[deleted] OP t1_irw29ti wrote
A vasectomy is one of the easiest procedures to get and recover from. At the price of free this is a no brainer if you know you don't want kids.
Deceptivejunk t1_irwqi5i wrote
But it’s only for the uninsured, right?
Punnchy t1_irw8745 wrote
Valium pill, shave the landscape, sit in a chair, Dr. Will Maybe chat with you about random shit. Snip snip, don't do anything with it but pee a few days, and it's reversible. Good job. You're respecting womens bodies by modifying your own and way lower spawnling chance.
[deleted] OP t1_irw8ggr wrote
Not to mention it's a great excuse to spend a weekend on the couch taking it easy.
robzilla71173 t1_irwnatr wrote
Although it's technically reversible, pregnancy rates after vasectomy reversals are not very high. So make sure you're through having kids and make sure your partner is involved in the decision as well.
FasterDoudle t1_irwxwkm wrote
Do you have more info on this?
[deleted] OP t1_irx2ly6 wrote
This is a good point. Like my doctor said, you should consider a vasectomy a permanent thing.
Maria_in_Medellin t1_irwuo5s wrote
just curious how this is "respecting women's bodies"... ?
sounds simpy
flojo2012 t1_irwwm3e wrote
It shows that a man is willing to go through a procedure in order to prevent her from having an unwanted pregnancy, one that she will be forced to carry to term. That said, it’s really only respecting bodies if you know you won’t want a baby in the future.
If you get a vasectomy to show a girl you respect her body regardless of your own wishes, that could be “simpy”. Though that term is stupid in its own right.
blu3dice t1_irx1c3j wrote
Because he understands that abortion care is healthcare.
Maria_in_Medellin t1_is176vj wrote
soudns simpy..
Punnchy t1_irx4uk3 wrote
Just curious? okay then you'll take my response as my truth and your acceptance is expected to it as I give. The use of simpy leads me to think you're not interested in learning as well, but here we go. Societally speaking it's always been on the woman to provide the birth control and the man to simply wear a condom. With the shitty reversal of women's rights to their own body, it's simple. If women are going to be restricted in their ability to deal with the possibility of pregnancy the way they have been since the establishment of such things; then it's up to the other party to step up and do more to prevent such scenarios.
MikeBuckets171 t1_irwirsz wrote
Just got a vasectomy a couple of weeks ago. I won’t sugar coat it like other people, procedure sucked, it was a long 15 mins, but the doctor was cool, and we talked the whole time. Recovery can be a painful couple of weeks but frozen peas are your best friend! I’m still not fully recovered as I still get sore towards the end of the day, but I am making great progress! If you don’t want to have kids, the procedure is worth it!
EDIT: For people not taking advantage of the free event, my procedure was with Alex Henderson with Cox Urology at Ferrell Duncan. He was great! Made the experience as easy as he could 😂
BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_irwr5lc wrote
Please elaborate on how the procedure sucked. I'm staring down an appointment coming up and I want to be fully prepared for what's going to happen to me.
MikeBuckets171 t1_irwvfo0 wrote
The incision wasn’t bad. The part that sucked is when they had to grab the tubes, the “vas deferens”. It felt like somebody grabbed the inner workings of my balls.
Narrator: “They did.”
I actually yelled 😂So those 30 seconds were unbearable but I was a lot better once they were able to get the vas deferens numbed. The rest was painful but I was able to hold a conversation with my doctor.
[deleted] OP t1_irwxk29 wrote
I will agree, that part is the most painful part of it all. To me it felt like the hardest kick to the balls I've had. It only lasted a short time for me. I was uncomfortable at times during the recovery but nothing too terrible. I'm sorry you had such a rough go.
MikeBuckets171 t1_irwysxm wrote
Definitely the worse thing my balls have ever been through. But hey, I’ve heard some real vasectomy horror stories! It certainly could be a lot worse. And now, we’re blank shootin’ brothers. 😂
[deleted] OP t1_irx00oh wrote
Hell yeah my BSB!
pssssn t1_irwzwlz wrote
I did not have as much pain as /u/MikeBuckets171 did. I felt moderate pressure instead of pain. Overall it wasn't that bad, I've had worse experiences getting cavities filled. I think the worst part of it is the mental aspect of another person carving on your nuts.
