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notnotpegbundy t1_iv3or46 wrote

Holy. Shit.

I also got told because I smoked cannabis, they would not prescribe be certain things unless they get a clean pee test from me. Which, whatever, but I was made to feel like a druggie for it. Which was the icing on the cake.


lochlainn t1_iv3qfy7 wrote

They aren't the only clinic like that. I'm at another one now that has the same policy, and threatened to drop me if I had alcohol in my system again (gosh, imagine being nervous the night before going to a new psych provider). Thankfully, after they saw I was overprescribed benzos and not drug seeking (I stepped my dosage down on my own), they relaxed that one. Eustasis didn't even warn me about interactions, they just said "take these".

I have a worse story but won't tell for my own privacy. I did feel in danger of being involuntarily committed and worse.


notnotpegbundy t1_iv3qrx0 wrote

Fuck. I am so sorry. Seriously.


lochlainn t1_iv3rwb3 wrote

It's in the far past, now. I left there, got a great therapist and psych PA, and a little known drug that's rarely prescribed and rarely works but turned out to be a great help for me.

So all in all, while I'm not "better" by most definitions, I'm "okay enough" by my own.


_ism_ t1_iv3sbtm wrote

Meanwhile I tell all of my other providers about my cannabis card and they just fucking shrug. Mostly at Mercy but also even at Burrell behavioral. It seems like eustasis is the only place being a dick about it


notnotpegbundy t1_iv5ax8k wrote

My current doc/therapist from mercy, “does it help?” Yes. “Cool. Moving on”