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basednyourfknface420 t1_ixvel25 wrote

And that’s all they want .. they could cure it by where’s the money in that? They’d rather keep you sick and dependent on there drug to stay alive .


TyNyeTheTransGuy t1_ixvf34l wrote

Begone, conspiracy theorist.


pterodactyl_balls t1_ixvvmnr wrote

What’s the conspiracy?


Sigmundschadenfreude t1_ixvyjie wrote

The assumption that cure is being suppressed. This conspiracy is usually peddled by mental gnats who have no idea about the complexities of cancer biology


pterodactyl_balls t1_ixwb8oj wrote

A conspiracy is an agreement between two parties to commit an illegal act. What part of the alleged 'suppression' constitutes an illegal act?


Tibetzz t1_ixwe9ym wrote

the definition of the criminal act "conspiracy" is not relevant to the cultural definition of a "conspiracy theory", which is not always criminal and is always something that is being covered up.


A_Shadow t1_ixwuowl wrote

For his "theory" to be correct, it would have to an agreement with all the drug companies in world to suppress the one cure for cancer.


unripenedboyparts t1_ixvgb58 wrote

>where’s the money in that?

Well gosh, I always thought insurance was this huge racket but then some genius at the bottom of a Reddit thread used poor grammar and punctuation to allude to this conspiracy while never quite explaining it, and now I realize that only drug manufacturers are wealthy enough to suppress a cure for cancer.

Poor BCBS.


basednyourfknface420 t1_ixx4jjc wrote

What you just wrote is incoherent. There’s nothing to respond to . Make sense and maybe I will own you . Pompous overtone did come through but the ignorant rant really lost connection with the reader


Even-Willow t1_ixvw0iw wrote

I hope you get the help you deserve one day there buddy.


basednyourfknface420 t1_ixx4q5n wrote

Your an excellent chime in er lol now go get your 4th booster . Your so agreeable it’s adorable. Your gonna agree your way right into a WEF cage


DigitalParacosm t1_ixwecf1 wrote

The company who made this drug is small and isn’t getting any favors from the FDA in its approval process. You do not know what you’re talking about.


basednyourfknface420 t1_ixx3zjf wrote

Who funds the studies ? Nih? No problems there haha have you been boosted yet? You should get it again I hear that’s going very well.


DigitalParacosm t1_ixxa8uv wrote

“Who funds the studies? NIH? No problems there haha have you been boosted yet? You should get it again I hear that’s going very well.” -basednyourfknface420

That’s easy information to Google but I’ll help you out.

The drug, DCvax, was authorized to be used on anyone who could make it to Germany, not just for Germans but if you flew your ass to Germany with a glioblastoma, they would give you this vaccine as early as 2015. Easily a $200k treatment.

Germany’s toughest medical regulator, PEI, gave them a hospital exemption to administer this drug to patients who were in what you could call a terminal ward. That was like 7 years ago, man.

Germany is a country that rightfully laughs at our private medical corruption, and instead, they direct their resources to finding innovative treatments for their people. PEI only invested after the drug after it performed well in a hospital setting. I want you to imagine how a healthcare system could work without private corruption from insurance/big pharma. This country invested in this drug after presumably seeing it work in a very fucking grim setting. Imagine patients dying every 7, 30, 60, 90 days and now suddenly *they’re not * kind of shit.

Why would Germany offer to give a 200k therapy to not only their people, but foreign nationals as well? They have a healthcare system that works for their people, not a broken healthcare system that requires their people to die for it.

The conclusion we’re left with is either Germany spent millions of dollars to murder not only dying Germans, but everyone already dying with the most sinister brain tumor in the world, or, they’ve got a healthcare system that is agile enough to invest and deliver breakthrough medications to their people, and the world.

I’ve seen these patients die 10 months from diagnosis, and really the best we’ve got is a drug called Temodar which is like super-chemo injected into a reservoir anchored into your brain. If there is another option than that: sign me the fuck up.

Do you know what chemotherapy does to you? An oncologist once told me “i just give people poison.. and sometimes it works” - it’s a dark joke, but it accurately portrays the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy. He likened it to hammering a nail into your door frame with a sledgehammer, we got the mail in there fine, but we fucked your frame and door up in the process and the door might not quite close now. Chemo is the weatherstripping. he is not wrong. Chemotherapy isn’t targeted like these treatments are.

Why don’t you be anti-chemo, then you can sound smart instead of insane. You’re not safe from spreading disinformation on a technology subreddit: there are medical professionals here.


Tibetzz t1_ixwewq2 wrote

To be clear, you believe that the pharmaceutical industry is so hyper-competent that they can cure all illnesses with a single course of treatment, but they are too incompetent to turn that cure into a lifetime monthly subscription?


basednyourfknface420 t1_ixx4adb wrote

Hyper competent? Your just ignorant to what they’re capable of. You know the elite are out spoken depopulationists? The ones who made the vax you took .. yeah they think there are too many people and they thinks it’s an emergency.. you should really read your leaders writings ( Klaus schwab) agenda 2030


Tibetzz t1_ixx5s3q wrote

How is any of that relevant to the topic? We were talking about where the money was, and how the elite can keep you dependent on their drugs to stay alive.

So again. You believe they have the ability to cure any cancer, but they won't do it because they can't make money off of healthy people who don't need their products. However, if they can cure cancer, they can easily make that cure into a monthly prescription for the rest of your life, to keep you cancer free.

Let's weigh the options for the elites who own us.

Don't Cure Cancer:

-People buy your products, somewhere between some and most of them die in a few years and stop buying your products.

Cure Cancer:

-Patients live the longest possible lives, buying your product the whole time.

-You literally control whether any cancer patient dies of cancer.

If anything, if they announce a cure for all cancer, that's when it's time to get worried about the pharmaceutical cabal.


basednyourfknface420 t1_ixx9w76 wrote

Yes I’d be willing to bet they can , see the head of the nih is a depopulationist, nih protocol was put in place to kill people and inhalers and ivermectin were told it to use. So use that instance and ask yoursef if they would to that do you think they would keep a cure for cancer from you? A depopulationist? Just like hiv they have drugs that make you undetectable but not cured , wouldn’t that be more difficult? The can edit your genes to. It get cancer( crisper) why would you think they couldn’t?


Tibetzz t1_ixxb2nf wrote

I'm sure they could, however I am quite confident that everything you've just said is only plausible in a bad film plot, whereas in the real world the global elites control everything through very conventional means, as well as have goals that actually make sense and benefit them in some way.