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Mine-Shaft-Gap t1_j3ty5r9 wrote

Yeah, no.

People have heart attacks. Pro athletes sometimes have heart attacks even while young and in their prime. Undiagnosed heart conditions are a thing.

Rich Peverly, NHL, 2014

Jay Bouwmeester, NHL, 2020

Chris Pronger, NHL, 1998

Jiri Fischer, NHL, 2004

Alexei Cherepanov, KHL, 2008


EmceeMrE t1_j3tyzbi wrote

I’m 40 years old. As long as I can remember kids have been dropping dead, every year, mostly from undiagnosed heart conditions, since I’ve been in high school.

You idiots trying to pin ANYTHING on the vaccines is pathetic as fuck.


newge4 t1_j3tzch0 wrote

Yes they are...and this isn't some new issue...been happening forever, just way more focus on it since anti vaxxers are now pointing at any mysterious death as vax related to rile folks up.


Rtot1738 t1_j3tzx4g wrote

Jesus Christ. RIP. Praying for the family.


pistcow t1_j3u164j wrote

Yeah, this

I'm 40 and personally know several that didn't make it out of grade school due to sports related, undiagnosed heart condition, cancer, being ran over by a car in their bedroom while they sleep, idiot drunk driving, etc. Life is fragileand kids are dumb/inexperienced.


AZraver t1_j3u1pl1 wrote

Yeah, I don’t understand to seem why people try to pin young people dying on something else. Bodies are really sensitive things, but yet really durable at the same time, so random occurrences of people dropping dead young has been happening.

What’s really crazy is fentanyl overdoses have started to effect the life span of people here in America so much that it’s gone done. I know that’s a random thing, but just one of those crazy things to really think about.


captain_beefheart14 t1_j3u2bwv wrote

Exactly, a guy I went to HS dropped dead out of the blue of a heart attack at 29, 3 years before COVID. He wasn’t even overweight.

People sometimes just fucking die without warning, not everything is a conspiracy.


b_Fox-O t1_j3u2edb wrote

Cue the conspiracy theory comments from the anti-vaxxers…


gza_liquidswords t1_j3u2idm wrote

In before anti-vax conspiracy theorists get this thread locked


DM_me_your_pleasure t1_j3u3729 wrote

I am so sorry for a young lad, cut down even before his prime. I'm twice his age. He will never know a lot of the stuff you and I did and took for granted. I wish his family and friends all the support they'll need.

'Cause life's a bitch and then you die.



landof10000cakes t1_j3u3v1j wrote

It happened with Damar Hamlin the same night he was revived. It happened with Taylor Hawkins (Foo Fighters drummer) the day after he died. It keeps happening and sometimes you need to not let the idiots be the most vocal about a medical emergency.


Gradual_Tardigrade t1_j3u53nm wrote

This sucks, but I’m heartened to see the mods dealing with the dipshits so quickly. My heart goes out to his loved ones and teammates.


Taltezy t1_j3u5evq wrote

Last Roll Call are always tough.


Blueberrycupcake23 t1_j3u97ul wrote

Oh Noo.. so sad to hear, after the bad news of Hamlin. I’m so sorry!!


Wosota t1_j3u9ovy wrote

Growing up we had quite a few adolescent athlete deaths at my school due to undiagnosed heart issues. Apparently it’s pretty common.

My thoughts go out to the family. That is a parents worst nightmare.


Lou3000 t1_j3uagu7 wrote

It’s really remarkable that before 2021, there had never been a cardiac issue in sports /s. Except I can think of two that I was watching live on TV. That’s not even trying to do any research. Muamba and Eriksen. Both soccer players connected to the one team I support. Eriksen a former Spurs player and Muamba in a match against Spurs.


woundedbearhair t1_j3ubnv8 wrote

Heart problems in athletes is more common than a lot of people think, they can usually intervene if they catch it in time, but if you really look into it; it’s not unusual. Athletes tend to push their bodies to the extreme and that can cause heart problems or unearth an undiagnosed condition.


Nevermind04 t1_j3ubwv5 wrote

But unexpected cardiac arrest happened long before the Covid vaccine...

One of my family friends growing up was a doctor in his mid 40s. He was in great shape and ran every other morning. Drank green smoothies and the whole 9 yards. Dude just dropped dead on a run one morning. Two autopsies found absolutely nothing - no clogged arteries, no heart malformation, no known toxins. Just sudden cardiac failure. This was like 2003 ish, long before anyone but specific disciplines of scientists knew the word coronavirus.


RealPropRandy t1_j3uc1q4 wrote

RIP young man. Imma go call my little brother.


knuckles53 t1_j3udl0k wrote

I was working today with a guy who’s daughter is a freshman at USAFA. He was immediately on the Pfizer blood clot train. It took all I had to keep my eyes from rolling out the back of my head.


TheHerbDude t1_j3ue2x8 wrote

And people say CTE is a made up disease
