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t1_j8wocdu wrote

Actual Texan here. Cities like Houston are trying to go 100% renewable with their energy consumption (investing in solar farms, and or purchasing only renewable energy for city buildings, parks, projects, etc.)

At the state level you’re unlikely to see a similar approach adopted because there’s entirely too much O&G money with too much influence in that arena.

But you also won’t see much interference because that would be telling Texas landowners what they can and can’t build on their massive ranches in West Texas. Out in the Permian Basin, where there’s nothing but miles and miles of miles and miles. The area is hot, dry, flat, and sees the sun more often than most other places on earth. It’s ripe for wind and solar. And as the oil out there dries up, that barren land will be used for something.


t1_j8xnd7l wrote

Thanks. I like being proven wrong with facts. Yep Ly comment was reactionary but I think setting me straight with actual facts to change my mind is great.