TheNewMeYouHaventCN t1_ixw0txu wrote
Not only are you super late in posting this, but it's an OTA update that's already out to like 99% of the cars.
schrodingerinthehat t1_ixwh21r wrote
This reply always neglects how frequently there are Tesla recall "bugs" and the time it takes to resolve them while the cars are out in the wild.
notallowedin t1_ixwl33v wrote
Second least reliable cars on the road are Teslas according to consumer reports. You couldn’t pay me to drive one.
TheNewMeYouHaventCN t1_ixxcn0c wrote
Because they rate cosmetic issues equally highly as mechanical. CR is a joke. Ask an owner how they like their Tesla.
muffinhead2580 t1_ixyr3z3 wrote
Have done so. A good friend of mine has an S plaid and said it has been in the shop or had mobile service more times than the rest of his cars combined. He likes driving the car but really, really wishes it was more reliable and the fit and finish was better.
Other manufacturers are going to be pushing tesla out of 5he market because they can actually manufacture reliable, good quality cars.
windydrew t1_iy1havk wrote
I have 42k miles on my 21 Model Y and have had zero major issues. It's been the second cheapest car I've ever owned (Chevy Bolt was cheapest due to cheaper tires) and we've taken many long trips on it. Best road trip EV ever.
muffinhead2580 t1_iy1ik3j wrote
That great for you and I'm sure there are lots of people with similar experience. The inconsistency is a big part of the quality problem though. Buying a car shouldn't be like a box of chocolates.
windydrew t1_iy1izs0 wrote
There's a reason that lemon laws are a thing. Because every manufacturer has issues with consistency and quality at points in their history. It's just that tesla gets more scrutiny, mostly because of political views and how this country is right now.
Plzbanmebrony t1_ixx0r99 wrote
Their review process doesn't allow them to provide informative review on tesla. Tesla updates and changes hardware frequently. They updates their cars like video game makers update games. Like get they like to have the best car they can but can't they just roll all those changes into new model years like everyone else?
Riaayo t1_ixyem13 wrote
You have to actually be able to produce cars that can meet demand regularly to think about making fucking model year cars lol.
Tesla is an over-valued joke.
Plzbanmebrony t1_ixymqzb wrote
That is why they are building multiple new factories.
Riaayo t1_iy2dnuo wrote
I mean that's cool, why are they valued higher than competitors who actually meet demand right now?
Because the value is smoke and mirrors bullshit. The company is over-valued.
Plzbanmebrony t1_iy2dwwt wrote
They don't have legacy facilities to convert like Ford does. Having more demand than product is not always bad. It means they are basically able to have guaranteed growth by just expanding production.
TheNewMeYouHaventCN t1_ixz4qvr wrote
Compare Tesla numbers against EV sales for the major established manufacturers.
It takes time to ramp up production and Tesla is doing very well. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.
Riaayo t1_iy2dj5f wrote
No, you can compare the total cars produced of both. By this same "metric", compare the amount of internal combustion engine vehicles Tesla sells. Oh fuck it's 0? Oh fuck, Tesla doesn't sell those? Oh fuck, the other manufacturers didn't use to sell EVs either?
But apparently only Tesla gets some slack for "taking time to ramp up production". You know who else takes time to ramp up production of a new product? Literally everyone. Except the other manufacturers already have manufacturing capabilities, factories, and workforces.
Tesla is literally only profitable because it sells its carbon credits. It doesn't sell enough vehicles to turn a profit.
Now, here's the thing: that'd all be "fine" if Tesla wasn't valued with the likes of fucking Google and Apple on the stock exchange. That is the fucking problem. Tesla produces so few vehicles that it's not only less than its competitors, but it can't meet its own demand and can't profit off those limited sales. Yet it's not only valued higher than its competitors, it's valued with the likes of Google?
Yeah, sorry. The company is over-valued and I don't care what "narrative" you're here to peddle.
Teamerchant t1_ixx471b wrote
Elons a POS. But Tesla does have some Damm good engineers. Best car I’ve had, comparing to Toyota, chevy, BMW and a mercury.
