
Conscious_Figure_554 t1_je30vzp wrote

996 policy is my selling point of what NOT to expect when I hire people in Beijing. I’ve hired five people so far that came from this type of org and they are so happy that I have kept my promise. These assholes (CEOs) have not worked a forty hour week in a long time. I’m not taking anything away from them with their success but we can’t all be billionaires and CEOs. Most of us just want to live a happy balanced life.


Conscious_Figure_554 t1_j8uokfo wrote

Thanks for the information - I did not know that so thanks. IF that is the case then do you think the adoption rate will not be blocked by the Government? What I mean is that as I assume you are a Texan - do you see your local government officials welcome this adoption with open arms and is gearing the populace towards said adoption?


Conscious_Figure_554 t1_iuuknq8 wrote

You are entitled to your opinion. I do suggest look up the word empathy because claiming to be a CHRISTIAN is antithetical to what you believe in. “rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15). in case you were wondering what the Bible says