I did however go home and immediately look at my incision, get woozy, and fall through the shower door. I suggest sitting down if you want to take a look at the doctor's handiwork.
[deleted] OP t1_irx4onp wrote
Did your doc show you the portion of the vans deferens that he cut out? Mine did and I did not enjoy it. I trust you doc, you don't need to show me your work.
Punnchy t1_irx944w wrote
Yes... He did....
MikeBuckets171 t1_irx7mec wrote
Yes he did 😂
pssssn t1_irxkbpy wrote
[deleted] OP t1_irxkulo wrote
Yeah, I was not into it.
MikeBuckets171 t1_irx0o8x wrote
You’re brave 😂I made my wife check out the damage.
Punnchy t1_irx908h wrote
For me it was the doc going ya wanna see what I removed? Me:.... Doc shows me anyway
_ism_ t1_irxk0ar wrote
My gyno showed me my old IUD without asking first when I got mine replaced. Wtf docs
Punnchy t1_irxj774 wrote
Can vouch for Henderson as well. Man knows what he is doing. Even if he shows the remove piece.
EnlightenedReplay t1_iryqe9u wrote
Dang, I'm sorry yours was a challenge. I'm just chiming in here with a positive experience to balance out the spectrum of results as I'm sure everyone's mileage varies. I had my procedure in Sept of 2019 on a Friday and did the Greek festival and a Mother's Brewing festival the same weekend. Frozen veggies are your friend. Short walks and minimal lifting were fine.
The procedure was awkward, but they gave me a chill pill (volume maybe, I don't remember?) of some sort ahead of time and I was fine. Only ibuprofen following the procedure.
Recovery was a few weeks of abstinence followed by doctor-prescribed masturbation and condoms to "clear the pipes". DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! It took a few months for my swimmers to clear out, so make sure you stay on top of your follow up samples gentlemen.
The last three years have been incredibly stress free and no noticeable negative side effects. 10/10 stars, would definitely recommend.
Sunny_Day9127 t1_irwzftl wrote
Everyone in this conversation just got 10x hotter 🥵🥵🥵🥵
RockemChalkemRobot t1_irwdn8t wrote
What does the procedure cost? Having insurance and being able to do anything with it are different universes.
PossibleSatisfaction t1_irweagz wrote
Roughly $1,000 here in Springfield.
RockemChalkemRobot t1_irwemqp wrote
So right at a bunch of deductibles. Figured as much. Those with that high of a deductible aren't sitting on a grand.
[deleted] OP t1_irwg8lb wrote
I only had to pay two office visit co-pays. One for the consultation and one for the procedure. About $80 total for me. But if Mercy is your in network hospital you'll run into trouble because they don't do vasectomies, I've been told.
Stat63 t1_irwskqo wrote
You are correct, Mercy doesn’t perform them and outsources to a clinic that doesn’t accept insurance…out of pocket only. Luckily I can go to either Mercy or Cox and have my procedure booked for December. Merry Xmas to me!
ProGlizzyHandler t1_irynf5w wrote
Yep. My doc worked for mercy but did vasectomies at a non-mercy clinic on the weekends. $1100 wasn't bad. They gave me the insurance forms in case I wanted to try to make a claim. 10 minutes of looking at that was all it took to decide my sanity was worth more than anything insurance would potentially cover.
Since you're getting your procedure soon, go buy some bags of frozen corn or pees. No joke, they're much nicer on the boys. They settled around everything better and don't have that "oh fuck this is so cold" intensity you get from a normal ice pack.
Stat63 t1_is0gwp8 wrote
Thank you for the advice, I will most definitely grab some!
blitzalchemy t1_irx3ht9 wrote
I believe although Mercy insurances are out of network for Cox, cox urology clinic has a contract exception to have in network benefits for urology and vasectony services. I could be wrong about that though.
ProgressMom68 t1_irx33c1 wrote
If the world were a just place, all the evangelicals in town would be lining up for this.
SmellslikeBongWater t1_irxdkqd wrote
Real shit??!? I lost my insurance in June when I went part time for school and out this idea on the back burner. I am definitely gonna try and get in for this.
420shaken t1_irxbjtx wrote
I didn't have the recovery issues that the OP had. Went home after the Dr burnt some man spaghetti, took it easy for the rest of the weekend, and went back to work Monday morning.