But I’m sure you’ll find some others that are opposite. However I will say I’m sitting at 4 tires and a couple filters after 4-5 years and that’s it for maintenance and repair costs. Model 3 got free supercharging so I don’t even pay for electricity. Battery is doing great even with 99% supercharging.
Steinrikur t1_ixy60j4 wrote
Free supercharging seems to be pretty sweet. I worked on fast chargers for 4 years (Mostly CCS/Chademo), and the one thing that I didn't like about the thing was how expensive it was. Cost per km is higher than petrol if you only use fast chargers.
Teamerchant t1_ixyfvve wrote
well for the few months i did pay, it was about $0.21 or $0.27 a kw. Basically i could go from 10%-90% for about $15. So for $15 i would get about 280 ish miles, not too shabby. Not sure what superchargers go for for now.
Steinrikur t1_ixyn3o1 wrote
Woah. Right now it's € 0.74 per kWh. So those 280 miles are around €50.
At €7/gallon of petrol, your mileage needs to be approx 40mpg or better to be cheaper with an ICE (Oil changes and other factors not included).
Teamerchant t1_ixzl24m wrote
Those are some crazy energy prices! But Europe is going brought some shot with Russia so hopefully once everything settles and dependencies for energy from les stable countries is fixed those prices can come back down.
rainforestparadise t1_ixxa1li wrote
Nah you’re just in the minority that’s all. Tesla’s are terribly built and it’s very common knowledge at this point.
TheNewMeYouHaventCN t1_ixxcrhh wrote
If you stick to reddit, sure. Go ahead believing these cars are awful when demand is astronomical. Us owners will continue to enjoy our cars.
rainforestparadise t1_ixxcwbx wrote
I don’t even really care, I’m just stating a fact that you could easily verify yourself.
balancedisbest t1_ixxgmzi wrote
It isn't our job to vet your hypothetical sources though. They replied with their personal experience as an owner of the car, and you just said in effect "nah they aren't" then stating it was a fact.
If you want some more personal nonowner experience, I haven't had any bad ones except the echo on the model Y. To actively discredit myself: my experience is from getting a ride in uber (MY, MS, MX, M3/E) and my friends vehicles (MS and M3/E), which is definitely not the same thing as owning and daily driving them.
unique_passive t1_ixxh8xa wrote
It’s so easy to vet though? Like a casual google will give you this answer, even from websites that are Tesla fanboy sites. The only real way to disagree with his point is to actively avoid learning about it
balancedisbest t1_ixxlgof wrote
See the thing I don't understand is how you and a couple other people in this thread say there's these big, huge, irredeemable issues, yet the cars have been tested by many countries safety authorities and given quite high marks. And even if you didn't believe those, you hear almost once a week that a Tesla saved some driver or passenger from a potentially fatal wreck.
Yes of course there's some big issues with Tesla's (autopilot not being an autopilot, driver assisted modes not seeing obstacles, etc) but safety from a pedestrian and passenger perspective? Not even close. The most unsafe I've ever felt in a Tesla has been always due to the driver, not the vehicle.
unique_passive t1_ixxmrmc wrote
I have literally never heard a news story of a single Tesla feature or characteristic being a positive, especially not that it being a Tesla “saved someone from a potentially fatal wreck” until today. Thought I’d try and work out what you weee talking about with a quick search. And I’m a little bit chilled at the story, to be honest. The autopilot turned itself on after a collision? What if the driver had lost consciousness, or had actually managed to navigate through the crash safely? Like you’re saying, autopilot has massive issues with it. I wouldn’t consider it a good thing that the autopilot turns itself on after a collision until autopilot actually works properly.
