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DevoidHT t1_j9s3phx wrote


9-11GaveMe5G t1_j9s552t wrote

For some deranged cops (like say one that might etch "you're fucked" into the barrel of their rifle) I will agree they are just itching to kill anyone. But watch the bodycam of the cops that responded to the 911 call at Nancy Pelosi's house. Her husband Paul answers the door with the white intruder holding onto him with one hand and holding a hammer in the other. Cops don't draw a gun or even a taser. Guy starts hitting Paul in the head with the hammer and still they just run in and tackle. Never drew anything.


BarrySix t1_j9t7l0x wrote

I can't believe that any US cop has ever etched "you're fucked" into the barrel of their rifle. I've seen cops, and this just isn't believable. "Your fucked" maybe, if it's one of the more intelligent cops.


iscashstillking t1_j9tl45x wrote

That particular former officer was mitch brailsford of the mesa arizona police department for those who might not already know. Real piece of work that guy.


amibeingadick420 t1_j9tmqcj wrote

It was Philip Brailsford, who murdered Daniel Shaver with an M4 with “You’re Fucked” engraved on the dust covered.

Not only did he not face legal consequences, but the department hired him back for about one month, just long enough that he could claim PTSD from the act of murdering an unarmed man, and get a lifetime pension as a reward for it.

Fuck all cops.


delrioaudio t1_j9umm84 wrote

I can second this. This story hit home for me because the victim was traveling for work and staying at a hotel, like I did for a while. He was an an exterminator home depot corporate to remove birds from their garden centers. He had a pellet gun in his room that he used to shoot pigeons. Someone in the hotel pool saw the silhouette of a gun through the blinds on his room and called Mesa police. They show up, homey is half drunk, cuz what else do you do on the road, and start playing a demented game of Simon says with the poor guy. He reached down to hike up his baggy pants and they shot him. And the rifle that had the carving in it was a shotgun, so yeah you're definitely fucked if that thing is pointed at you. Demented shit right there.


Foodcity t1_j9tx0wv wrote

Just the fact that they have possession of these long enough to have that done is horrifying mishandled. They frankly should be issued and signed for at an armory daily, not just issued out indefinitely. Hell, it would be safer for them anyway, and allow for inspection of weapons.


MerryMortician t1_j9uta64 wrote

It’s more class than race. Just the fact they were in rich people’s neighborhood made them act better


daKEEBLERelf t1_j9uh7m3 wrote

because it would be irresponsible to start shooting at someone who is attacking the victim, because they might shoot the victim in the process.

Do you want the police to stop shooting people needlessly or not? don't compare times when they act appropriately with times they don't. They were responding to a call and Pelosi said, "he's a friend" ON THE 911 CALL.


erosram t1_j9v36y9 wrote

Ya that’s a completely different scenario.

The cops saw 2 people standing beside each other and smiling. One of them just said hi, and wouldn’t say anything else.

This lasted no more than a few seconds. No need to make everything racial. Nobody would have known what to do in those few seconds.