Submitted by InteractionOwn4759 t3_114kvcj in springfieldMO
Need moving boxes. Every store I’ve called (price cutter, brown derby, Hyvee) says they don’t give them away. Anyone got the inside scoop or some boxes for sale?
Submitted by InteractionOwn4759 t3_114kvcj in springfieldMO
Need moving boxes. Every store I’ve called (price cutter, brown derby, Hyvee) says they don’t give them away. Anyone got the inside scoop or some boxes for sale?
lowes has moving boxes to buy
Menards has them:
Try a smaller grocery stores like Harter House, Asian grocery store, etc. The larger ones can be required to recycle them. I found some this month at Apple Market for my move in Ozark.
Lowe's and Menards and Home Depot but they're expensive...
U-Haul is a LOT cheaper.
Walmart, they are pretty cheap and you can buy them through the app
Petco has great boxes. They are collapsible and recyclable. They are printed with Return to Petco on them. We asked what day they stoked shelves, which I think at the time was a Wednesday, and we came back on that day and they gave us plenty.
Recycling bin outside of kaleidoscope.
Sometimes I can get some good boxes from the post office.
Walmart at like 10 when they’re stocking shelves never had anyone tell me no when I’ve asked just walk around with an empty cart and go to each section usually it’s the bigger ones too.
2 Chicks and a Head Shop in Ozark (near Lamberts). We literally give them away. I think I've got 3 or 4 right now with more expected today and throughout next week.
McDonalds fry boxes...
Brown Derby and other liquor stores give them away. They’re great for packing glasses/ dishes because some have dividers.
Dollar General typically has a bunch of them outside So provided they've not been rained on you can get a s*** ton of boxes for free. You might ask the associate inside and just be really polite and clean up after yourself.
My last move I did this exact thing and got 98% of my boxes for free there.
Facebook market place
I've never been denied boxes when going in person and asking rando worker. If they have them they are more than ok with giving them away.
The trick is to also walk around as they're stocking and grab them then. Don't expect them to go look for boxes for you. Try this at Lowes.
WalMart def gives them away. You might run into a different policy store-to-store, but it's a lot about timing. I know when I was a supervisor there, I was giving customers tips on which boxes were strong or weak or could stack safely.
By the way, it's the boxes that laundry detergent come in. Those can be packed with the heaviest stuff and still stack a mile high. Perfect for dishes or glassware.
Last time I moved I checked Craigslist for moving boxes. Picked up a bunch for free from someone who’d just finished moving.
Sam's and Costco
Walmart will give you free boxes.
Walmart saves them, just ask a manager
Uhaul is super cheap and it's easy to return the ones you don't use
I would check fb marketplace. That's where I've always gotten them.
uhaul sells them
I just buy them. Having them all the same siveand sturdy helps with moving and packing. Walmart and Menards has them. They even have dividers for glasses if needed.
Hit up Walmart
Honestly post something on a Facebook buy and sell group. There have to be people out there with a shit ton of boxes who have left them in their garage.
Edit: I live in Tulsa and this is how we get rid of our boxes every time we move. People eat this up.
I usually get free boxes from liquor stores. Good for moving books and dishes.
Go to Staples. Used to work there and people would ask for any empty paper boxes. They’re pretty robust and take up a decent amount of baler space, so I was always happy to get rid of them.
Banana boxes are great for heavy moving items too. I've used them to store Halloween and Christmas decorations in before.
In SGF, once the box is in the dumpster or recycling and unless the gate surrounding the dumpster is locked, it is fair game. Also, go to the recycling center at Battlefield and Lone Pine. People taking boxes there like crazy.
Dumpster diving is not illegal here.
Mama Jeans will hold boxes for you.
You could go to literally any mom-and-pop restaurant and they'll let you have them. The employees would be grateful they don't have to take out boxes.
Ask local restaurants
Asian World Mart on S. Campbell had mountains of them outside and just inside the entry when I was there on Monday.
You could try your local McDonald’s and see if they’d break down the French fry boxes and hold them. When I worked as a manager I’d do that. We’d just stack them nicely in the back with a sign.
I went to the liquor store for most of my moving boxes and they were basically dying to get rid of them. I made a few trips with as many boxes as my car could carry. This helped while loading and unloading our pod because I could actually help my husband lifting these sized boxes. Granted, I did do this when I moved into Springfield from out of town so I am unsure if local liquor stores would do the same.
Most fast food places will give you boxes
This needs more traction! I see them posted frequently!
Auto parts stores. They get gazillions of boxes and normally just break them down and throw them out.
I always see like new boxes on there.
I just moved in and unpacked a bunch. I’ve got great boxes. Just need to be assembled. DM me. Free. Will be throwing in dumpster by Saturday night.
As someone who has moved twice recently, having boxes of different sizes makes the move a little more difficult. If it's a local move, where you can make multiple trips, not that big of a deal. If your going long distance, common size boxes will be much more secure.
Mama Jean's keep ALL their boxes from truck at the front of the store so customers can use them for groceries or whatever. Totally free to take. They're right by the entrance.
*used to work there
If you want something a little more expensive and re-usable, we've used and really like these blue tote bags you can buy off amazon:
Auto parts stores usually have copious amounts of boxes usually
Walgreens. My wife works at Walgreens and when we moved she brought home a ton of boxes
Mcdonalds! People would come in and ask if we had any empty boxes. We always had plenty to give away. They don't care!
If you have any friends in the restaurant industry that work in the kitchen, find out when they're getting their food order and to not break the boxes. I swear these are some of the best moving boxes.
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