out sponsors. Otherwise, just don't watch, who cares.


mechanab t1_ix58vsb wrote

I’ll DL the games I want to watch. I don’t normally approve of piracy, but I don’t want anyone to make any money off of me for this shit show. If I can’t find it, I just won’t watch.


spectr312 t1_ix5cn0e wrote

False. No matter how you slice it, you're giving time, attention, and money to an organization that allows for authoritarian regimes to host their games.


OGDankTaco t1_ix5jjm9 wrote

I think its always ethical


Moddaboy t1_ix5tjcb wrote

All the kids on phones or leaning on their arm looks like they were forced to be there


BleedBLUE87 t1_ix66i4r wrote

I'm not trying to watch grown men flop anyway...


LTVOLT t1_ix6gpwy wrote

why are you getting downvoted? I just looked up your claim and as of today, November 20, Qatar banned Kosher foods and jewish prayer. That is so messed up- this is supposed to be an inclusive World Cup tournament- absolutely shameful!


cal405 t1_ix6grmj wrote

It's arguably even more ethical not to watch the world cup at all


Falconflyer75 t1_ix6kr4v wrote

Depends on how u look at it,

Qatar doesn’t get money from broadcasting


kingcovey t1_ix6tkyh wrote

the hypocrisy..... is unreal....

the article is blocked via a paywall


Osoroshii t1_ix6xxzi wrote

The real punishment is to not watch at all


ThisNameIsFree t1_ix71q06 wrote

It's weird they stopped at those sports. Based on the similarities (2 teams trying to move an object to a 'goal' on opposite ends of a playing surface), 90% of team sports are the same. US Football, rugby, water polo, ultimate Frisbee: all the same sport. Then other major team sports would be tennis/volleyball/racquetball/badminton/jai alai, baseball/cricket, and curling. So there are really only 4 team sports I can think of.


ThisNameIsFree t1_ix78uyv wrote

Sure. Now those ones are true of every country in the world, so best just go and live in the wilderness and not participate in any modern activities whatsoever. In fact, if you're going to grandstand on those, you should probably get rid of your own phone/laptop/whatever you're using to read this.


LumaTheLostStar t1_ix7hu6n wrote

I, an American: “FEAR NOT! I shall make the painful sacrifice of abstaining from watching the World Cup. Truly my selfishness knows no bounds, but I will persevere for the good of “football”.


MelodicSalt9589 t1_ix7ixp3 wrote

Will you say this same for the US World Cup?


spacekeys_xyz t1_ix7jde9 wrote

It’s most ethical to just boycott the fucking thing.


plomerosKTBFFH t1_ix7rydj wrote

The companies paying for the ads might be able to get a lower price next time if the number of viewers is way lower than before. Which in turn eats into FIFA's pockets and that would be fucking great.


ihateyoutwice t1_ix7ui17 wrote

Or you know, Just don’t watch it at all. It’s not that important.


VikKarabin t1_ix8cagz wrote

i'm barely noticing there is World Cup going on, noone cares. I am in Israel though


Szepesh t1_ix8h57s wrote

100% agree. Im not even tempted to watch this year’s World Cup. It was corruptly assigned, Qatar essentially legalized slavery to build stadiums and hotels, thousands died due to Qataris treating the people building World Cup projects as sub-human, they have a horrible human rights record for LGBT rights, they have banned Jews from praying and and banned stadiums from selling kosher food, the list goes on and on. Watching this tournament legally or illegally sends the message that people want entertainment above human rights and a non-corrupt FIFA.


big_ugly_builder t1_ix8ihqo wrote

Never said it was. I want to see the corruption eliminated. But I get tired of people "taking a stand" without understanding what the problem is or how to really fix it. It's like doing a #endthecorruption and believing you're helping.


Ryderrunner t1_ix909iy wrote

Or just don’t watch it. Make it a bigger loss and just wait for the next one. Don’t talk about it, don’t post about it, just boycott it by not supporting it in any way.


cambuulo t1_ix9co1x wrote

The global structures upholding this paradigm are overwhelmingly western. The most imperial and intolerant actions of the last few decades have been the numerous wars in the Middle East. Also the highest death toll. If you’re not gonna be consistent in action, which i agree it’s impossible to boycott everything, be consistent in your criticism.


ThisNameIsFree t1_ixaf53y wrote

I agree with all that, but the specific criticism level led here was about indentured labor making the buildings for the world cup. It's not inconsistent to be OK with other world cups if that's your specific concern and reason for boycotting.


cambuulo t1_ixaz2bz wrote

The criticism may be specific but the narrative isn’t. There is a clear separation between politics and sports when china hosted the olympics, when Russia hosted the WC and there likely will be when the US hosts it next. The BBC didn’t even show the opening ceremony in an attempt at a virtue signalling protest


Sids1188 t1_ixbt7a3 wrote

As someone who never watches the world cup, I'm tempted to stream replays of every other world cup just so that this can become the exception that I won't watch.


eboe t1_iy8grw3 wrote

Don't watch any other sport then, punk. These guys don't wear padding other than the shin guards and i've seen snapped bones, guys playing with lumps in their collarbones that need surgery who are waiting until the season is over, so I don't want to hear your mindless babble about stuff you have absolutely zero clue about when you probably watch a bunch of guys wearing 40 pounds of pads and helmets make 3 plays then take a commercial break and rest. Oh and they have radios in those helmets so the coaches can talk to them. It's one step removed from playing Madden.