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[deleted] OP t1_irw3dyd wrote



robzilla71173 t1_irw5s85 wrote

I mean, to be fair, that is exactly what this is. Free neutering for poor people.


ChileConCarnevore t1_irwnm9q wrote

Yeah that’s exactly it


robzilla71173 t1_irwp5jd wrote

I think it's weird you got 16 downvotes for saying it and I got 10 upvotes for agreeing with you.


ChileConCarnevore t1_irwphm3 wrote

Who knows maybe they thought I was serious


Cloud_Disconnected t1_irx9eah wrote

You're not allowed to joke about vasectomies on Reddit, they are painless, 100% reversible, and there are no possible complications. Also, infant circumcision is a human rights violation, cars are evil, children are crotch goblins and literally the devil, all Christians are illiterate Trump supporters, Pitbulls are "nanny dogs" or "pibbles" and are less dangerous than Chihuahuas, and there are absolutely no health or societal risks involved with smoking weed. In short, all issues are completely black and white and have a clear right and wrong answer. Fuck cars, ACAB, where's the Tylenol.


_ism_ t1_irxa6ti wrote

Only the ones with a vas to snip. The poors also consist of uterus-havers but we must remain submissive and breedable.



ChileConCarnevore t1_irxbtix wrote

I’ve been fucking for a day or two. Never depended on birth control. Have exactly the number of kids I intended to have.

Figure it aht.


ProGlizzyHandler t1_iryo3hp wrote

Sounds like your swimmers have never actually swam. You should see a urologist for your potential infertility.