The features I’ve read about from ratings of the car are that aside from the model 3, the cars aren’t water tight, they’re incorrectly sealed, and the body panels don’t line up correctly, leading to greater risks of water damage and flooding. Car can perform as great as it likes, I’m not driving something that will get damaged by rain. But that’s just the CR, I guess. Anecdotal evidence is better according to the weird replies people are giving.
balancedisbest t1_iy08tyn wrote
>Thought I’d try and work out what you weee talking about with a quick search. And I’m a little bit chilled at the story, to be honest. The autopilot turned itself on after a collision? What if the driver had lost consciousness, or had actually managed to navigate through the crash safely?
Autopilot as far as I know, always concedes control to the driver, unless the driver is unresponsive. I recall only once hearing about autopilot taking over/turning on after a crash, but I don't remember the circumstances. Might have been the driver hitting the prompt due to the inertia? I haven't heard about that one since then though.
I don't think easily amendable issues like weather sealing and panel gaps count as "urgent safety concerns" though.
unique_passive t1_iy0oqmp wrote
Never called that an urgent safety concern, so not sure why you’d throw some quotes around that like it’s something I said. It’s also irrelevant how easy you think it is to amend, I wouldn’t buy a car that you immediately need to put work into just to drive it in the rain. It’s a poorly designed car if it’s not fit for purpose.
balancedisbest t1_iy9nx2c wrote
>Never called that an urgent safety concern, so not sure why you’d throw some quotes around that like it’s something I said.
Yup that's a my bad, confused two comments.
While I do agree that there shouldnt be a frequent (naturally, one or two lemons will slip through) issues that need addressing right off delivery, if it was just weather sealing or maybe a slightly squeaking door etc, I personally wouldn't let that stop my purchase.
TheNewMeYouHaventCN t1_ixxhfpo wrote
LOL I knew it was CR. They rate cosmetic issues just as heavily as mechanical.
Go actually TALK to a Tesla owner. You'll find by and large they love their cars. Especially love bare minimum maintenance.
unique_passive t1_ixxl1i8 wrote
I guess ignore the literal breakdown given of the issues in the CR and pretend like people don’t have valid concerns on the car.
I mean. body panels not lining up in a car that already has known water leakage issues? That’s going to compound the issue pretty harshly. The car is regularly not constructed with the correct seals??
If you can’t drive the thing in the rain it’s a sack of shit car, I’m not sure what is so hard to get about that.
rainforestparadise t1_ixxoyef wrote
Classic simpleton taking anecdotal evidence and trying to use it to argue on the internet where you can literally just do some research yourself.
Timbershoe t1_ixyfll0 wrote
Do YoUR oWN ReseArCh.
You think first hand experience isn’t as valid as some meme on social media you class as ‘research’.
balancedisbest t1_iy0971j wrote
Imagine being unable to read about the very issues you keep bringing up. Elon might ^(absolutely) suck ass, but at the very least the dude can read.
Badfickle t1_ixza6me wrote
Look at the list of recalls by manufacturer.
brennanfee t1_ixxkzjg wrote
> Second least reliable cars on the road are Teslas according to consumer reports.
Which is fucking bullshit.
Steinrikur t1_ixy63by wrote
brennanfee t1_ixzhuss wrote
From the article OP linked:
> Model 3 and Model Y light issue can be fixed with software update
Steinrikur t1_ixzn8vw wrote
Let's not pretend this is the only issue
brennanfee t1_ixzrqa7 wrote
> Let's not pretend this is the only issue
No. But Tesla's are, by far, the most reliable vehicles currently being manufactured. Consumer Reports is again using "recalls" like simple software updates as a metric when they shouldn't be.
This is the problem with most current media on this topic. The concept of a software update that fixes something that the owner wasn't even aware was broken... versus having to take your care in for physical service and possibly lose the use of your vehicle for a few hours or even days are two entirely different consumer experiences.
OTA software updates need to be placed in a separate category from traditional "recalls". In fact, there are some good metrics we could track on software updates... for instance, how long from identification of problem to roll-out of software fix. That would be a good metric to track.
Steinrikur t1_ixzz9zq wrote
I actually agree on that part. The consumer reports is behind a paywall so I didn't see the criteria they used.
