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BrettEskin t1_iu20hdc wrote

Google did the google and killed a business that didn't turn profitable quickly.

Nvidia despite their recent success is struggling to compete in a newer market.

Microsoft is Microsofting, under cutting the compeption with a massive price and infrastructure advantage then cranking prices when the competition is on its knees.


GhostalMedia t1_iu28tzd wrote

I would argue that streaming is a nice-to-have for most game pass customers. The real value is the large selection of AAA titles.

I could argue that they kept pricing low so they could claw back their old market share from Sony. And they’ve kind of done that, and now that Sony has raised prices, it’s safe for them to follow.

MS is competing with Sony, not Google or Nvidia.


BrettEskin t1_iu29gsz wrote

All fun and games until they roll it into 365 in two years.

Oh god that's exactly what they're gonna do isn't jt


DungeonsAndDradis t1_iu42vm3 wrote

My gut instinct (I hope I'm wrong), is that Microsoft will stop allowing game sales. You'll have to subscribe to Game Pass to play the games. I think this will happen with a major AAA title in the next 2-3 years. Once the outrage is done, they'll make that the standard for all new games to the platform.

Every industry is moving towards subscription-only options.


BrettEskin t1_iu437iv wrote

I don't think they'll stop allowing them period, they still offer stand alone office apps after all, but they'll make it to the point where you'll be so impossibly locked in to 365 already you'll have no reason to buy a game out right


lokitoth t1_iu4fxex wrote

> Microsoft will stop allowing game sales

Not so long as Steam exists. Part of the point of GamePass is that when games roll off from it, anyone who is not done but wants to is incentivized to buy it (with a little discount over the top).


caverunner17 t1_iu2num7 wrote

>the large selection of AAA titles

Old ones, though. The lack of new AAA games is a huge issue on the Xbox subs and kind of a sad comedy at this point of "Maybe next year".

Meanwhile, Sony has putting out 1-2+ solid game hits per year for the last decade.

At least half, if not 2/3 of GamePass games are crappy indie games or shovelware.

I like my Series S and with the GamePass conversion trick, the $3-4/month is worth it... but I'd be hard pressed to pay the full $15/month when I've beaten most of the games that are worthwhile playing already.