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nmarshall23 t1_jcy4beq wrote

I'm dreading the day AI can write code.

Imagine all of those fake mobile games being made real, but they're a buggy mess with spyware.


blueSGL t1_jcz9z0p wrote

> I'm dreading the day AI can write code.

Self fixing code generation is already in the pipeline for simple programs. (that was the middle of last year. ): @ 4.20

GPT4 can do some impressive things:

>"Not only have I asked GPT-4 to implement a functional Flappy Bird, but I also asked it to train an AI to learn how to play. In one minute, it implemented a DQN algorithm that started training on the first try."

a scrip dubbed "Wolverine" that hooks into GPT4 and recursivly resolves errors in python scripts.


Saerain t1_jcyfwmy wrote

Many do write code, it's fantastic.


[deleted] t1_jczzyq2 wrote

Not sure why this is downvoted. I have already gotten GPT to generate working code with very little input.


SlowMotionPanic t1_jd0u2ps wrote

r/technology is really more for people who dislike or distrust or don’t understand technology. It never ceases to amaze me how many people who don’t work in Tech hang out here and insist things which are quite plainly wrong.

GPT is a novelty for me, just like copilot. I throughly believe that the people professing it’s usefulness in the workplace—including but not limited to dev work—are generally lower level. Chat GPT went down today and a ton of people remarked how they can’t do their jobs now. It’s right up there with the meme about the same every time StackOverflow goes down.

That’s one big thing I professionally fear from AI models or whatever we are going to call them. The cutting of corners including in code literacy. It’s my old man yells at cloud moment. People dabbling in coding and development when they are more like analysts than anything else (no shade to analysts, but it is an entirely different skillset and focus).

The people who rely and extensively use things like GPT and copilot will be the first made redundant when good old Sam Altman realizes his stated dream of having AI “employees” out compete and replace hourly or salaried humans.

I truly fear that a good chunk of people are fucking themselves right now. Especially junior level people. This is the time they should be learning and instead they turn to spyware which has an end goal, per Sam himself in an interview, to replace them.