My point was that they are indeed #2. Your reason s for calling it bullshit could have come a few comments earlier
brennanfee t1_ixzzyml wrote
> My point was that they are indeed #2.
Due to their bullshit criteria, as I said.
Gasser1313 t1_ixwojvg wrote
You probably can’t afford one.
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixwu7to wrote
I bet you can't either, but you think that simping for them somehow conveys the same status as owning one that you crave.
[deleted] t1_ixx0k13 wrote
taterthotsalad t1_ixwvzln wrote
I can, but I value my family's safety over sucking Musk's cock. Any other car I can walk away from still breathing air. Musks autos and dick...not so much.
Gasser1313 t1_ixx0i8m wrote
Lol! I have had one since 2018. No issues.
taterthotsalad t1_ixx2snk wrote
Except you don’t know if you can walk away from it yet. You have trouble reading don’t you?
Gasser1313 t1_ixx2zc0 wrote
God your stupid. No wonder your statement made little sense. Probably go back to sucking dick brah
taterthotsalad t1_ixx38sb wrote
You’re* At least I can spell, read and do complex math. All you can do is tie a cherry stem with your tongue while fawning over Musk daddy with your tie tightly around your throat. Safety is safety. Tesla has been anything but safety.
Edit: They blocked me. Lmao
[deleted] t1_ixx4r0l wrote
DonQuixBalls t1_ixyi47a wrote
Always with the homophobic slurs. Retire it.
notallowedin t1_ixwwvc7 wrote
I can afford the car but not the constant never-ending repairs. Plus they are ugly as shit so..
Gasser1313 t1_ixx0nte wrote
What repairs? I have had to fix a torn valve for the AC but that’s it and I had the car since 2018.
notallowedin t1_ixxi4yg wrote
Ok that’s one.
nyrol t1_ixxjdm5 wrote
Not sure what you mean by never ending repairs. Out of the 8 people I know of that own them, one has had one in for repairs, and that was due to a collision. So far, 0% of people I know have had problems which required a repair. They’ll nitpick that Spotify doesn’t load sometimes, or that the web browser on older cars is slow, but nothing about anything mechanical or even really buggy software.
Steinrikur t1_ixy5rx0 wrote
As much as I don't like Tesla, calling a SW update a recall is a bit of a misnomer.
The cars don't need to be shipped back to the factory for repairs, they just need like 5 minutes of Internet access.
londons_explorer t1_ixyoyde wrote
Lots of cars never get internet access at all.
Lots of owners can't be bothered to connect their car to WiFi. They just want to drive it places.
Those cars will never get this update, and will continue to be a risk to other drivers and the public.
Steinrikur t1_ixysihc wrote
That's exactly who this "recall" is aimed at.
Last time there was a Tesla "recall" it came with the story that this update had already been applied on 95% of the vehicles affected.
w0m t1_iy3gpt9 wrote
Anything safety related gets pulled via the cars built in 3g, user will be prompted to apply update in App or when they sit down in the car.
ShirBlackspots t1_ixza4fd wrote
Blame the NHTSA for this, all resulting from allowing owners to pipe their own sounds over the sound box, NHTSA decided that every small fix has to be a recall, so Tesla is taking full advantage of that.
Badfickle t1_ixz9n5u wrote
Meanwhile Ford recalls 1/2 Million cars because of fires breaking out and there's crickets on this site.
schrodingerinthehat t1_iy1es1m wrote
If you're defending Tesla's record by referencing Ford... no one defended Ford as a reliable manufacturer. Ford is the only one worse than Tesla.
People here are talking about how Tesla's constant recalls are not a problem, because they can do OTA.
GreatBigJerk t1_ixxlfcp wrote
The fact that things can be fixed via a software update is awesome. The fact that Tesla is apparently using its customers as QA for their beta cars is not.
Badfickle t1_ixzbmxb wrote
Look at the list of recalls from all manufacturers. You wouldn't know it from this astroturfed site but tesla is on the low side of recalls and most of them are mild.
[deleted] t1_ixyinqh wrote
[deleted] t1_ixympm1 wrote
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