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tipsup t1_j5a2t0m wrote

To justify terminating an employee (who makes over 1million) something of note happened here, this isn’t a policy violation.


Useful-ldiot t1_j5ahdju wrote

I don't know that that is entirely true. He's a football coach. He can be fired for just about anything.

We didn't score enough. Fired.

We didn't score fast enough. Fired.

We didn't score in this one, meaningful game. Fired.

We like another candidate more than you. Fired.

You suck at recruiting. Fired.

AFAIK, there has been a single wrongful termination suit in recent memory, and it was related to vaccines. I couldn't find any other cases.


bsherms t1_j5aobg6 wrote

He's being fired for cause. That's different. He won't be entitled to the rest of the money on his contract. Coaches that get fired for football reasons get a hefty buyout in most cases.


Useful-ldiot t1_j5b81o5 wrote

Coordinators don't have hefty buyouts. Their contracts are rarely more than $1m making they're buyouts typically $2-3m at best.

Edit: my point here is that any P5 university wouldn't hesitate for a moment to pay some $5m to fuck off. That's not a buyout they'd ever even consider riding out.


Mattbl t1_j5b95se wrote

Poor guy only getting a $2-3m payout, that sounds rough.

I'm kidding, as obviously I understand that money is not "hefty" in comparison to HCs, but to a normal person it definitely is "hefty."


reachingFI t1_j5bb9yw wrote

But he’s not a normal person so why draw that comparison at all?


Mattbl t1_j5bck73 wrote

When I say normal, I mean anybody outside looking in. $2-3m payout for losing your job is hefty for 99% of the people on this planet.


bw1985 t1_j5c9vnx wrote

I have no idea what he did but policy violation is enough to fire somebody.