Submitted by t3_10bqah5 in springfieldMO

Hey y’all. I have a problem with my phone, I’m getting bad reception and slow service. Yesterday I was calling my dad on a drive to Ozark for work and my call got dropped right at the 65 - CC highway exit. I also have no service when I go to lunch at places like The Big Slice and end up having to use their wifi to browse the web. Not to mention I work at one of the most populated areas in springfield and My service is slow. I talked to some guys at a work event who work for t Mobile and they said that it could be a problem with my SIM card. I wanted to see if that was the case for anyone else. Thanks!



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t1_j4biidn wrote

Tmobile is decent if your phone supports the 5g network. If your phone is older and doesn't support all the bands then your coverage will be spotty in places.


t1_j4bu163 wrote

My experience is the opposite. I have 4g on my phone and haven't had issues in town except this area, where every carrier I've had has issues, my ex upgraded to a 5g phone and loses service constantly.


t1_j4bkors wrote

my phone worked a lot better when I turned off 5G

only area I regularly lose service is around Sunshine


t1_j4blv7f wrote

It's not just you. T-Mobile just sucks in general in the Ozarks.


t1_j4brzc6 wrote

There's a couple dead spots in town for all the carriers. Biggest ones are around Mercy and West Bypass/Chestnut area.

Outside of those, it's pretty good


t1_j4blyei wrote

My wife was noticing this too. She has a Mint mobile sim and T-Mobile e-sim in her phone and Mint will frequently have coverage while T-Mobile does not.

The truly perplexing part is that I’m pretty sure that Mint operates on the T-Mobile network…


t1_j4evqmz wrote

I love T-Mobile, but they do have some noteable dead spots where you are barely out of tower range. If driving, you might be back in service before you even know it. I've noticed 0 signal in some subdivisions north of city limits, around Cherry just east of Glenstone, over by Cox South or Mercy, and around Fremont Hills on CC. My grandfathered plan is just too good a price to drop them in hopes of a slightly more convenient alternative.


t1_j4bk1kk wrote

My experience so far with T-Mobile is that it sucks,regardless of where you live. It sucks while I’m up here visiting family and sucks while I’m back in AR.


t1_j4bkisc wrote

Tmobile in the mountains of colorado ROCKS, but here they do sadly suck


t1_j4bq81f wrote

it sucks i have had it for a while with a couple different 5g phones. it never gets better


t1_j4btube wrote

I don't have problems with 4g on Mint (TMobile 'deprioritized), except around Mercy, where I've had problems with every single carrier I've been on, from Verizon to US Cellular.


t1_j4c1hzc wrote

Spotty on older phones. But I stay with them because I like the billing and service


t1_j4cy7mf wrote

I was part of the Sprint merger and my service has been shit since I had to switch


t1_j4ewiuw wrote

Had tmobile for 5 years with no issues in Springfield currently still have them as well.


t1_j4blg2v wrote

Switched from T-Mobile years ago for this reason. I never had service at work, National and Primrose area. Or at home, Sherwood neighborhood.


t1_j4bn75j wrote

I use T mobile. There are places in town that for some reason don’t have reception. But overall it’s been decent


t1_j4bnvyh wrote

Sucks. I always had 4-5 bars and about 10kbps of data service. ATT and Verizon seem to have the best coverage in this area.


t1_j4bpelf wrote

From my experience, it largely depends on where in town you are. There are some spots like the Campbell and Republic Rd area where I can get 500+Mbps down and up where other spots don’t have service at all…


t1_j4by0ub wrote

I lived in the west side of town for a while and had to switch to another service because I had no connection in that house, I could go two streets over and be fine. This was like 8 years ago though so I don't really know how they are now


t1_j4bybew wrote

It's ok in Springfield but almost the second I leave city limits I have no service


t1_j4bzzbt wrote

Best practice is to request a new sim card every 6 months. Doesn't matter which carrier.


t1_j4c3isp wrote

It always drops in that same spot for us too. T-Mobile is not great around here. Everyone I know has problems with it.


t1_j4cicrr wrote

I went and got a new SIM. Service is fantastic all over Springfield and MO for me 👍🏽

EDIT: I keep 5G on. For iPhones, turning on Low Power Mode turns off 5G so it picks up LTE. Depending on the city you are in, LTE can be quite slow. In KC the LTE is kinda slow the last few weeks, but in SGF and STL it’s been fine for me. Idk if LTE is being retrofitted up in KC or what. And back in Dec I remember going into Low Power Mode in SGF and having crazy slow LTE, I think it even dropped to edge. As long as I’m on 5G tho my speeds have been fire


t1_j4cj5yk wrote

I have problems with AT&T 5g in various areas in and around Springfield no idea why. Was thinking about switching back to T-mobile too.


t1_j4ey906 wrote

I got sprint when it was bought out, so now I guess i have TMobile, and yeah its pretty good, I think anyways. It has reception more often than my work phone that has at@t when in outside of town. But it’s also an older samuang so isk


t1_j4bi8gq wrote

No the service sucks because "THE 5G TOWERS ARE CAUSING COVID" or atleast that's what I gathered living there
