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External_Staff_300 t1_jdtc98r wrote

That being said.. can anyone recommend a good chiropractor who isn't a flaming lunatic?


Element_of_surprise OP t1_jdthtey wrote

Chiropractors are quite honesty bull shit. They should not be considered medical professionals, they cause more harm than good, and many paralyze or kill people.

How did chiropractic “medicine” start? A quack stated the ghost of a long dead doctor told to manipulate the magnetic field of the body. A fucking ghost. I’m sorry but how they are able to tout themselves as doctors is beyond me.

Physical therapy, focus on mobility and flexibility of joints and range of motion, and strength training to keep your joints healthy and synovial fluid lubricated is truly your best option. Massage therapy can also provide relief with pain.


therealdubdub1200 t1_je2wfrc wrote

Dr Falukos at Falukos Health & Wellness on E Chestnut. He's amazing. I went from unable to do anything (fibro) to living a normal life with his help.