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lollipopkiller98 OP t1_ixs1lam wrote

I could never bring myself to vandalize or commit a felony lol that's why I brought the flyers because it's practically harmless but maybe 417 magazine? You're on to something.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_ixs5zna wrote

417 Magazine won’t care. Restaurant owners paying for mentions make up a good chunk of their income.


lochlainn t1_ixsddni wrote

Selling advertising that loosely resembles articles and then selling advertising to go along side them is 417 Magazine's entire business plan.

It's the BBB in magazine form.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_ixsico8 wrote

Yeah, it’s basically all an advertisement. I get a subscription every couple years, but there’s maybe 1/4 of the magazine that’s actually of interest and the rest is ads in various forms. Then they do “417 Home” which is recycled content from the main magazine and “design awards” that always go to the same small handful of designers. A few issues in and I remember why I don’t bother to renew my subscription.


WorldFoods t1_ixs8ago wrote

Yeah, I was going to say that they tend to run a positive magazine. I wonder if a letter to the editor to the two papers might be effective — maybe not specifically calling out his name but holding people accountable for local toxic Fb groups and just implying it’s him or a local business owner and let people figure it out.