Submitted by doctorbaloney4204 t3_123wk67 in springfieldMO
Just saw 8 SPFD flying down campbell along with some heavily undercovers as well. They are all at kickapoo
Submitted by doctorbaloney4204 t3_123wk67 in springfieldMO
Just saw 8 SPFD flying down campbell along with some heavily undercovers as well. They are all at kickapoo
Does anyone know how I can find out about the cops at the Ozark school? Tried looking up a subreddit but I'm not very good at all this
Also a fake call. It’s happening all over the state today, apparently.
NPR did some research into fake school threats. Unfortunately, it's somewhat common, in 2022:
>NPR has found local reports indicating 182 schools in 28 states received false calls about threats between Sept. 13 and Oct. 21
More reports of shots fired at Ozark high School. Can someone confirm this was a fake call?
Kids are falsely reporting shootings after seeing what happened in nashville this morning. Reports have to be taken seriously until it can be proven there is no threat so schools are going into lockdown
Ky3 has already reported all reports of shootings today in springfield/ozark/branson surrounding areas are false reports
What losers. When I was at Kickapoo a decade ago there was a bomb threat shortly after the Boston marathon bombing
How do we know it’s kids?
I can imagine it’s a glimmer of noise and power that kids might feel they’ve got over the adult world of guns, murder and Police against which they are powerless and potential losers in a lottery they decided to play only by going to school as they are compelled. As a parent it’s a constant thought and I don’t honestly know if I am coping with it healthily or just being gradually ground down. One half of the country is actively making it easier for people to get guns and unfortunately a non-significant number of this population are disturbed, vindictive and/or irrational and so every day this group of people manages to murder other people. Without access to firearms this predictably present section of societies usually just manages to hurt themselves or a few others. Not here.
Everything is not okay there. These kids are traumatized and believed they were about to be shot. It’s not okay anywhere.
It wasn’t kids. It was a swatting and schools in the area were all targeted.
Hey, I was there for that! I vividly remember a classmate that yelled “bomb!” In the cafeteria afterwards and was walked away in handcuffs.
Everybody panic!
Guns have been around since the beginning of this country. Guns are not the problem, and taking guns away, is not only not the solution, it is not possible.
You want to "Do Something!"? Get your kids off of TikTok and whatever other toxic social media they are using this week, and get them onto a ball field, or a hiking trail. Get them mental health help if they need it, and they probably do after the last 3 years. Stop encouraging more division (like you literally did in your comment) by blaming "one half of this country" for a problem.
We don't have a gun problem, we have a society problem.
Yeh, imagine the carnage if someone who was disturbed and angry was wandering around inside a school, going from room to room without a gun. Oh yeh. There wouldn’t be any.
You don't appear to be coping with it healthily. You might consider moving to a more peaceful, tolerant country with solid gun laws, like Mexico. Guns are not allowed there and they have excellent law enforcement and ZERO gun crime.
Or just keep finding a way to get by in this country, where it is as awful as you describe.
What a fucking boomer take. I'm a collector and this is a perfect example of the stupid deflecting people do. Anything to not acknowledge maybe there should just be less weapons.
I support the fake calls, tbh. Kids still get treated like they're ignorant and without a voice. I feel like they're scared and tired of not being seen at this point and doing what they know works. Like this thread for example, got people talking and asking questions on their behalf.
Mexico is not a good example… maybe Canada or some European countries where yes they have strict gun laws and school shootings are rare. Clearly written by someone with no kids in school as moving to another country to avoid the fear of your kid getting killed in a school shooting is ridiculous as a solution. This belief that you “need” a gun to protect yourself is ludicrous like what do people think they are protecting themselves from? And why do you need an assault style weapon for that? Those weapons aren’t for hunting or for protecting one person they are made to kill many in seconds and the ease with which people can obtain them and get ammunition in the US is a major major problem.
