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t1_j7gv7y3 wrote

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Hmmm, then the student loans wouldn't be the source of a bad credit score. If they're deferred (don't require payment while in school), then there's not a chance to miss payments and aren't used to calculate FICO.


t1_j7gvmvw wrote

It may affect their DTI ratio even if they're deferred.


t1_j7gxmfa wrote

But dti doesn't directly calculate into credit score. And student loans count as income for housing purposes as it's a legal way to use student loans. Apartments don't generally consider dti as it's more a use for lending purposes. They look at history of payments, bankruptcies, basically financial integrity. In this area, with so many students, colleges, and apartments, student loans wouldn't be a negative except for the most premium apartments, which I'm sure OP isn't pursuing.


t1_j7hooaz wrote

Apartments absolutely do consider DTI, I’ve worked in apartments for 8-9 years and it’s ALWAYS been part of our criteria as a company. I’ve never worked in Springfield, but I have worked at 4 separate companies and a total of 6 communities.


OP t1_j7gwc12 wrote

Yeah it's all a little bizarre the places I'm applying to use some other sort of checking along with my credit score. It's called an RV index and my student loans are being factored into that. I just said credit score because it seemed simpler to explain. It's very frustrating because without those loans I'd be approved.


t1_j7gyz8q wrote

Ahh, the shadow credit report. So they develop a tenant "profile" of a bunch of personal and financial details and run it through algorithms for a computer to decide if the tenant is high risk or not. That screening tool has even less regulatory oversight than credit scores, and people and advocacy groups have raised concerns that these secret screening methods are a way to bypass equal housing rights and discriminate against otherwise acceptable candidates. For your sake, I hope it's the screening tool basing it off your student loans, while still a poorly applied derogatory remark on your tenant likelihood, and not some other BS discrimination.


OP t1_j7gzlt8 wrote

That sounds about right to me. If you have any experience with Wooten Co that's the one that's giving me all the issues. What's crazy is that I already live on one of their properties, I'm just looking to get a two bedroom to get a roommate. I've already been approved once for this company but got nixed the second time? I hate applying for apartments lol


t1_j7hvnmp wrote

That's crazy if you're already an established tenant and they won't accept transfer to any other property of theirs.