
t1_j6ibrj9 wrote

I know how to drive on ice safely. And I'm sure many others do too. What you can't plan for is the people who don't but drive on it anyway. Or, even worse, the people that are still going to speed like idiots.


t1_j44piby wrote

A mini-schnauzer isn't as likely. But it does happen, rare as it is. I agree about breed ignorance though. People don't know how to care for a breed's specific needs and tragedy happens. But that still leaves it with the owner being responsible.

There isn't a single breed out there that is universally vicious. There isn't one specific breed that is more likely to bite you. It all comes down to the individual temperament of the animal, it's training, it's treatment.. way too many factors than just "bad dog breed"


t1_j44md28 wrote

I am one person and I am relating my personal experience. But you have also shown that you have zero issue with citing biased sources but balk when given actual studies from experts on dog behavior.

I already know I won't change your mind and I'm not trying to. All I am hoping is that someone who isn't as close minded will look at the actual information I've shared and get a little wiser about this issue.

You have a wonderful evening.


t1_j44la6x wrote

Ah, the dog hater Colleen Lynn and her fake studies to get donations. You should do better research.


"The conclusion of this science based study (not a conclusion based on the former’s wishful thinking) demonstrates that breed is not a contributing factor in dog bite fatalities, and breed specific legislation is not the solution for eliminating dog bite fatalities."

Maybe you should talk to people that actually know dogs, rather than seeking out sensationalized headlines and studies from lawyers?

Just a thought.


t1_j44i66p wrote

4.5 million dog bites reported annually 800,000 need medical attention 30-50 deaths annually Only 10% can be attributed to a specific breed. And only 1 in 5 of that 10% is attributed to a pit bull. But go on, blame the breed.

The only reason pitbulls take up the news is because they're popular right now. Previously it was doberman, then rottweiler, then German Shepherds, and so on.

I guess pitbulls just wanted to wait their turn to be vicious?


t1_j44eiur wrote

You don't know animals and certainly don't know pitbulls.

Did the dogs let themselves out? Did the dogs neglect to train themselves? Did the dogs neglect to socialize themselves? Did the dogs forget to make a vet appointment for proper vaccination?

No. All of that was the responsibility of the owner. Blame the owner.

I work maintenance in apartments. I'm around dogs, pits too, all day every day. Have been for years. Never seen a vicious one that didn't have an absolute idiot for an owner. And that goes for any breed of dog, cat, gerbal, ferret, or any other pet.