Edit: not OP, sorry. u/mikebuckets171
HalfADozenOfAnother t1_irxwwkq wrote
What if you're insured but Mercy network?
Great-Bratton t1_irydrgd wrote
I also recently went through this procedure recently, at the SGF Planned Parenthood location. I’m happy to answer any questions y’all have!
KingHalfrican86 t1_is16nzm wrote
I’ve been planning on getting the ole snipperooski and this just might be the move here.
turbulance4 t1_iry6lmm wrote
Planed Parenthood is covering it? Does this somehow save them money ultimately?
Not knocking it, just curious.
thatHungarian t1_is0z6bq wrote
So if my partner and I use birth control pill/IUD/condom then it means I'm not respecting here as a woman/her body?
What happened to wearing condoms? Everybody want's to do bare intercourse these days. Sorry but in this hook up culture the last thing I want to have is unprotected sex. Everyone is out hoeing and walkin around with all kinds of STDs but the only thing we worry about is not having a baby?
I'm not taking away from the fact that what happened to women's rights isn't fucked up and should never happened and I'm understand that we are talking about having a baby and can't have access to abortion anymore but you won't even get into that situation if you put on a condom or two...ohh you don't want to put on a condom...then yeah go get that vasectomy and stop putting women in fucked up position.
Sex only good these days if it's bare and the women let's you finish in her... like what the fuck happened here?
I know everyone has their preferences but come on...
Also this topic should go both ways.(I said should...I know it can't always)
If men are assholes for not wanting to get a vasectomy are women are asshole as well if they not wanting to get their tubes tide?
Logic should go like this:
If a women doesn't want a baby and can't opt out of having one she should get her tubes tied.
If a men doesn't want a baby and can't opt out of child support he should get a vasectomy.
I know life is not this simple and straightforward and there are always complications and the wonders of our bodies sometimes still surprise us with an unplanned baby regardless how safely sex was practiced...and we quick to start pointing fingers to the opposite sex and have these big debates of who can do what with their body and who should do what and what not and what's allowed and what's moral and what is not...I think sometimes we get so lost in these talks. Seems like neither party wants to actually take responsibility (most time it's men) and we only want to enjoy the pure bliss part and not want to think about the outcome. We want the cake and eat it too without getting fat and getting diabetes as well...
I have many female friends who got their tubes tide, had multiple abortions...also have many male friends who got vasectomy, or wear two condoms every time...just stop shaming each other for our ya all.
[deleted] OP t1_irw3dyd wrote
robzilla71173 t1_irw5s85 wrote
I mean, to be fair, that is exactly what this is. Free neutering for poor people.
ChileConCarnevore t1_irwnm9q wrote
Yeah that’s exactly it
robzilla71173 t1_irwp5jd wrote
I think it's weird you got 16 downvotes for saying it and I got 10 upvotes for agreeing with you.
ChileConCarnevore t1_irwphm3 wrote
Who knows maybe they thought I was serious
Cloud_Disconnected t1_irx9eah wrote
You're not allowed to joke about vasectomies on Reddit, they are painless, 100% reversible, and there are no possible complications. Also, infant circumcision is a human rights violation, cars are evil, children are crotch goblins and literally the devil, all Christians are illiterate Trump supporters, Pitbulls are "nanny dogs" or "pibbles" and are less dangerous than Chihuahuas, and there are absolutely no health or societal risks involved with smoking weed. In short, all issues are completely black and white and have a clear right and wrong answer. Fuck cars, ACAB, where's the Tylenol.
_ism_ t1_irxa6ti wrote
Only the ones with a vas to snip. The poors also consist of uterus-havers but we must remain submissive and breedable.
ChileConCarnevore t1_irxbtix wrote
I’ve been fucking for a day or two. Never depended on birth control. Have exactly the number of kids I intended to have.
Figure it aht.
ProGlizzyHandler t1_iryo3hp wrote
Sounds like your swimmers have never actually swam. You should see a urologist for your potential infertility.
Cold417 t1_iryr45s wrote
No... No. Let him be...
ErlichHoneybutt t1_irw6fue wrote
cut all the nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SeabeeSeth3945 t1_irwaca5 wrote
True No Nut November