We absolutely have a gun problem look at Canada and certain European countries that have strict gun laws crime is lower shootings in schools are rare. It is 100% possible to reduce access to guns if a person can’t access a gun they can’t go into a school and kill a bunch of people. You sound like an NRA spokesperson.
OK … so let me ask you a few “simple” questions.
We have roughly the same number of guns, per capita, now that we had in the 1950’s. Why is gun violence so much more prevalent now than it was then?
How ‘exactly’ would you get rid of the guns? Even if you could get past the legal and constitutional issues, you still have somewhere around 400 million guns in America. How are you going to round up and take those weapons from 150 million people who are not going to be exactly “happy” about giving them up?
Assuming you still support the rest of the Constitution, just not the 2nd Amendment, to so it legally would require judges to write warrants, and law enforcement to execute searches and seizures. This would either require tens of thousands of additional judges and LEO’s, or it would clog the system for decades.
So end the end, what would this do to help prevent gun violence? It’s very easy to fall into the “Do Something!” mentality when we see tragedy like this. But I have yet to hear a single person than can offer a logical explanation of how any form of sweeping gun control could be carried out, nor can they explain how it actually prevent a bad person from doing bad things.
The simple cliche “if you take away the guns, only criminals will have them” really is true.
We need to fix our broken society. We need to stop hating each other. We need to teach our kids to respect each other, respect the laws, and to value life.
I definitely agree there is a societal problem that needs fixing but that’s only part of it. Without guns a disturbed person is not able to go and shoot up a school or other public place and now down innocent people - they just can’t. In the 1950s there was not wide access and availability of assault style weapons. Other countries have managed to have strict gun laws and they work. Strict gun laws are not the same as ‘no gun laws’. The right to bear arms is a very dated statement that comes from a time where people had to defend their property for legitimate reasons that no longer exist today. Other countries have managed to have strict gun laws and they work. Strict gun laws are not the same as a ‘no gun law’. The fact that it might be difficult or that people wouldn’t like it is no reason to just throw up our arms and say it can’t be done. I’m sorry but civilians do not need AR-15s… you just don’t. These shootings that are happening in the US are often mass casualty events because of the ease of access to these types of weapons where the attacker does not have to stop and reload.
Oh, if I don’t like it I can ‘get out’ ? Fucking brilliant - well if you don’t like me complaining why don’t YOU just get out ? Everyone, who is unhappy about ANYthing can just GIT !! There’ll be no need for any kind of law or government or any state apparatus whatsoever - total anarchy, gangs raiding everything, shooting everyone who opposes them, fighting between themselves until just the most cunning and lucky ones settle into stalemates amidst their piles of fabulous trinkets. Yeh - and at any stage of this- if you don’t like it, you can just get out, and join various other silos of people who have just gotten out of other situations. To be honest, living amongst a load of people who’s whole identity is based around not linking things sounds terrible- I wouldn’t like that at all. So what would I do ? I’d just have to GET OUT again !! Ever onward, permanently unhappy with this or that little niggle - restlessly roaming the plains in fruitless quests for perfection until I withered and died.
I’m the 1950’s they did have all of the automatic rifles. Also the gun organizations were not political lobbyists as they are today. The ban on automatic rifles significantly reduced gun deaths until it expired in 2004. Most cities murder records were set in 1991. St. Louis being one of them. Even today St. Louis still has less murders than it had in the early 90’s. The numbers don’t lie. Less automatic rifles equal less murders. The three countries with constitutional gun rights all have high gun death rates. I think going back to what we had between 1994 and 2004 is the way to reduce gun deaths. It worked once and can work again.
You should check in with your therapist.
You've got to remember the thought process of the people here. If you present facts or rational statements, they block your posts. They hate facts. They simply aren't capable of thinking rationally or in a lot of cases, they're not capable of paying taxes, because they suck on the government tit.
And you should check in with your empathy.
Yes taking up police resources and making people fear for their lives is a great thing. /s for those who need it
Oh noooo how inconvenient 😒
foodntwkfan t1_jdwng5u wrote
It was a fake call. Everything is okay there.