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ICareAboutNihilism t1_izk5qml wrote

Seriously. As if Dominos or Pizza Hut are a step up in quality or something. It's like people who say "X Light beer is shit", but they drink another light beer. It's all mostly the same with slight differences for your personal taste to determine the best.


Yodamite t1_j01c3hn wrote

>As if Dominos or Pizza Hut are a step up in quality or something.

Well, they are.

I don't see how it's even debatable.

Doesn't mean I hate on people who like Little Ceasar's. I would eat it if I was hungry, and it was available. I would enjoy it too.


AlphaTJH t1_j0c8733 wrote

Well, no. Pizza Hut is clearly a step down from Little Ceaser's.