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name-isnt-important t1_izl9x6w wrote

I’ll get grief for this comment but there really aren’t many good pizza places in this town. I like IMO’s, Aris, and Maso’s but after those three it’s all pretty much the same.


Saltpork545 t1_izliqvo wrote

Luco's closed a couple of months ago. Plans to be a food truck.

Try Garbo's Pizza in Chesterfield Village.

St Louis style thin crust with provel. If you like Imos you will probably dig this place. I prefer St Louis style pizza and this one is on my short list.

I'd also suggest Arris Pizza if you like greek pizza and gyros.

Good pizza places exist, you just have to find all of the local ones and try them and be okay when you don't like a place.